Greg, You're looking tired. How is your sister doing? My thoughts and prayers are with your family...

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Yes, the meltdown will be global this time.

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Taking profit today Mannarino

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Gregorrino my man! You are right. It’s raining something over in jolly old England but it ain’t water. ‘More like the stuff that comes out of the south end of a north bound cow!

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London/California here m8 it never rains in the Uk or California LMFAO

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Where is London CA? 😝

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Hey Andy.?I had an operation on my lower spine. I’ve been away for about a week. “How long have I had a weak back? Oh, from about a week back, Nyuk, Nyuk, nyuk.

Oh! A wise guy Ehh?!!!

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Born in Hackney .. been in California since 86 … up in the Redwoods now

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Redwoods? Either in the Costal Range (Santa Cruz Mountains) or Sierras. Redwoods up in Humbolt County too. You got it made up there. I tee up in S.F. Retired from the Fire Dept. In 95.

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Ur on it .. between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz

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Gazos Creek Road and Pescadero Beach? Foggy but beautiful country.

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Grew up not tee up!

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Where you at 2 gloves

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Scottsdale AZ. We call it “Snottsdale.”Lots of posers out here.

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M8 I roughed it down in AZ coupla years ago down in Quartzsite/Yuma love the Az

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Andy, Yuma is quite a place. That’s where you run into real cowgirls.

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What other adjectives could Powell create to describe inflation later today? His words will tell the tale later on definitely

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Is it Shit Shite or Shinola

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