I think you are wrong, Greg. I believe it will be this year. I am operating on that premise. If I am wrong, I will be no worse off for the exercise.

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The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil. But, by those who watch them without doing anything.

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The threat against democracy must be defended.

- FJ Biden -

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Greg has said many times it won’t matter who sits behind the WH desk - Cathrine Austin Fitts agrees: Balancing the books via DEPOPULATION

“There is no right versus left, there is no Trump versus Biden. There is a machine in control of a spending machine that is financed with our taxes, and debt barred in our names, that is being sold into our pension funds and into our retirement accounts. There is that machine, and that machine, to keep balancing the books, is implementing a depopulation plan. That is the reality that has to be faced. And changing the president won’t matter.”



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Reading the book Lords Of Finance by Liaquat Ahamed. Surprised that they haven’t banned it- great explanation! (Seems to come from the Mannerino school of thought)

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*** should read $1 Trillion every 100 days.

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Exponential decline in USD value

It took 230 years for the US National Debt to hit $1 Trillion

The US National debt now increases by $1 Billion EVERY 100 DAYS.

If you represent HISTORICAL US National Debt as a mirror image IT INDICATES THE RATE OF LOSS OF PURCHASING VALUE OF THE DOLLAR - AND THIS APPEARS AS AS HIGHER AND HIGHER INFLATION - NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY MANIPULATE INFLATION DATA - the other thing this shows is why there is a liquidity problem - if your currency is crashing in purchasing value this rapidly then you need exponentially larger amounts of cash to liquify the financial system because you have to spend exponentially more to purchase the same products and services - and if you can't print money (like the European Central Bank can't print money) - THEN WAR IS THE MOST LIQUID DEBT CREATING (and money creating) ACTIVITY TO LIQUIFY THE BANKS



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Compound interest on debt was the banksters greatest invention, to capture and enslave, a productive society.

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Who in their right mind would even consider purchasing sub prime US Treasuries?

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I just want to say it's so wonderful to have you back at the computer helm after your time off to refill your gas tank (it's my janky take on the classic "to recharge your batteries"). I chose not to use battery recharging because you don't drive EVs, which is, in my opinion, the best way; no offence to the Tesla Plaid guys.

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