As I told you before this is part of nasty factions going to war with each other on "all levels"

and it doesn't matter if you support Donald Trump or Joseph Biden, there are extremely powerful

forces at work against each other and they don't just quit if someone is taken out. No, No, they

will go to the bitter end of warfare against each other regardless of the consequences to any of

us, who are "not" in the "Club" and don't ever want to be. This has been planned for over 170

years worth by the really, really, really evil bastards, who really don't like us; decent human beings rather than what Gregory calls "it's". If you go to youtube and see the videos by Kameran

Faily on "The Illuminati Declares War" video via Project Camelot as well as the "Coming Events"

you'll see the inside scoop from a Middle East perspective on many of the forces at play then

as well as now. After you watch these videos, then go to CNBC and Morning Joe with the President of The Council of Foreign Relations Mr. Haas I believe and watch what he does at

the 23 minute and 25 seconds about the way forward with Iran negotiations. Who the hell do

you think "negotiated" that original settlement folks? It wasn't the US but the very same Illuminati members from Europe and elsewhere so your Kings, Queens and Presidents don't

mean squat. It's the powerful evil ones behind all these manifestations that ultimately are

"desperately trying" to place us into number one a weaker United States the collapsing empire

to be replaced by no other than the Chinese and the Russians under "One Belt One Road

Initiative". With the US Collapsing Economically and in free fall from decades of economic

deindustrialization and exporting manufacturing out of the US to China and elsewhere plus

Covid 19 consequences how is the US better prepared for the final solution that must be

in place as of 2025 or sooner.

I'm sure I have made many Trump and Biden supporters mad as hell now and even in my

own family I don't talk any politics to either side because they are simply snow flakes and

turnt on everything they think is against their position when in fact you have been meticulously

setup in both camps to abandon your own United States for divisive endless warfare against

one another which means you "have" been conquered not by outside forces but by your own

blindness to the facts and logic as well.

So, your world financial systems cease up and/or collapse and anyone on the political spectrum

thinks this will be a great pleasure cruise during this time period. Watching people suffer and

starve is not my impression of any "good day" or time period but more so something we should

have all avoided like going over Niagra Falls without any barrel just free falling over the top

just awaiting the bottom crushing compression in the frothing and boiling waters below.

If and when Biden does become President, because that is not a given, then you have to watch

out for Biden pushing the old Neocon War Plans as they have been wheeling out since the GW

Bush Administration having a literal take out plan for certain North African and Middle Eastern

Nations. This will eventually lead to Armegeddon as that is another objective they wish out of

all this sh__ as all the Nations have their own sides in all this sickness, when in fact the only side

I can dare say any decent human being should be on is that of humanity and life and survival

itself of the Earth as we know it. Pray for everyone and fight to keep the evil bastards check

mated together. So Sad!

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Thanks Greg, Good Morning LIONS, and maybe we will get a nice little pullback today!!! Here we go!!!

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