Happy hump day everyone.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

Greg, Trump doesn’t want to be the crypto capital of the world…he wants to be the cryptocurrency energy capital of the world…also, so what if his family created a crypto bank ? As a private enterprise, they are certainly able to do so, just as you would be, if you decided to do so…

Not trying to ding you, but have you ever listened to a Trump rally ??? Trump believes in giving government back to the people, and he intends for the dollar to be maintained as the world currency…he never says that it will be managed under the Fed…

I am not dinging you for your belief in God. As a believer, I am glad to hear you, too, are a believer, although I find it odd the way you use your belief in God as a shield to protect you from criticisms.

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Very well explained. CIC Trump has said many times now that he wants to do away with the fed. Greg refuses to listen to that and his followers are being misled in that regard due to the hatred that he has for Trump.

Trump also said that bitcoin would to be backed something physical. Maybe gold. Maybe that’s why gold is going higher.

Trump has also said if he gets in that there will be no more taxes on tips and no more taxes on social security on day one.

The fed is as illegal as the illegal immigrants that have been illegally transported into our country by our illegal corrupt government. Let’s stay with the facts

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I understood that he wanted crypto backed by Bitcoin. maybe Tether, it resembles a CBDC.

I agree with Greg that TPTB want an controllable empty suit, Harris fits this.

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... Jane you ignorant slut. (Please forgive me I couldn't resist.)

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Odd indeed.

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I enjoy following you, Greg. However, I would really appreciate a written transcript of these videos. I don't have the time to watch them. I can read much, much faster than these videos unfold. Thank you, Sir.

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You can speed up playback on youtube if that helps?

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agree 100%!

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I've been hoping for that too. A summary would be even better. I'm sure someone here would love to do that!

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no more crapto ..just constitution money

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Keep talking about God, Gregory. He’s with us through everything. God bless you.

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Matthew 10:32-33 KJV

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. [33] But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

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Sadly, the Bible was rewritten long ago to fit the deep states narrative.

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So Jesus doesn’t have the power to keep His Word together? The creator of the universe? Who is your new god? You are not studied. The bible is perfect, for humanity. The oldest book that still tells the exact same story & message. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 KJV

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; [4] And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

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The Bible of today has been rewritten…it’s not the original verse 🤷🏼‍♂️

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For you mark B: You are giving the Jesuit doctrine of higher criticism, there is no absolute truth. If the bible is corrupted and is no longer the word of God, how do you test your doctrines? Your code of life? those who study the Scriptures as to what and how they shall understand the Word, whether they eat it or not. The Word of God, if eaten, will give spiritual sinew and muscle. Those who eat and digest this Word will practice it. Their eyes, anointed with the heavenly eye salve will see other lessons in the Holy Word than those seen by readers whose hearts are not cleansed, refined, and elevated. Under the working of the Holy Spirit the conscience will recognize a pure, high standard of righteousness that puts to shame the low, cheap ideas of the surface reader, whose mind is corrupted with sin. They see that the doers of the Word alone are justified before God. Those who hear and fail to do are in no wise better, morally or spiritually, for hearing. Those who will deny self, and make any and every sacrifice for Christ's sake will be able to teach because their precept and example harmony

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Yes it is, but we must make an effort to study with lexicons when we are not clear on the message or definitions of certain words. We can go as deep or as shallow as we want, His words are eternal.

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Which God? The freemasonry god?

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The freemason’s god is satan.

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Lets hope Greg is saved by GRACE

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

We see what happened to many of the J-6’ers; we see how the government is trying to destroy Donald Trump with law-fare; we see how the government (deep state) has turned its sights on Elon Musk. There are many other examples how our tyrant government has sought to destroy opposition, so to say we don’t want go head to head with the Federal Reserve is because we are comfortable looking at our 401K numbers is a false dichotomy argument. The present risk/reward ratio carries too much risk. That said, for people to change their mindset and back such a risky venture, the risk/reward ratio has to change. It will change after the collapse when people have nothing else to lose. When all is lost, then and only then there will be enough momentum for change. This is just human behavior - nothing more. All that we can do is prepare for the transition.

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Video Rebel said that food riots might be the marker for when there's enough momentum for change.


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Yes, an empty belly is a motivator.

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Hi Greg, any way i can email you when you have time for a response is fine. Thank you have a nice day, appreciate all the work!

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False flag likely soon. A big one. 🫨

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So I have a question how long do you think the stock market is going to inflate before it tops? I saw a video last night w Andy Sheckman. He showed a printout of the silver prices for the last year or so, and it forms a cup w a handle. He said it hasn't had that configuration in 44 years which would have been the first time silver hit 50 in 1980. https://youtu.be/zejoXpFcDfU?si=vyTKLKx4RmPNill1

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Greg is Jesus fully God!

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yes he is.start reading John 1-1 to end

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