Perfect , the can gets kicked again I dont know how much more I can take , this needs to end

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Not for too long.. credit rating downgraded, BRICS announcement in a couple of week.. Fed will have to keep raising rates to kick the can.. once they lower them, then the real fun begins. Once they start official QE again (although they never really stopped backdoor QE) then a quick melt up, then the crash.

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The markets won't have a chance at "crashing" until the yield curve normalizes. The longer this ridiculous yield curve inversion.. the worse the crash once it normalizes. And this curve has been inverted for the longest time since 1930s. And the Fed/BIS knows this...

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Doesn't matter.. either way this has a short life expectancy. We can and may have DOW 100K in a couple years.. but it won't spend. No doubt in my mind they plan to hyper inflate this thing away into nothing. People cheer it on at first, then it goes full parabolic and they realize the currency has collapsed. The FRN gets thrown literally on the streets. Hyperinflation is very painful and will hit those working first.. but quickly it take out everyone. Remember the BRICS is owned by the same Central Banks that run the Fed. This is a transfer of power to the east and a way to abandon the west.The west isn't part of the new world plan, IMHO

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Yes, I also think BRICS is owned by the same central bankers--BRICS development bank is staffed with people from the IMF, idea for BRICS came from chief economist at Goldman, and at one of the BRICS conferences they reaffirmed their commitment to global governance and Agenda 2030.

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Yes! If you look at IMF, Russia, China Brazil.. all are part of it. BIS is the lead to coordinate all the central banks of the world.. they simply manipulate currency strength to balance the markets. They own the chess board and all the pieces. The Fed is just one of many.. nothing special to them. Another branch of the BIS. Fed gets its marching orders from BIS.

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Yes, that's how I see it--I have that book, Tower of Basel about the BIS, just haven't gotten around to reading it, but figured they were at the top. I think there was a researcher back in the day, Joan Veon, who did talks on the BIS. Most have no clue about any of this or the wealth some of these banking families have accumulated- I think we are up against trillionaires:


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They need the BRICs currency to be "officially" launched that the crash (which will happen regardless- usually high Jewish holiday timeframe) can be blamed on "evil Putin" and not the Central Banking system. The Fed will never allow itself to be blamed, and people just aren't smart enough to realize the Fed is trying to destroy the economy.

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Well looks like a act of GOD is going to help them big flood in China

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Sadly, you are right.

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Get ready.. the fuse has been lit! Hold on for late August-October... woo!!!

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I hope you are right but it seems like nothing every happens, and the banksteres continue to prop up the false markets.

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Silver still $24. It’s already my biggest holding but it’s so tempting to buy more while it’s still this cheap

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I’m sure your just as shocked as we are

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and the dollar is weaker...sounds like a little tweaking to me..:-)

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It’s like you said Greg the powers that he are not ready to implode this system yet. We just don’t know when it will happen but I believe we’re inching closer!

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something happened but I know not what

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Looks like the Calvary again

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Gold and Silver doing nothing again.............

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Didn't drop much at all. And who cares what Wallstreet's arbitrary expectation number is. Fact is it was still positive job growth, and it always slows down in the summer. Wages came in hot, and unemployment rate dropped. Wallstreet can't pick and choose what numbers it likes and ignore the rest. Fact is we will have more downgrades. We should be junk territory by now.

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why is the drop not helping nasdaq? still looks skeptical....

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Not much of a drop. Wallstreet needs to die.

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I love remembering Ed.

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I love remembering Ed.

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