President-Elect ZioDec 15

Added to my Silver Call @ 24,14usd

President-Elect ZioDec 15

My target for the Silver Call to be added is Goldprice @ 1911usd or 2004usd.

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We're all focused on the economic situation and rightfully so. However, you're still

not getting it! Donald Trump is not going away quietly, he has seditious supporters

advocating sedition from the United States of America over "voter fraud" schtick

all the while once under oath and in a court of law with conservative Trump Judges

being asked "are you claiming voter fraud" at which point they say "no" in "court"!

They lose all these court cases yet people addicted to Q Anon, Parler, etc. are being

lied to about voter fraud by no other than the master of lying our current diselected

President Donald Trump. Last weekend we had the Proud Boys in your very own Capitol

demonstrating and whipping out knives and weapons with nothing but a yawn?!!!

You now have Senator Johnston and Senator Rand Paul saying there is this fraud in

Homeland Security Hearing with zero evidence being provided and your own former

Trump Voter Fraud expert Mr. Krebs telling them there was no voter fraud even as

Trump implies over and over again to his "followers" to threaten "REPUBLICAN"

Supervisor of Elections and Governors or "whoever" doesn't go along with this

fabrication. Who else believed in telling whopper lies upon whopper lies in history?

No other than the Nazis during the Weimar Republic which ended in the Nazis

burning down the Reichstag claiming it was a Commie who did it and then pushing

through the Enabling Act (*is this sounding familiar to you and your families) so

he could then use military and paramilitary forces to suppress, arrest and murder

any opposition without jury of their peers as well as make the frree press "The Enemy

of the People" only to be replaced by the Nazi Goebbels Propaganda Machine as

they went along their purging and suppression inclusive of the Holocaust which

"included" not only six million jewish people "but" anyone that Hitler and the SS

wanted exterminated and rid of. In one of Donald Trump's first wife's account Mr.

Trump kept a copy of Mein Kampf (*Hitlers My Struggle) book next to his bed for

reading pleasure. So, now Donald Trump has purged the Defense Department of

any normal Constitutional minded leadership for Trump Yes as well as purging now

AG Barr, who went along with Trump until Trump asked him to actually affirm illegal

actions against the Constitution of the United States in the last week or so which

made Barr jump ship as he knows what is bull sh_____ around off legal spheres

with the press and which is sedition against the Constitution of the United States

of America by 19 States so far.

Anyone, who knows American History knows we went through this same garbage back

around 1861 or 1862 to 1865 where certain states decided that they wanted to secede

from the United States so the Union not just because of slavery but also because the

Northern States were moving away from agricultural economies and into the industrial

age. This led to one of the most bloodiest civil wars in American History in which the

Southern Confederacy "lost" to the Union. Did this mean the Southern Leadership didn't

stop advocating for sedition? Hell no, this stuff was boiling up under the Deep South

Underground Sewer Pipes waiting for leader to tell them their time had come and that

leader is and was Donald Trump. In addition to this assortment of underground white

supremacists we also have the John Birch Society people as well pushing for sedition

and secession which typically includes some Libertarians and Republicans major.

Anytime a President Elect whether a Democrat or Republican has to wait until Inauguration

Day to be seen as legitimate means "big" trouble. I advised any loyal American Veterans

and current Active Duty to stick to the Constitution of the United States of America come

hell or high water because Donald Trump will take this Nation over the edge into hell because

it's all about him and him alone no matter what and it "is" "all" "transactional" to him. If he

can slice up the United States and literally "sell" stuff to the Chinese or Russians or any one else

he will do it. If he wants to continue the voter fraud schtick like he is doing down in Texas

where he and his supporters gave $250,000 to a retired police sergeant to "ram" an air conditioning truck off the road purporting it was full of those "illegal votes" so voter fraud.

Only to find it was an air conditioning truck full of air conditioning tools and equipment.

This is how unhinged these people's mind sets are now and it's up to "every single" American

Citizens whether Republican, Democrat or Independent to say "enough" is "enough" and to

hold our very Nations Constitution and freedoms and liberties above any one lost loser soul

and singular President like no other; Donald Trump. We've got real problems and issues to

face well above Trump's own egotistical rantings and needs and any President loyal to this

Nation and our Constitution would respect those very same foundations of this Great Nation

and this Great American People above and beyond himself and his own selfish needs and wants.

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I'm kinda enjoying watching trumpanzees lose their minds. Hahahahahahahaaa! : )

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The U.S. Dollar IS DOOMED! You trump-voters want to tell me again how strong the economy is and how we're in a V-shaped recovery and how our economy is the strongest it's ever been? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

U.S. Dollar.......You Are DOOMED!


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Wow!! I wish more people were candid like you Greg! Ty!

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Message received. Again. Video shared. Thank you Greg.

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Say all of Chyna's foreign assets in U.S. control world-wide were confiscated by the U.S. for some reason or other. Would that be bullish or bearish? Asking for a friend.

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Already baked in. Bullish.

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