Dec 28, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

greg, u need to print more t-shirts with your face on them and some of your famous quotes like: 'dog s)&t, cat s:$t' etc. i reckon it would be cool wearing them and u would make a small fortune.

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yes !

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Cause we the people don’t hold them accountable. Plain and simple

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Nice day in Vegas today!

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This is all by design to completely bankrupt the US. We are no longer a first world country with criminals running the country. They have to create more debt- ie house loans, consumer credit- all phony money. Do not take on any new debt, pay it off as fast as you can and store up on storable food, Silver, and of course things to protect you and your family. Taxes- thy don't need your money as they can just print whatever thy need out of thin air.

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Make sense

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In terms of media mind blasting everyone, who watches all these media outlets for business

like Fox or MSNBC, etc.? There are literally hundreds of outlets providing information like

you, Zero Hedge, Euro Dollar University, The Maverick of Wall Street, etc. etc.. So, the notion

since the internet that they have you mind melted with their media outlets is a bit of a reach

as explained. You also have Quill Intelligence, Hedge Eye, etc. so anyone can find information

they want to look over or consider in terms of the economic and market conditions.

But, the whole inflation fixation right now by the media outlets and central banks, etc. in my

own opinion is that they "fear" deflation more than inflation as the whole economic system runs

hotter and at higher levels with inflation rather than deflation. When deflation occurs that's when

the investment banks and central banks and investors in general will sh__ themselves as that

is a "down draft" in economic activity and raw economics in all areas whether commodities, or

retail, or medical etc. as that means your actual economy is stalled or stalling or declining.

So, I'm not quite sure but in my own mind I think deflation will rock all their boats and they

can tolerate some inflation but not astronomical levels. Maybe, that's why they are increasing

interest rates on loans "but" certainly not to 7.00 or 8.00%.

In terms of the Ninja Loans you are now stating the banks are doing and credit cards, if my

memory serves me correctly, in the 2007-2008 debacle in the housing market, the Federal

Government put in place new "regulation" so that banks couldn't get away with putting lip

stick on their pigs they sell to unsuspecting general investment community. What happened

to all that regulation folks? It was sent down the toilet in 2016 and onward in favor of laissez

faire business and so the return of the principle of caveat emptor- "buyer beware". Now, if

you have this type of regulatory condition or state in the investment system, real estate, how

does one think there will be a "better" outcome than the results of 2007-2008 debacle? There

won't because the same no rules just right exist today. Secondarily, if you are in the banking

or investment banking area and you see other firms doing Ninja Loans maybe that should be

divulged to your Congressmen or Senators so they can actually nip that deregulation in the

bud before it becomes a chancre sore on the horse you ride on for income? No, no one can

do that any more because we are all "victims" and we can't change any thing or cause better

public policy and regulations to thwart mal investments again and again?!!? Really?

So, even as they let the inflation circumstance to continue but lower levels, you should anticipate

there will be an equal and opposite deflationary process as everything is in a cycle or process.

That's why I'm not high on commodities, because when this shtf everything will go down significantly

in value so your value is halved in all circumstances?? I think the folks betting on commodities right

now or into 2023 have gotten use to those golden horses due to ever increasing economics and

consumption when in fact invariably the world is moving to less global economics and more so toward regional and national realities. Now, in China, whether the CSNBC or others say China

is opening, what they don't tell you is that Covid Cases are skyrocketing in China and whether you

have lock downs or not, the mere fact that China has not moved out of Covid is indicative of why

China is sputtering economically today as consumption of produced Chinese Goods wanes and

so China needs less inputs with their production plants either closed or at much lower production

levels in lieu of actual consumption/orders of "stuff". In reviewing the oil and natural gas markets,

it appears that even with Russian Oil and Gas starting to move off the world markets as sanctions

and limit per barrel of $60.00 per barrel bites in, Europe has enough natural gas and so stored

large amounts prior to the Russian closure of gas and oil to get through the winter. Meanwhile,

Opec Member States even though they grumble about pricing going down, still will agree to the

cost reductions not because they are philanthropic but more so because they are so highly divested

into the rest of the World Markets that when they consume, produce and pay it inevitably sends

profit into their pockets except in an ancillary manner. So, the cost per barrel will be a up front

cost calculation "but" in the wider analysis of how they now make profit and money, the larger

developed world provides a plethora of profit channels and "pipelines" so they are making their

money in the whole process as explained. The Russians in converse position due to their invasion

and so sanctions by the majority of nations due to this folly, are now going to hurt much more so

than not even with China and India having picked up some of the Russian Oil in the markets. They

to, now have to consider the idea of sanctions in dealing with Russia as the mad bear tries to stomp

and threaten any nation that does not agree with them. The quintessential position of Russia currently

in Ukraine and so much of the world, is the only thing left for Putin to threaten everyone and anyone

is nukes even though he and his junta in the Kremlin are starting to get their heads around the outcome of the use of nukes which in the most kindly way possible is stating they wish to commit

suicide of their own nation and people. But that shouldn't startle anyone any more either.

As far as TSLA, they will support TSLA at the current stock price today in hopes of keeping dumber

and retail investors buying the notion of "buy the dip in TSLA" when in fact the dip has not arrived

at this time and date. TSLA is going to drop to $87-92 at some point in the next 4 weeks so keep

your powder dry "if" you like or want to take a position in TSLA. I'm not thoroughly convinced that

TSLA is use to the notion of a competitive market in EV's now and so the bravado of Musk simply won't carry the day for TSLA. any longer. Besides, as I have stated before, if your owner of a company

you are considering investing in has sold away his stock position in the his own company below

51% to actually 14% should you trust him in this business endeavor and secondarily after selling

away in direct adverse results against the actual stockholders and bond holders of TSLA that

results in the stock crashing to lower levels. To lock in the profit for the owner in billions of sold

TSLA stock he owns then after this fact reassuring the retail and investment banks that he won't

sell away again and again to beat the "street" before the stocks drops precipitously lower as this

process goes forward is incredibly short sighted as it pertains to your own investment in that

considered stock.

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Thought you might want to see this as it's all about the 'Plandemic and the Debt bubble. Brand new interview with Edward Dowd and Mel K, https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/12/inconvenient-truths-sudden-deaths-exposed-edward-dowd-with-mel-k-video/

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There will be a surge of liquidity (massive amounts of Repurchasing Agreements) sometime in January, until then expect the debt market to continue to keep remaining insolvent. When this happens, it will keep the market on its feet for several months, before the situation becomes "critical" again.

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Control is what the central banks are for pure and simple

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pump and dump,they are gaslighting the people! to the great reset! peeking is so funny!

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We are headed for a photo finish no doubt , only thing to determine is when i'm real interested in what they will do if the mmri crosses 300 again

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Anybody out there have any inkling as to when a “Minsky Moment” happens? Sheesh, this is a world record holder slow freakin’ burn!

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