I see extreme concern and weariness within your facial expressions. Don’t let it get to you, it’s all an illusion. Whatever happens happens….

Stay true to your soul……Justice will come for those who caused this, the central bankers, the politicians, the greedy elite and technocrats, the climate cultists will all see justice.

"To sell your soul is the easiest thing in the world. That’s what everybody does every hour of his life. If I asked you to keep your soul – would you understand why that’s much harder?"

-Ayn Rand-

“Being good is easy, what is difficult is being just.”

-Victor Hugo-

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The Japanese love using cash.

Japan issues new yen banknotes packed with 3D hologram technology to fight counterfeiting


The Yen Is Plunging. So Is Japan’s Defense Budget.

Japan is struggling to fund plans that would significantly bolster its military readiness amid rising regional threats.


Debt articles:

National debt warning issued to US


The US Debt Is Near $1,000,000 Per American: Where the Money Went and Why It Matters to You


U.S. National Debt by Year


Which countries own the most US debt?

In early 2023, foreigner investors owned nearly a quarter of all US debt.

Updated on Wed, October 4, 2023 by the USAFacts Team


Federal Debt Held by Foreign and International Investors as Percent of Gross Domestic Product


US Fiscal 2025 Defense Budget constrained by law, inflation


[US defense discretionary spending is projected to rise 0.9% to $850 billion in fiscal 2025, conforming to limits under the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, though this level may be a 1.5% reduction in real terms, given consensus for inflation. The 2025 budget prioritizes readiness, the ability to fight near term and personnel vs. modernization efforts, suggesting the need to boost investment in future capabilities.]

Student loan debt: Averages and other statistics in 2024


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Whew? Awful, testament of pure scumbags at the helm.

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You know I keep hearing from all financial bloggers including Greg that we should “buy buy buy”.

I agree 100%. The only problem is, when things go bad and the dollar crashes, and the market crashes and the debt crashes and the commodities skyrocket …. WHAT IS LEFT TO SELL OUR COMMODITIES AND STOCKS INTO? 😊

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You own nothing in the stock market. Or any bank for that matter. The banks have legal ownership of all of it. Understand this. You must take profits and buy tangible assets before the collapse. Otherwise, the banks seize your on-paper assets. A failing marxist government and bank system will also confiscate tangible assets by using capital controls, taxes and outright removal of property rights. In the end, you will own nothing. Where have you heard that before?

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What are the best bartering assets Argiem? Coffee, tea, batteries? Trying to stay ahead of repairs on our car. Should someone with computer skills be starting a barter website? What do you think?

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No bartering for 90 days after an event. Very dangerous time. Have enough food supply for 6 months each person. No infrastructure means no gas for cars, no electrical or anything else. You are on your own.

Lighters, seeds, soap, tobacco, liquor, sugar, salt, meds, bullets, combat/survival knives, tools, boots, etc. After 90 days, the tougher people will be who you contend with. Still dangerous times. After 1 year, anyone left will have their hands full just surviving but, you might be able to trade if you have anything left. Good luck

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That doesn’t really apply to me, but you are right.


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Actually, we already own nothing. Not feeling the happy part at all.

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Will you answer this for me. What about if you have shares in what I consider solid banks. And this being so after a collapse. Many of us also live outside USA. It seems this will have global implications, basically the same. My Government says government Guaranteed the funds are in banks up to a certain amount. Some bloggers are stating that Iou promise will not be honored by Government. I find that hatmrd to believe or reconcile with. Especially when mention of bailins.

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And you believe your government and banks? Good luck with that!

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After researching, by myself I do not. It is just the reassurance I got from the local investment advisor I asked, got me. The assurance everything is above board. Still in mmmn mode.

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Looking for reassurance in all the wrong places.

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Your SO CALLED investment advisor only makes money when you follow his/her advice and make dumb moves. Do not follow their direction unless you are able to lose that money. Do not invest through them as they will move your money as often and fast as they can so THEY make money, NOT YOU!

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Please define "solid banks".

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What banks list as assets are mostly loans which will be defaulted on when things go south.

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You eat you sleep, you live what life is for. What is important to you. We are alive. LIVE. as best you can.

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May you live forever!

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And the 5% will vote for Biden.....

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Good morning, Greg. This though came to mind (albeit it's probably a no shit Sherlock moment): Jp Morgan Chase etf's and oil etf's all have similar traits. They both will be among the last to fall as they're both central to American finance. The latter is central to the military.

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Over $170 Billion Wiped Off Cryptocurrencies in 24 Hours


Two MIT students charged for exploiting Ethereum blockchain bug, stole $25 million in crypto

The students, who are brothers, are being charged by the DOJ for wire fraud and more.


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Glad I dumped my crypto bags over several months from Jan 2021-Nov 2021 into PM's.

I saw the writing on the wall when the crypto ETF's were becoming propagandized.

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Nothing makes sense anymore. Everything seems to be a get rich quick scheme.

It’s always been an insider’s game. People who worked hard, denied themselves material stuff and saved their money in the bank for their entire lives are to lose it all soon? While some snot nosed technocrat kids can create crypto currencies and get rich quick?

Oh yeah….they tell all the morons that block chain is so secure and incorruptible. But then again you realize how full of crap these technopagans are.

What makes sense today? It’s a pathetic environment where a Wall Street banking crowd have been catered to for at least twenty years, being fed the “free money” through the suppressed low artificially created interest rates. The country burns while Wall Street gets richer as they pump and dump for maybe the last time? It’s pretty sick and evil.

Too much corruption, too many people obsessed with immediate gratification and a leftist plague of climate cultists destroying every economy in the world.

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Many oil companies are getting bigger. Devon energy. Should we see another buying opportunity in the near future?

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Guess i will roll over and die to the democrat zombie hoards......

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Yes, indeed they will!

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Agreed g.m. all others are calling for the crash if one bubble pops they all will pop and it's just nu.bers on a chart would you look at that we now are in surplus with a couple of key strokes bwhahaha

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Greg, your Poll questions always get 4% to 5% of 'the wrong answer'. These are BOTS; whether 'AI' or *cough* 'human', paid to do this sort of shit.

4,500 people took that Poll; and 5% of the 'wrong answer' comes out to 225. So, it's LAUGHABLE that 'they' can only muster up 5%/225 'bots'. lol In the future, I would 'throw out' that 4 to 5 % and just state that 100% of the HUMANS who took the Poll said........! LOL

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The inevitable is coming glad i got my garden and chicken coop set up. Drained my bank accounts and have been stacking gold and silver.

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How will you protect your garden or feed your chickens when there is no infrastructure to buy seed, pesticides and chicken feed products? Then there is the problem of the have-nots.

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Human urine is a fine fertilizer - no Rockefeller/Rothschilld petro-poison. Red Wigglers (worms) as well as grubs from a well fortified compost pile will feed ten chickens. $20 buys 100 Red Wigglers... the chickens will farm the worms with their poop... it's part of your basic understanding of how poop moves through the system and smells like money to a farmer...

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Have nots.

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They eat vegetation too I recall. Throwaway cabbage, lettuce leaves. We used to have hens, doesn't really take much. Sister has them now, but I told she spends more on.

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Have nots.

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... table-scraps, Eggs are another bi-product - as is silver- to-gold.

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Have nots

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