I would like to officially complain against those who complain against the closed complaint desk... lol

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Why don't you cry babies go home to your mama. Keep up the good work Greg we appreciate everything you do.

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Greg, you are a good man with a big heart. Keep up the good work. I appreciate everything you do

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No complaints here…

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what part of free don't you understand nitwits?

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perhaps the complainer would like to start their own news letter so that we can complain in the comments

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Flick them in the eyeball and send them packing.

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i was in the business for a loooong time and i've never seen any Wall St. pro with as much honesty, integrity, and concern for others financial health as Greg Mannarino

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Hi, Greg! I'am from Brazil! Big fan..... and I agree.... if you don't like.... unsubscribe... that's so simple!!!!

PS. I don't feel confortable with cryptos!!!! So I do not have! Simple.

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Good Morning, Sir. I do have one complaint... I can't enough of your videos. 👍👍👍

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I am a doctor and I see a lot of patients daily- I have noticed a change in behavior for many people - many of these patients, I have known for a very long time. They are just acting weird. As if they have a terrible case of cognitive dissonance.

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Really you have people who whine and Bwitch about GREAT market. INFO? I will take toke for their complete ignorance.. My God Greg Unfreakingbelievble. Keep kicking market @$$.

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Gm could u provide some more video content on how to sell puts Mayne some that u personally learned from thanks for everything brother

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Id like the complaint desk to copy and paste the complaint letters for our enjoyment Lol

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People who seem to exist simply to spread their unhappiness to others are rather pathetic.

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