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This whole situation we now are in and must certainly face together, is one that

began with people in high places beginning to steal from the public trust; our

US Government. Bob Fletcher if you google him you will find was an investigative

person in the 1980's and 1990's. He found that through his investigations and

inquiries as well as Craig Hulet also an investigator that at first in the 1980's and

1990's there was money being syphoned off. In the earlier days it was millions of

dollars syphoned off to build certain few mansions in other nations and islands

which "seems" terrible but understandable as politics is basically a way to govern

and excrete power/money/ contracts to those you wish that money, etc. to go to

such as your colleagues in the Congress or Senate or Executive Branch. But then,

these same investigators found not just "millions" of dollars missing in action but

there trillions and trillions of dollars missing and so the thievery of the public trust

had become a mammoth feeding system of corruption that went out of control with

little or no oversight just more deficit spending and lower and lower revenues to

take care of those deficits. Then you had the 9-11 episodic which was another grand

theft deal not only from the American People, Citizens, but also other Nations stash

and records of that stash such as the China and other Nations of gold, bonds, etc. all

imploded into dust in Building Seven and the Twin Towers literally made into dust.

Many honest hard working FBI Agents were tracking the so called hijackers as well

as the Bin Laden Family but they were told to cease and desist and our very own embassies

in the Middle East were told to okay the questionable passports of these very same people

like Mohammed Atta et al. Bin Laden of course was a CIA Asset during the 1980's and

so this relationship went on for the longest time even two weeks before 9-11.

They then gave us the internal domestic freedom harness of the Patriot Act, NSA Spying on

our own people and we cheered all this as it was placed over us. We were going to get these

"bad guys" and yet we never went into where the Sunni Wahabists came from most pointedly

Saudi Arabia but more so into that supposed "Wahabist" Sunni home place but no other than Iraq. We did this with the notion and calls from the Bush Administration of weapons of mass destruction, etc, yellow cake uranium from Nigeria and that Saddam Hussein the most secular nationalistic leader of Iraq as aiding and abetting religious Wahabist fighters even though he had already been blockaded for years since his Kuwait Invasion and subsequent defeat in Operation Desert Storm. This blockade and sanction lasted so long that 500,000 Iraqi's died not out of any military operation because of lack of medical and food that the blockade resulted in.

After the 9-11 debacle, we had an economic problem as well and burgeoning economic

issues with other nations providing "imported" goods for dollars. The war that would never

end even though Iraq was vanquished continued through Afghanistan and elsewhere pushing

more budget deficits and National Debt higher and more and more imports of things with

dollars and US Bonds being purchased. "But" this was good for all the defense contractors

and other military special interests even though it was "not" good for the long term economic

well being of the United States, the US Citizens, nor the value of the dollar in the long haul

nor the salability and so the value of the US Bonds in international purchasers of those bonds.

We then had the collapse of Lehman and others as well as the implosion of the mortgage

junk bonds being wrapped in pretty triple A Bond Wrappers outside but full of junk bonds

inside. This then collapsed the bond markets and so the Wall Street Firms that were the

holding the bulk of these hidden high risk assets. Now, you then have to ask, who were the

Bankers that gift wrapped all this sh__ and sold it to anyone that would buy it under the false

assumption they were triple A Bond Investments but weren't. Did anyone go to jail or pay

substantial fines or both? The answer is no only The Barney Frank Bill that supposedly would

force the bankers to have more reserves on hand to avoid the US Government from bailing the

out again. That just wouldn't do for the Banks. They first diluted this bill as well as all the restrictions up front in conference committees and then secondarily then had the US Government annihilate reserve and other restrictions on the banks to once again flounder

in their nonsensical schemes again including eliminating the oath of investment banks to

protect and do what is in the best interest of their own "clients"!

This occurred during the Obama Administration as well as the Trump Administration with the

call to "deregulate" "industries". What this really meant to investment banks no rules just

right. Yet, they all failed to understand that regulations on any sector of business provided

legal protections for those very same industries as they were frameworks which government

and those sectors understood as "floors" if there was any legal issues in the future. But, when

a private sector eliminates regulations and then something really bad or illegal happens what

legal framework can that sector use in defense of their positions in criminal or civil court cases?

The answer is it is a bottomless pit and it leads to their business sectors destruction and devolution over time which is what has happened. This is certainly not to say regulations

can be made more streamlined but anytime any sector says they will "regulate" themselves

this equals disaster to the wider society both economically- jobs and investment, trust in

those sectors to be at the minimum trustworthy and then societally destroying the very fabric

and foundation of any sound Nation: the individual and family with loss of jobs, investments,

"earnings" etc. Mr. Greenspan believed Wall Street could self regulate and it led to an economic

tsunami of destruction and later he said he was incredulous as to the fact that sectors could

not "self regulate"!

So, now we have massive tax breaks for the international corporations as well as the top

5 percent and over the last several years a burgeoning stock market "but" all propped up

with the Fed bankrolling everything. This is why even CNBC experts say The Markets are

fully detached from the domestic US Economy as the US Economy is cratered and the

next thing that will happen is the value of the US Dollar and US Bonds will flounder over

time as international investors after seeing this sh__ show over time will effectively and

rightfully decide to place their investment monies elsewhere possibly in places where they

know the currency and bonds are backed with some facet of hard value things.

So, the journey forward "cannot and will not be" successful without proper regulatory

provisions to keep the bad actors getting their asses slapped each and every time,

new currency enhancing back stops of the US Currency as well as our Bond Offerings.

Additionally, we need a remediary Infrastructure Action Bill and Plan so that we can

continue to strengthen our own domestic economy and industries, while disuading

our very own American Investors from going elsewhere with their monies through

smart streamling of the US Government thereby providing a much needed face lift

of our standing with much of the outside world as well as the investment communities

that invest in the US. It's going to get really, really, really sh_tty at some point in time

and as I have been saying all along "we" the American People will not succeed without

each other whether conservatives or liberals as "no one" has all the answers all the time.

And indeed, if we are not united together we will all fail equally and miserably! I hope

we can reform each and everything with good people coming out in front on all this

so that we can fashion a much needed, healthy and prosperous future United States

as well as and most importantly the American People no matter who they are, where

they come from or their religions. May our Constitution provide that guiding light for

all to understand and respect always.

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