F the medical ghouls and their tyranny.

Also, there have been many scamdemics before 'covid' like 'polio virus,' '1976 swine flu virus,' 'HIV,' '2009 swine flu virus,' and any other 'virus' ever. No 'virus' has ever been legitimately found, isolated, or been proven to exist or cause any disease. It is all fraud (and needless to say any 'test' that 'finds' a non-existent virus is also a fraud). The poisonous vaccine technology has recently changed to 'mRNA' but all vaccines throughout history have been poisonous and ineffective. Nothing new here... But every few years a new crop of people have to learn the hard way about scamdemics and poison vaccines. 'Viruses' and vaccines are a cult religion masquerading as science (and being used to cause hysteria among the masses and sicken and kill them).

Yes, some of these diseases actually exist-- like Poliomyelitis paralysis. It was originally caused by nerve-poison pesticides like DDT, and now is mostly caused by nerve-poison ingredients in vaccines and renamed to such things as Guillain-Barre, Bell's Palsy, Transverse Myelite, Acute Flaccid Paralysis, etc etc. You will recognize those as common vaccine side-effects (and yet people are still getting injected with 'polio virus' vaccines to this day). In many cases a 'virus' serves as a cover-story for a poisoning event of some sort. In the case of 'covid' it seems to have been a multi-pronged operation to cover up the trillions of dollars of cash injections for the liquidity crisis of late 2019, and also to begin the final culling/enslavement of humans worldwide.

So no, I'm not surprised there is a new scamdemic about to be deployed against us. These psychopathic lunatics never stop...

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Polio was caused by spraying crops with lead to kill bugs

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The wide-spread Polio epidemics began in the late 1800s in Europe right after the start of agricultural insecticide spraying of DDT. As DDT was used more and more, the polio epidemics became larger and larger (peaking in about the 1940s-50s, before DDT started to be phased out). At that time, the 'polio virus' fraud was invented and Salk's toxic vaccine (which was Eisenhower's Warp Speed program, by the way).

But yes, throughout history toxic poisonings have caused nerve damage / Polio. Lead-Arsenic pesticides were used before DDT and they also caused Polio, but not on the scale of mass-produced mass-deployed chemical poisons like DDT.

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More people got "polio" and other sorts of issues after the polio jabs. (Look into Simian Virus SV40 contamination which caused cancer to explode.)

They also kept changing the criteria. (Sound familiar?)

Cleaner drinking water and better sanitation did more than anything to eliminate "polio" and tuberculosis.

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CDC Director Robert Redfield has said three times publicly that "bird flu" will be the next "great pandemic," with a lethality of anywhere from 10-50%. They will of course use this to justify mass-cullings of livestock, wildlife and pets, and yank meat and dairy from the store shelves, and further consolidate the farms and be rid of the small farmer who does things right.


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So true.. its a death cult and we are in the middle of the great culling/poisoning on many vectors in a hybrid war against all living things. Famine is engineered..very few are connecting the dots to famine and how they are systematically deteriorating the food supply chains and seizing our resources. Bit by bit in what look like unfortunate "accidents", fires, explosions and "coincidences" Farms and animals being culled.

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Book: The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses, Including Coronavirus, Are Not the Cause of Disease By Thomas Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell https://aim4truth.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/The_Contagion_Myth_Why_Viruses_Including_Coronavirus_Are_Not_the_Cause_of_Disease_by_Thomas_S._Cowan_Sally_Fallon_Morell.pdf

Book: Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense http://www.gregcaton.com/bks/virus_mania.pdf

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The rest of your comments vanish 🤣

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Should we sell oil since it crashed during COVID?

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Good question

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I am and shall remain, a pure blood. I will never take any vaccine upon pain of death. Put that in yer book NSA and shove it up yer ass while yer at it.

This scamdemic is to insure FJB is selected using mail in ballots etc.

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hi folks from the uk...be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours all platforms and alternative outlets can be used that said dont bother with GESTAPO BOOK who you can be sure will suppress it...it currently has over 2,244000 signatures

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🤣Biden put higher taxes on China medical supplies now it’s going to cost more for masks,gloves and needles

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"The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

-St. Augustine-

“The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

-John Stuart Mill-

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."


“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”

-John Wayne-

YouTube Removes 35,000 EU Videos for “Misinformation,” Enhances Content Censorship Ahead of 2024 Elections


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If they don’t pull this video it’s a good sign that their BS has gotten weaker

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Should we sell oil since it crashed during COVID?

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Greg; (23May2024) Thank you for having 'righteous anger'... that is honorable. Are you aware that Dr. William Mount, PhD-Forestry announced on his youtube show that the H1N1 DNA is in the ANIMAL VACCINES, which are mandated by the federal levels... which is putting that disease INTO the cattle and poultry? Pasteurization obliterates that DNA in milk. Cooking chicken obliterates that DNA in poultry. So human transmission is FAKE science. So they are LYING again... using the same Play Book... to set up the Scamdemic 2.0. This time men cannot WAIT to see what happens next...... and they must move out legally, politically... and errrr... whatever is necessary to stop this crime.. In South Carolina, an attorney is in charge of the State Health department which ALREADY HAS the 'Contact Tracing'... vaccine passport programs... ready to use. I have the legal evidence. This is Life or Death for Americans. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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what TIME (EST) is the Premarket report streamed?

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COVID Vaccine adverse reaction victim Celine Dion.

'I WON'T STOP' Celine Dion sobs over ‘struggle’ with Stiff Person Syndrome and insists she will ‘crawl’ to shows in documentary trailer


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.... "why isn't anyone telling us what's really going on?"... he exhaled in exasperation - then in a whisper- "you gotta watch what you say here or ScrewYube will take ya down"... blame the hypnotists in the ministry of truth. They'll never tell the truth - silver is so cheap you get too much for your money.

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Denied g.m. i am a no compliance zone. they can pull their lip clean over their head and swallow .

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