Student loan forgiveness is nothing new. Teachers that work in Title One districts which there are many have had their student loans forgiven since there were government cheese lines.

Will be interesting to read the details of this bill. Something tells this is a screwing for everyone.

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After they have surpassed the principal loan amount with compounded interest collections or usury, they’ll forgive it all! That’s because it’s all been collected already!!

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Tucker Carlson just said that High end colleges are just hedge funds!


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Just like Ford F150 $40 grand government give $7grand for EV Ford raise price to $47 grand Ford get $40 G plus $7G from government that’s called inflation no reduction act

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Fully encumbered debtors are useless to a system that requires the creation of new debt in order to keep functioning. The system requires that new currency constantly be borrowed into existence. Resetting someone's balance lower enables them to borrow more, which helps keep the debt growth monetary system alive.

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Well stated Jay. Truth resonates far and wide.

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Removed (Banned)Aug 25, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022
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Life is good for some in USA but not for others. At no time in my life have I seen so many homeless people camping out in just about every large city.

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Becoming part of the landscape

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You are severely brain damaged. When the crash comes you will be squashed like a bug. The goal is to be debt free, not sell your soul to the Devil himself. Were your parents hippies who lived on student loans? Sure sounds like it. Barry Sanders Jr.

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Truthfully, as someone who took out student loans for required graduate school courses in education while teaching in poverty areas in D.C., Watts, L.A., and on two major Native American reservations (Arizona and New Mexico), I gave up on the student loan forgiveness offer, that looks good in superficial media promotions, but turned out to be a scam when the hoops you must jump are too high, too unjust, and too time consuming to follow. Most of my teaching colleagues were also unable to receive the media heralded promised student loan forgiveness either, as too complicated and unfair to pursue -- and we all worked in the poorest communities/schools in the nation at the time -- for years.

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Sounds like you learned a bit along the way. I worked in Hunter’s Point and in the Tenderloin of SF. as a Fireman- Paramedic, I learned a certain lesson quickly. “It’s a waste of time trying to help people who don’t want your help.” Sad but true. Many of us are altruistic when we are young and realistic when we get older. At least a few of us are. I’m sure you discovered that money does not cure poverty. It creates dependency. A firm spiritual belief in God and discovering your vocation in life are key. Many people find their way out of financial poverty by hard work. So very few find a way out of spiritual poverty.

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I never lost a penny in gold or silver. I started collecting them in the 1960’s. I still buy them because I know the value of things, not just the price.

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It’s always passed on to the middle class. There is no such thing as loan forgiveness. Somebody is always on the hook.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

In student loan cases if Federal bankruptcy proceedings were allowed, as they once were for student debtors, as in other types of loans, then, the predatory lenders, the banks, in these cases, would take their well-deserved bath...as they should be the ones "on the hook" in these cases. The banks have had a very profitable, interest gouging and late fines/delinquent policies, existence in recent decades, with loan shark policies & SWAT teams to back them up in many cases, as well as state laws and procedures that allow too many people to be jailed for unpaid debts, i.e., debtors prisons -- without the ability to file for Federal Bankruptcy relief of these student loans. Unconscionable, really...

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Removed (Banned)Aug 25, 2022
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You are the dumbest asshole I’ve ever had to read about. Nobody is forgiving anything! You don’t know much! You fall for a campaign promise from a wax dummy? Do you own any gold or silver? Of course not! The only jackasses who badmouth precious metals are those who have never owned any and never will. You are a clueless idiot. A slave. You will die in wretched poverty and when you awaken in eternal hell, you will scream and gnash your teeth saying “There is no hell. I can’t be here! John Lennon told me so!” See ya later, Sucker!

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Removed (Banned)Aug 27, 2022
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I bought Gold Eagles in 1972 for $35.00 each. Amount was significant. Now they are worth $1850 plus. So where did I lose money? I learned mathematics in the 1950’s. You learned Fuzzy Wuzzy Math in 2010? Reverse logic. Still don’t get it do you? When the Fiat USD “Bongo Buck” bellies up and assumes it’s true value of minus $30 trillion that YOU are on the hook for not ME because I got out of debt and bought something of value, not eye Candy, you are stuck for your mortgage that Biden promised he would forgive you for? Right! Did he check that with Rothschild? Of course not! As for your 30 year mortgage note? Well, a FORECLOSURE is in your future. Enjoy the 12 foreigners living in their new house (your old house) while gold appreciates to $5K-$10K per oz. of barter and/or trading equivalents. I might even buy your old rat trap and rent it back to you for $10,000 CBDC USDs? Bought and sold like a 7th Ave trick!

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Removed (Banned)Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022
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Dreyfus later sucker!

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Removed (Banned)Aug 25, 2022
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You are a fool. You will be forgiven alright. It’s called foreclosure! Have fun in tent city.

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Well, Greg...you keep saying you want to hear from us...here's MY solution: https://diy.rootsaction.org/petitions/end-poverty-demand-a-ubi-equal-to-what-congress-pays-itself?just_launched=true ;-)

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I know the idea of an unconditional basic income. I know good people who demand exactly that. The text you posted is great if it is satire. But I fear it is serious.

Unconditional basic income means nothing else than that the hardworking and innovative and risk-taking have to pay for the lazy and stupid. It is pure socialism, exactly what the central banks want to introduce: Total dependence on the state. Those who call for an unconditional basic income show only one thing, namely that they have no idea about the financial system and have fallen into a mental trap.

I am sorry that I have to say this in all clarity: This is total nonsense. I'm sorry because I know it's well-intentioned. But it would lead in exactly the wrong direction.

We can discuss this matter-of-factly if you like. I could explain in detail why an unconditional basic income is complete nonsense. It starts with the fact that members of Congress have no money of their own to distribute. The state has no money of its own either. It is always the taxpayers' money that is distributed. So the money would only go from the pocket of some to the pocket of others, until in the end ALL are dependent on the state. And who is dependent, is not free. So the unconditional basic income means, no one should be free.

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What does Congress do all day, but distribute money? Then the Fed prints it, & does stupid, unhelpful things with it. My proposal would give the Fed something useful to do w/ that money. If Congress had a shred of decency, they would stop bombing countries full of brown ppl and use that money HERE. If every US household had what every Congressman gets as a paycheck, at least they wouldn't be turned out into the streets insolvent due to Congressional lack of decency. The "other ppl's money" argument rings hollow when 2% of the ppl own 90% of all US wealth--in that case, why are the other 98% paying any taxes whatever? They hardly own anything. Furthermore, if Congress created our currency itself, directly, w/out adding interest--as prescribed by the Constitution--instead of farming out the job to private banksters for their own fun & profit (i.e., the Fed), it could create all the cash it needs to run the nation w/out creating inflation OR TAXING ANYONE. But somehow, Congress doesn't do that....

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That sounds a lot better to me. Unfortunately, the petition says nothing about Congress creating the money itself. But even then, a social minded state is good because it helps the sick and the weak. But a charity minded state is bad, because it takes money away from the hard-working and gives it to the lazy. Unfortunately unconditional basic income is a charity event.

In Germany, for example, they have invited millions of immigrants, many of whom are now lying lazy in the corner. They get their unconditional basic income and laugh at the stupid hard-working people who now have to feed them.

Imagine 20 people stranded on a deserted island. To survive they have to hunt, gather and build. 15 people do that, but 5 just lie on the beach and do nothing. how long will the 15 feed those 5? A few days at most, then they will say, do something or we won't give you any more of our food. That would be a wise decision and the charity event would be over. But if these 5 people would not have lain around lazily, but would have been sick or old, the 15 would have taken care of them all the time. That would be social minded, as I tried to describe it above.

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No, unconditional basic income is the recognition that ALL lives matter, & that current day economic reality means that there's plenty of wealth to go around; it just DOESN'T go around, because the top 1% are taking it all. Germany's situation sounds like a CIA psy-op; still, Germany also could probably generate all the cash it needs to run a just society, if it wanted to, just as the US could. And, the deserted island scenario doesn't reflect MMT on a national scale.

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In order to distribute any wealth, it must be created by someone. An unconditional basic income would lead to the fact that very many would do nothing at all, while a few industrious people would reward the lazy majority for it. Many hard-working people would say to themselves, ok, then I also won't do anything anymore. Soon there would be almost no more wealth created and there would be almost nothing left to distribute. That would be the end of the story. Besides, this has nothing to do with how much money could be distributed. Because if nearly all are just hanging around lazy, also nothing is produced and for the money, no matter how much it is, nothing could be bought. If nobody grows grain, there is also no bread, no matter how high any basic income is. An unconditional basic income is a nice idea. But it contradicts the human being as well as the laws of nature. It would never work.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

SOMEHOW, though, everyone in CONGRESS gets to have $179K/year (or more!), and what the hell do THEY create?

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There’s hope for America when people like you go to congress but remember term limits DC will make a good person bad

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LOL, I'd be "offed" long before I got there, or the primary would be rigged against me, or both. Remember Gabby Gifford? She had the gall to suggest that Congress should reduce its own wages.

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Yeah, hilarious, isn't it?

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Margret Thatcher has said that "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money.

Here in California, we are running out of "other people" as they flee to no tax states

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Being free to starve is not the kind of freedom I value.

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I agree with that. But is it one/the solution to give up freedom in order not to starve? That is exactly the plan of the central banks/governments. And an unconditional basic income leads exactly in this direction. Even if it has good intentions. So another solution must be found.

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?? A. ending poverty (by dishing out UBI) would be CHEAPER THAN running all the bureaucracy which purportedly exists to "assist" the poor; and B) the rest is just fear-mongering, as central banks & their minions would HATE not having everyone else under their thumbs.

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Yes, it would be cheaper. But you cannot realize UBI with money. It depends on wealth. Who would create this wealth? Nearly nobody any more. At the end everyone would be poor.

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p.s. Bought some CCJ today

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👍 bought @ about 17.5 usd in end of January.

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UBI already here its called poverty cause by fiat another poverty program cook up by clowns but free money going to bring them in as the Iord said the poor will always be with you. As long as congress is in session

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sad but true.

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Endless wars UBI 🤫

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Election year? Doesn’t matter! Like you said, Greg. “If your vote counted, you would not be allowed to vote!” That’s the Coke vs Pepsi Dilemma. Alabama Governor George Wallace once said, “They’re ain’t a dimes’s worth of difference between the Dems or Republicans!” He was shot in the spine and paralyzed shortly after he made that statement. He died a few years later from his wounds.

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it matters for the markets.

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Aug 24, 2022·edited Aug 25, 2022

Oddly, the best way to easily and straightforwardly handle student loan debt would be to restore the right to put the total debt into Federal bankruptcy proceedings, just as for any mortgage, car loan debts, credit card debts, etc., are allowed to be forgiven.

The current Federal Student program is so corrupted it is beyond saving and should be dismantled. Over time, the student loan program gradually lost its original intent and operations, since the 1980s, while starting, then, to allow the increasingly gouging, and compounding, interest rates charged -- now even while a student is, full-time, in school (unlike when the program originated).

Some student loan delinquent debtors have even being SWAT teamed, etc. How differently young people are treated by shady financial institutions/banks that have co-opted the student loan program to make it hugely profitable for themselves, with the cooperation of the Federal Government, at the expense of vulnerable students and their families.

Allow students loans, if burdensome, to be treated like all other major loans -- in bankruptcy proceedings. Sadly, Senator Ted Kennedy fought the attempts to further corrupt the program with onerous interest charging (usury) policies, and Kennedy also, fought the bankruptcy exception for students loans, especially. Kennedy gave in, for some reason, while still in the Senate, in his last years before he died of a brain cancer. (Curiously, his best friend, Senator John McCain, also, later, suffered and died from the same type of brain cancer).

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Greg, you always ask for us to comment to your blog. Well, here I am -- again. What you said about the utter racket of student debt forgiveness is (nuclear) BAM! I am now at a point where I am praying for death. My own. There's no way out unless one is one's own central banker holding hard assets in one's own possession which I have. So, why might I pray for my own death? I don't wish to see the suffering that is to come because of the sickest ... no words to describe ... evil, I suppose, that was ever spit out of the minds of "men." The can't be men. They are creatures of unknown origin in my opinion who operate out of places as the City of London, Tel Aviv, Washington, DC, Moscow, Paris, Geneva and through thousands of miles of underground tunnels and systems. They feel their will is so strong, at the snap of a finger they can change the entire course of civilizations on a mass scale. This explains the WEF which is a lower rung group of TV personalities brow-beating the TV watchers into submission, begging for their solutions to the massive problems they themselves have caused, for which mankind can never rise up against a one ... or can we? The little goyim on the receiving end of a hypodermic needle lining up like pigs to the slaughter, all bright eyed and cheery about their own demise because the TV people told them it's the right thing to do. Think of others' safety above your own. Do what government tells you. They're the experts, you White supremacists, you. Cheer on all the actions the TV people narrate against good people for the "crime" of practicing their own religion freely like the Branch Davidians to name one. The ADL through CAN sold to power they were doing something THEY feared -- a religious group arming themselves against the maniacal, order following thugs at the ATF, police, military etc., all there to ensure you pay your shekels when told to or else. I could go on but there's so much to this tale, I'd die before I could let it all hang out.

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We need to be mentally strong, Bill Wallace. We may still be needed by some of the weak. Probably even. Maybe, for example, we can help just one child or give him just a few beautiful moments in all the madness. Maybe we have a job to do in all of this that we don't even know about yet. That's why I think it's not a good idea to pray for your own death. We will all die at some point anyway. Until that time comes, it's our job to do our best, even if it's hard. There is always hope. Because if there is pure evil, which is obvious, there is also pure good. Pure evil is itself the proof of God. And for that reason alone, pure evil will lose in the end. And we can or must help in this. Amen.

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Joe and the Democrats have made the word "whore" sound like a compliment. They are doing everything and anything to curry votes with whoever can go in to a voting booth. Fortunately, I'm an old man and won't be around to see how all of this absolutely economically decimates this...well...can I still use the word "country?" It's bad enough that we're witnessing the destruction of the civilization we grew up with and that so many Americans fought and died for. There was an old made for tv movie titled "Amerika." I think this is becoming Amerika.

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“Why invade a country when you can just buy its institutions, turn its women against its men, make transvestites of its children, sell the wealth generated by its labour to foreign investors, then introduce a foreign army as ‘refugees’ and ‘diversity’ to finish it off?” -Blair Cottrell of Melbourne (@blaircottrell89) 16 MAY 2018

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You got that right!!!!!!

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what we see is called Infiltration.

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Or sell outs

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surprise surprise spew tube are censoring comments on gregs yt blog if you use your brain they can easily be bypassed......reshare the truths that greg shares with us reshare them with as many people as you possibly can worldwide and ask each one of them to do exactly the same....in closing check out theusdebtclock.org yes its american but information for other countries can also be found on it

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What a fucking clown show. Buying votes, nothing else to it. No one forced anyone to get a loan. Colleges are part of this racket. Guarantee we'll see college tuition go up even faster now.

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I saw a report on Media Monarchy about how public Schools (Elementary, HS and College) are hemorrhaging tuitions and enrollments. Parents are home schooling and sending their kids to trade schools where careers are awaiting them paying livable wage incomes. Electricians, plumbers etc… are searching for literate English speaking students and they are paying them well! The Dreamers will be Nightmare-laden cucks.

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Let them they won’t be paid back government open pandora box now

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About time you filled out paper work election will be over then they won’t be worried about Biden election

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This was a set up from years ago. the "schools" approved every derelict for toxic loans, the "government" handed all the tax payers' money to them (the schools), the kids then started re-paying the government... forgiving the debt means the tax payers got robbed by the "schools". My friend had a rental in a depressed part of town nearly 10 years ago, he would always tell me (for a laugh) that everyone on the block was on welfare yet going to university of phoenix online... similar to the way they handed mortgages out to everyone before 2008

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Another forgiveness plan? I am having a hard time with the first! Forgiving all the brainwashed, myopic morons that voted for FJB in the first place! More insult! More injury! More inflation!

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Accepted for value

Exempt from levy

John Q. Doe

January 01, 2012

Exemption ID #123456789

Deposit to

United States Treasury

and charge the same to



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House joint resolution 192 (1933)As a result of the mandates of HJR 192 becoming Public Policy

thanks to Congressional decree, it subsequently became part of perma‐

nent Public Law within the actual “United States Statutes At Large”,

where it is identified as "Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112". Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112

contains the same wording as HJR 192. The difference, however, is that

one is Public Policy, the other is Public Law.

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Where is my money for college?

I went to Communist China for school since it is free..........and superb to US colleges!

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Waverider don’t like that kind of talk

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Very True. But, I have to say I got a great education at Fudan University, The HAAAAAAAAAAAARVARD of China!

Princeton is a Government owned Hedge Fund; as is all other high fluting colleges!

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Cash cows for the elite university of Texas is top dog now

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Something to consider. If Europe implodes this winter due to no fuel to warm their homes and limited food to eat could this civil unrest cause a major European market sell off and flight of capital into the US stock market? And the purchase of gold and silver to protect their wealth? Investment in US could be short lived. Our market will sell off however will retain precious metals. Just saying!!

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There is enough fuel. The problem is homemade and the entry to a climate dictatorship: dont warm your houses. If Europe Market implodes also US Market implodes. Capital cannot flight into US stock markets. Its worldwide orchestrated. Did U.S. capital flight into European markets in the Lehman Crisis? No. No Chance.

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Time will tell. Sticking with my thesis.

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Queen will see about that crap

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Listening to the news I always believed student loan interest rate were very high.

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