How is there silver manipulation when anyone can buy a contract and take deliveries ? Fact is there is no demand for silver at all for the last 10 years plus !

People are buying junk bonds but they won't touch silver with a 10 foot pole. After analyzing silver , it's clear that the best way to play silver is to stay out and wait for the vertical spike. Once that's over short for 10 years or so

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Everybody knows that the market for Paper Silver is manipulated on a highest scale. That's proven and well documented.

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There are two types of manipulations:

1. Spoofing: Software robots analyze the order pipeline and apply the algo based on that. We can put a large buy order of 10 millions shares way below the ask to mess up the algo and then remove it. Now we can't do that because SEC protects their buddies in wall street and put people in jail for doing that but you can do that a few times in collaboration with friends or different accounts.

2. They can short contracts on comex because they know on the day of expiration , most will never buy physical

The last sentence is the key here. There is no demand for physical else above two manipulations fail spectacularly.

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Intelligent people put huge amount of thoughts into Smallest amount of words. Ted does the opposite.

If JPM is shorting paper contracts then why isn't so many billionaires taking deliveries ? Answer: There is VERY little demand for silver. Hardly anyone wants to take the deliveries of physical.

All the billionaires , hedge funds and central banks around the world prefer junk bonds and treasuries. Only gold bugs like Peter Schiff, Lynett Zeng etc buy silver and get fleeced. Then they grow wool again.

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ECB Governing Council Press Conference - 09 September 2021 live:


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it speaks ...

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ECB Decision text:



German markets buy ECB decision. Press Conference incoming. Than we will see how market reacts. Hope NO stupid selling.

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Buy the Dip? No!!! Wait.

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Weak, weaker, GermanDAX.

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Today: ECB

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GermanDax smells like 10 % crash.

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What all of you want ? That the FED raises rate and stops the QE? If they did that , 95% will lose their job within a week, all 401 K will disappear and most will simply starve to death. Not to mention gold silver and crypto may hit zero instantly lol I mean silver is getting bleeding butt fked as is when the FED is utter dovish for the last 10 plus years. The worst investment ever

Can someone explain what policies from the FED are you seeking ? I totally understand that bashing the FED is in vogue but what's beyond that ? What would be a good policy from the FED at this time ?

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