2021 Infrastructure Bill of $6+ TRILLION DOLLARS!?!? I don't think our 2021 debt is over with yet. Don't we have to vote on a 2022 budget later this year? How much is that going to be for? $3 Trillion....$6 Trillion? What about end of year stimmy checks-- $800 Billion? What about next years' "Call it whatever you want" Bill for $10 TRILLION DOLLARS!!? YES! PRINT, PRINT, PRINT!!!!! πŸ’΅ πŸ’° πŸ’Έ πŸ’Έ πŸ’£ 🧨

I am LOVING watching these numbers go up and up and UP! America is DONE FOR and you can't deny it! Haaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! ☠️ πŸ’€ ⚰️ πŸͺ¦ πŸ“‰

You trump-voters made your bed, now it's time to lie in it. πŸ›Œ πŸ˜€ JUSTICE IS HERE! βš–οΈ

Your comfy little lives are coming unraveled before your very eyes and you thought your judgment would never come. Good! NOW all you're going to get from here on out is NOT your christian prophets lying to you telling you "Evry'thin' is gonna be alriiiight!". What you are going to get from here on out is a hard dose OF REALITY called.....REALITY! Hahahahahahaaaaa! 🀣🀣🀣

The JUDGMENT OF GOD is upon you trump-voters!!!!! πŸ‘ πŸ’ͺ πŸ˜ƒ 🀣 🀣 🀣

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeee! πŸ‘ 😺

Aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! 🀣 πŸ‘ πŸ˜‚ 😺 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣 🀣

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Trump printed huge amount of money. 180 degree turn from pre-election speeches

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You're right. I don't know why people LOVE these presidents/presidential candidates. They are all liars. Voting for ANY presidential candidate means you desire a LIAR/CON-MAN to rule over you. That's why I sit my rear end down on my comfy little couch on election day LAUGHING at all the idiots spending HOURS away from work or their soft, welcoming, nice smelling wives to go stand in the rain/ice/snow/heat to vote for a candidate when their vote doesn't matter anyway because U.S. presidents are "selected", not elected.

Are you doin' ok buddy? Are you prepping for all the foolishness that's coming? KEEP THAT SILVER WaveRider! Biden is going to bring this house down...unless he croaks then Vice-president Kamala Harris will bring it down in even GRANDER fashion. Kamala Harris should have been president. She and her like-minded group of females in congress would have turned on the tap THE RIGHT WAY from the get-go! We would have seen a $20 TRILLION DOLLAR stimmy bill in January, 2021 including $3,000 a month checks for all Americans regardless of income. Next would have been an $40 TRILLION DOLLAR Infrastructure Bill in September, 2021. Then when they had to debate on the 2022 budget they would have agreed on a $60 TRILLION DOLLAR budget. Now THOSE are some nice numbers and will bring the house down posthaste! Why are they lollygagging and playing around? Get with THE DESTRUCTION already!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeee! πŸ˜ƒ 🀣 🀣

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I am keeping all my silver. I am NOT going take a loss. Will hold for years if needed. However, will not buy such a large amount next time. I have no gold. Some puts on miners.

Btw listen to Michael Pento's podcast. He has gone bear. He is holding cash. His arguments: Stimulus checks ($300 per week) have ended, evictions have begun, 120 billion a month QE has run out of steam. It can not stay at constant. It must grow for the stocks to keep rising. He thinks disinflation has started and will become outright deflation by mid 2022

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I will care what somebody on T.V. says when one of them actually gets a brain. 🧠

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Why is everyone holding bitcoin or any crypto? because they believe that there will be new suckers who would buy and price will go up. Then they will sell for huge profit. This is THE ONLY reason. It does not pay interest. Classic ponzi

What happens when the peak is reached and there are no new suckers left ? it starts falling towards zero.

Powell knows that cryptos will die by itself so he has no plan to ban it. However, law enforcement can push for ban because cryptos are only used for ransoms and other illegal activities that does not call for millions of transaction. For every day transactions, it will NEVER EVER work. It's an impossibility. All the computers of the world can not even support transactions in Newyork. Not to mention 10000 plus cryptos are already devised and more coming

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If you stake your coins you get interest. I don't stake my coins though because even if they offer 14% APR I can make that in a week of trading.

I own some coins that fall under the "ponzi" definition and people come in every day to buy after I've already gotten in cheap. Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa! 🀣

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) and XRP can handle everyday transactions easily. HBAR takes about two seconds to go from one wallet on one of my phones to the other phone. It's real-world compatible, Bitcoin is not. Bitcoin takes literally forever to transact.

I created a crypto coin, do you want some? I gotta finish them though. I need to figure out how to add an icon to them. I'm not a developer so this stuff is kinda challenging to me. Heheheheeee.

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Can you get Zelle or Venmo. Might be a lot easier for people to support you. Including myself.

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I watch here on your site. Not on YouTube. Why don't you post the Steamit version or post on rumble.com version here.

Also, since when does Powell make the rules. Who gives a F what he has to say about cryptos

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