Greg I know the spot price of metals is fake but I think it’s kind of big that gold is breaking out past it’s ATH. It’s a huge sign that faith in the system is eroding and it could be ending even faster than we thought

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Canary in the coal mine

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No one knows how this is exactly going to play out, however they decide to orchestrate the "event" it will be nothing like we expected but those who prepared will have a better chance at survival. You got to be out of your mind to have all your money in the casino markets right now and think elections are real.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

Scam! Cryptocurrency scam!

r/CoinBase icon

Go to CoinBase


11 hr. ago


Coinbase: A Publicly traded Fraud

Can some explain how a $60 billion dollar publicly traded company is so dysfunctional.

I’ve been a customer since 2017. But I was small fish and after the crypto boom. I was pretty much mia. Buying here and there.

In 2023 I got my first job as an anesthesiologist and like a responsible adult. I got Coinbase one yearly subscription. And I put my first 6 months pay into crypto. Around December I started to get nervous having about 150k-200k on Coinbase. So I started transferring my assets to my wallets.

Then in January. I got the email of death saying they wanted information from me. While upset about the information they wanted I comply. I sent bank statements. Pay stubs. And answered a series of question.

Not once did the kyc team respond. Or did they acknowledge my emails. Then in march 3rd. I got the email of death again saying my account is restricted. And that they want to know how much crypto I’ll be buying this year. And they wanted a photo of my wallet with my name or email on it?!? Like wtf. Trust wallet doesn’t show that stuff. I renamed the wallets with my name and send them screen shot.

My issue is this. I’ve called Coinbase one support. And they are absolutely trash. They keep giving me the runaround saying sorry we can’t connect you to the kyc department. And they only communicate through email. Yet. They have never responded once during these two months. The representative could not give me a time frame when the kyc team will resolve the issue. And what pissed me off is that Thursday (3/7) I talked with a representative. And they said. The kyc was going to call me Friday (3/8) at 4:30pm. So I took a half day off. Sacrificing $1600 pay. And of course no call. I waited till 6pm. And got in contract with chat. And then on phone. And they basically said. “We are so sorry. But we don’t reach out”. Basically saying you took a half day for no reason. And there is nothing we can do.

So I repeat. How can a 60 billion dollar company not able to hire enough support. How does the kyc not have a number to reach them directly.

At this point. I’m thinking of reporting Coinbase to the BBB and possibly reaching out to a lawyer. Because being told it could take weeks or months with no specific time frame is horse caca.

At this point. I think I’m going to do all my purchases through fidelity and Robinhood.

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FUCK these god-damn videos, if somebody can't post the fucking text, then fuck off, I'm not going to watch Greg for 5 min doing his subliminal gay porn jew tricks

Just spit it out folks

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The Bull Shit gets Bigger and Bigger by the USA, thank God I don't live in the Shit Hole USA.


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Francis Sawyer is alive.

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The good news is these 15 million new immigrants to USA are not loyal to SATAN, most know the CIA program well, they're more likely to fight for freedom than the god-damn honkeys or niggers


The west said it no longer cry's when children die instead like Israelis they dance.

When will humans find humanity again??

The MUSLIM are doing it right now


While all you GOYIM finger bang your stinky assholes and circle jerk and smell each others stinky fingers;

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Instead of 15 million new immigrants to the USA, it should correctly read 15 million new illegal immigrants to the USA. There is a very simple solution to this. All those who think this illegal immigration is right should raise their hand and take two or three of these illegal immigrants into their homes, for example in their daughter's nursery. Exactly that many illegal immigrants will be accepted and not a single one more. Then all the volunteers know exactly who these illegal immigrants are loyal to. End of the story.

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USA is a nation of immigrants deal with it, you people denigrating immigration are just as bad as the nut cases pushing abortion, or vice-versa; What people do is their cunt or cock is their business;

Same here if a man thinks he can get a better life in USA, then why stand in his way?

Mind your own fucking business, USA destroyed their homes in san-salvador and venezuela, they have no where else to go, IMHO the CIA destroyed and trained them for a reason, and sent them to USA with loves&kisses & EBT cards for a reason.

USA was never a real country, it was a PENAL COLONY from birth, just like Australia

All humans on earth are loyal to their own tribe, deal with it, unless your a tribe-less bitch who lives in a cave and never goes outside;

It's what makes ppl strong, maybe people like you if your formed your own tribe and fought like real men, you wouldn't be whining cucks???

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Obviously you don't think things through to the end. You're free to hire illegal immigrants as babysitters. Have fun. If the C*A sent them to the US with a valid reason, ask yourself what was the reason. Do you recognise the contradiction in your Logic of argument? If everyone on earth is loyal to their own tribe, then what is your tribe and who are you loyal to? For your information, I'm not whinging. I'm not calling anyone names either. It seems your emotions are getting in the way of your analysis. You will definitely have a hard time on the stock market with this approach.

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Looks like someone needs a hug.

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I don't do hugs, suck cock, or take it in the ass, go find a Trumper or Biden shit eater, if you need a hug;

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Well, from what I am seeing from what you've written, you might need a friend. Be safe.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

They don't give a flying fuck if one little flea on the 500LB ZOG gorilla is yelling in the forest, not one fucking bit;

Their biggest problem is they can't count all their money, not enough hours in a day;

Like I said, I just report the news, I don't make the news that is Greg's job at Zerohedge aka SERCO-GROUP aka ABC-MEDIA-ltd UK, aka GHCQ, aka RCA-UK 1920's owned by Bush "Hitlers electronic company"

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The west said it no longer cry's when children die instead like Israelis they dance.

When will humans find humanity again??

The MUSLIM are doing it right now


While all you GOYIM finger bang your stinky assholes and circle jerk and smell each others stinky fingers;

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Hey I just report the news, I don't make it that is AIPAC/PNAC/ADL/JDL FBI/DHS job;

I just thought it would be useful to give ppl a 'heads up' if you see fires on March 10, you will know why, and you will see the MSM say "Who Knew", "Why are they doing this", to which Trump will say "They Hate Our Freedom to Kill their Children"

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Apparently there are huge gas fields off the coast of Gaza, so a port there would make sense for exporting it once they clear out the Palestinians and start pumping out the gas. I'm sure it will cost US taxpayers billions, make millions in kickbacks for US slime-prostitute politicians, and be an unimaginably large gift to US oil/gas companies. Why? Probably because the US tricked Europe into cutting off cheap Russian gas with the suicidal Ukraine lunacy, and now the new Gaza gas source will 'conveniently' fill Europe's need for gas so long as the Russia sanctions and Ukraine proxy war continue (although.... apparently Europe is still getting gas from Russia through Ukraine, so.... maybe it's all just a psyop). Just a guess. I'm sure it won't be good for us, whatever it is.

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Your timeline can't fit. It's taking forever to develop the gas fields off the coast of Gaza. The order should have been the other way round. First develop the gas fields, then cut Europe off from Russian gas. Nevertheless, there were plans to build a canal through Gaza as an alternative to the Suez Canal. Perhaps these plans are still up to date or have been revived. This project is called the Ben Gurion Canal.

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Well, I would say: never underestimate the US deep state's ability to keep an expensive quagmire going for decades (see Iraq, Afghanistan-- each 20 years). They could probably keep a proxy war going for even longer. Also they have a great ability to (seemingly) f things up (see anything the US has done for many decades).

But yes, you make good points. It is strange about Gaza. Why did the Israelis suddenly after all this time choose now to get rid of the Palestinians? They could have done something under the cover of 'covid' hysteria in 2020-2021 or even when the world was focused more on Ukraine in 2022. Or any other time in the past... Anyway, that's very interesting about the Gaza canal idea... That definitely would be huge... Sort of like another Panana Canal situation (also why the US would want to be involved in building it and controlling it. Although who controls whom in the US-Israeli relationship is somewhat debatable).

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The timeline of geopolitical events certainly coincides with the situation in the financial system, with the end of the interest rate cycle requiring a reset of the financial system. Ukraine and Gaza may fit together because the origins of today's Israel lie in Kazakhstan, partly in today's Ukraine. They therefore have little to do with the biblical Jews. They are a kind of RINOs, i.e. JINOs. It is possible that "Israel" is planning to move en masse to Ukraine in due course, i.e. "back home".

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"US to build pier on Gaza shore for large-scale aid delivery": too little and far too late for the Palestinians but it may provide another opportunity for US money laundering and Dem virtue signalling.

The US dropped 36,000 'meals' containing Skittles to the people of Palestine; and "a thousand each of MK-82 500-pound (227kg) bombs and KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs)" to the Israelis.

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RE: Building Harbour in Gaza to help with “AID”.

We’re you aware the undeveloped off shore NATURAL GAS fields which belong to Gaza (but probably belong to Israel now after this ethnic cleansing) are worth several TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS? That seems like way more of a reason to be building the harbour than simply to facilitate AID.

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Ben Gurion Canal

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Classic move on the Port thing ... bomb the shit out of a place on one side build it up on the other Gaza and Ukraine in the same boat bomb and rebuild making $$ on both sides .. Got a Marshall Plan wtf

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We know the problem but most Americans lack the courage to deal with it and fix it.

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
—Thomas Paine

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
—John Adams

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
—Thomas Jefferson

“If I sit next to a madman as he drives a car into a group of innocent bystanders, I can't, as a Christian, simply wait for the catastrophe, then comfort the wounded and bury the dead. I must try to wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver.”

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Important read:

Lessons for the Future Republic

By J.B. Shurk


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thank you. also great links inside.

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Moody's sours on banking sector outlooks for Germany, Britain and France


March 7, 20247:44 AM ESTUpdated a day ago


[FRANKFURT, March 7 (Reuters) - The credit rating agency Moody's said on Thursday that it was downgrading its outlook for the banking sector in a number of European countries as weak economies erode profits.

It changed the outlook to negative from stable for the banking sectors of Germany, Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Rising losses for unpaid loans and higher funding costs will chip away at profits, Moody's said.]

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If the democrats are confident enough to run Biden for the selection process, they are confident they can steal the selection.

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There are 4 books that tell the whole story!

1: The Creature from Jerkyll Island

2: Tragedy and Hope

The first describes the creation of the federal reserve and how the US tax payers will be on the hook for ALL debt--period! Historically it has been correct!

The second is an inside look at how the elite RICH view the middle class--us. In the eyes of the delusional elites the middle class is the ENEMY!!!

3: The Bible! If you read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Joel, and substitute America for references to Israel, or Jacob, or the 12 tribes, you will see the descriptions foretold upon Israel are about to be poured out upon America because we have forsaken ou God!!

4: The Book of Mormon! Now bare with for a moment are read what this incredible Book has to say about our day-- it is true!!

There is strife and contention over the kingdom—Akish forms an oath-bound secret combination to slay the king—Secret combinations are of the devil and result in the destruction of nations—Modern Gentiles are warned against the secret combination that will seek to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries.https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/bofm/ether/8?lang=eng

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downloaded (no. 4). thank you. who is the author of tragedy and hope?

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Sorry I can't devote any time to a story about missing stone tablets from an

Angel named MORONi

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After the nauseating speech last night whst caught my ear was putting a pier or a port near Gaza while at the same time supplying Israel with money and arms. Which one is it going to be? This can also put American soldiers lives at risk which could open the door for us to move into the Middle East even more.

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I am not seeing anything from you sir.

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The new port is for Isn'trael's use when they get done genociding the Palestinians.

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I am glad you are okay.

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