Sep 13Liked by Gregory Mannarino

The derivativization of the entire world.

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Derivat = comes from, not the original!

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The financialization and militarization of the Western economies. Inflation, shrinkflation and, ergo, fascism i.e. slave labor.

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I'll have some lead tokens waiting for them

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We are already traded…look into what birth certificates really are.

Tokenisation or not…they already own everything…we just buy the rights to put our name on it.

Watch “The Great Taking” on jewtube….they’ve been slowly slowly changing rules and regulations for decades.

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And download the pdf. It's free.

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Sep 13Liked by Gregory Mannarino

lynette zang has been talking about this quite a while

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I like Lynette, but look her up! She comes from the people, that scares me! The little promille of - the families we know to do bad things! I think she is good, but still - I do think 2 times now! I take a look at everybody now-a days - and find - from the famelies - most of the time, and if there are money involved - they are there!

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It is already here. Everything has accelerated tremendously this year especially in other countries. Research and you will find it

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God should have stopped after he made the animals. Humans are such a disappointment.

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Omg, Greg. Almighty God will not allow that just now. That’s satan’s plan during the tribulation. As long as believers are on the earth, we are salt & light & are preserving our world. Look at your idea to put America back on a sound money system . That’s a God idea & he will bless it. Millions of us will support you

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Stopworldcontrol.com is a great resource of truth and gives ways we can resist the coming Great Reset. I read that Bill Gates has patent where people earn crypto based on efforts put forth. Bing Chat confirms this but ends the comment saying this is not going to be microchips so it likely will be.

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Just really think about the irony. The only thing government does is lies to us. The only thing politicians do is lie forever

And if you call that out, if you address that you are a nutcase, you’re a conspiracy theorist and you’re an anti-American lunatic but everybody knows there is never ever any truth to politicians or government. It’s beyond bizarre twilight zone.

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The very core foundation of tokenization, of course, is valuation. Who or what AI system will assign values (points, credits, etc.) to each and every token? And, will these values be permitted to change over time (e.g., inflation) or, much like precious metals will they be pre-assigned with some fairly limited range of change or availability? If the IMF or World Bank assumes this valuation responsibility then nothing at all will have been gained relative to the present evil system and almost everything lost... including our individual sovereignty.

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AI can process the information needed to tokenize everything. Hopefully they run out of electricity to power AI.

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We can only hope but in the meantime I’ll look for opportunities in the nuclear energy field.

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We are spiritually beings and this is part of eternity- weither in the the spirit or in the body we are alive in him. You can kill me but I will be alive in the spirit in him. Hold on to the faith . This is all planned and we win!

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All of this has been known, for quite some time now.

This is what Central Bank Digital Currency (AND CRYPTO) IS; and when THAT is tied to what is being called, 'Social Credit Score' = WE'RE FK-ED!! Ones WHOLE LIFE....and when I say, 'WHOLE LIFE', this includes YOUR EVERY MOVEMENT/STEP that you take.....every second, of EVERY DAY.

It's what is called.......PRISON PLANET. Which is why ALEX JONES named his 'sister site' to InfoWars, 'Prison Planet'. HOW did Alex KNOW all of this stuff, WAY back when?? SIMPLE!.......he READS ALL of what the EVIL Globalists PUT OUT. It was ALWAYS THERE......for ANYONE to SEE (read); yet the LOW IQ's would rather scream, 'CONSPIRACY THEORIST', at Alex/InfoWars! But, the REALITY IS (and I DO just LOVE saying this.....).........'ALEX JONES WAS RIGHT!'. lol

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South Park was decades ahead on Tokenization.

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We're going to have fight back, there is no turning back now.

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You will own nothing... Yeah, come and get it. It sounds like Nazis with computers, I'll pass. While i'm not all about owning things, things i have worked for are mine, i'm not into sharing my stuff with communists and lazy dolts. If anyone is getting my stuff, it's my children.

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The cattle must be tagged.

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Leading to branding.

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Revelation 13:16

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:


And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Have you noticed the proliferation of barcode readers in all manner of retail establishments? I believe this is preparation for the coming mark which could be an electronic tattoo, invisible to the naked eye but readable by infra-red devices.

Just a note to you disbelievers, but to take that mark is an UNFORGIVABLE sin and relegates your soul to spend eternity with LUCIFER! Happy trails!

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The asleep can't connect and leading us down the rowing to hell.

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This process has been going on for a long time, this fake world reaching its logical conclusion. Paper money representing gold and silver was the start, we should not be surprised.

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