Your cash may not even be accessible moved into the larger banks I just seen they are looking to start implementing the biometric facial ID to be able to access your funds starting in 2025 , hmm didnt trump fully support the biometric tracking system to keep us "safe" at the border ? Now they are priming him to be re-installed as the "savior" to lead the sheep to the final endgame.

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Why do banks need a crucial lifeline? What a load of shit.

I dont get a lifeline. I get a tax anchor along with the insurance chain around my neck and tossed overboard.

I hope all the banks go under. Especially the fed.

I have read where Morgan Stanley and Chase are being targeted for destruction. Moving to a big bank is no solution IMO.

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Drone attacks struck Russia 26 miles from Moscow.

How long does anyone think we have?

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Canadian Banks are the safest in the world!

The Big Six refers to the major banks of Canada. The list includes the TD, Royal Bank, the Bank of Montreal, Scotiabank, CIBC, and the National Bank.

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Bitcoin a Deep State Operation: Preprogramming & Preconditioning the public for digital monetary systems


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“I thought they would allow this [the Great Financial Crisis (GFC)] to correct properly, and then they didn't, you know? They bailed everybody out, and nobody went to jail, and, you know, that's when I really, really, really got pissed off, because there was a lot of wrongdoing going on at the time and it was all condoned, and, you know, some of the people that did the stuff became our public heroes.”

--Wolf Richter—

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China just said they will back Russia against NATO if Russia is attacked.

A nuclear war insures none of this matters anymore.

When all else fails, they take us to war. China is a failed communist state. America is a failed state. Russia is a failed state.The EU is a failure.

See the picture emerging here?

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281 745 54000

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start doing this revolt https://freedomtaker.com/

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I did it. Gots my account in the local cooperative credit union now. And bought an ounce of silver from Foster's Coins in Berkeley yesterday too -- and also finally finished my opus on the millions of Muslims who have been murdered by colonialist "wars". https://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/2024/03/never-forget-remembering-muslim.html

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Trump is unable to secure a bond in order to appeal Letitia James 454 million dollar judgement.

The show must go on.

Little pink FEMA camps for you and me.

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Thank you Gregory. You are very kind and do great service, which I appreciate and try to help you spread the word to those few who have ears to hear and eyes to see. It is very frustrating and sad and also angers me to have to watch people going down because they can’t think and move beyond normalcy bias.

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Omg Greg you’re always ahead of the curve! There is so much going on in every direction and things are unfolding quickly. You are the best analyst ever!!! Ty! Much love, Brook

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I see TD bank is one of the largest in the us should I b worried

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Why SM Banks ? Are they backing Trump’s $500M civil fraud judgement ?

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Love this video. Sorry for your relation. I know how it feels. I'm getting my crypto-currencies piece-mealed to me after the closure of my exchange, BlockFi. Some of your relatives must shake in their boots when they realize you're coming to dinner. "What is Greg going to tell us now?"

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