Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Democrat. Katie Hobbs sworn in as Arizona governor. Whatever happened to that crybaby, sore-loser trump-votin' republican chick Kari Lake, who LOST the election? Maybe she went to go live in Mar a Lago with trump in the LOSERS CIRCLE. Eeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😃🤣🤣🤣🥳🤣😃😁😁😂🤣😂😆🥳😃😁😃😂🤣😆🤣🤣


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Greg…I want to support your work but there is no way in hell that I will do it through PayPal! Get off PayPal! Open a digital wallet and I’ll send you some XLM!!!

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023


I think I know what they have been up to regarding energy. Greg as you’ve said crude oil is used to make thousands of items. Natural gas is used for fertilizer. I think they let energy spike last year just so that they could lower it sharply the past few months. This would cause the CPI to rise significantly throughout last year and then level off a bit now and for the next several months. This will make it look like the Fed’s policy is working and they will have an excuse to pivot.

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Kristalina Georgieva pressured staff to favour China.

She's a Communist, born into Communism, and now a leader at IMF.

😂😂😂🤣🤣shit doesnt get any twisted than this.

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I feel that we are in a transition to a point where the price of silver is just as important sign as the stress indicator that bears your name.

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Blackstone and UC bailout can’t make it up

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Awesome job! 😎👍

Make your money buddy. 🤑💵💲💲💲

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RemovedJan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023
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I would be putting money into PSLV if buying or storing silver is not practical. The bank people have ways to push down the price of gold. There is too much liquidity to fight back. Silver is another animal. Investors can buy up enough silver to make price suppression difficult. Silver is the fuse to light up the commodity sector, and blow away the layers of excess financialization the system now.

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What is PSLV?

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RemovedJan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023
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Getting killed while fighting the system's mercenaries is definitely a better choice than submitting to being captured by them, but we have no way to fight back effectively when they come after us in helicopters or armored vehicles.

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We need a large number of "citizen slaves" to reach the realization point that it's time to "kill or be killed" because the system can pick off lone wolf resistors constantly all day every day, and no progress against tyranny will be made.

Riding into town alone has always been a bad idea, so I don't recommend that anyone start anything, but if any mercenary pig at any level of government approaches in a hostile manner, that's the time to open fire.

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The population is so dumbed down they can now basically tell you in the open exactly what their plans are and the public just keeps partying and watching that football like nothing is wrong

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Your old antiquated ways have made you broke and is keeping you in your moms basement.

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Thanks to "On the Miggy" for posting the Link .

Scary shades of what may be for us the echos of Greece several years ago.

And to "Brian B": Say that's a good deck chair!, would you be interested in trading it for a piano lid?

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Wow, and we keep plugging along.

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We is the 99% us 1% are as ready as we can be.

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Yes there WaveRider! I am convinced that you need mental help cause you post the same BS every day....

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People were partying on the titanic as it was sinking too ...... human nature I guess

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