People say how horrible everything has changed the last two decades and accelerating and speeding out of control. The loss of God people need to recognize it’s the Satan system, AI, the bite of the apple on your phone. We’re on the devils system we have been thrown out of God’s garden, we have bit the Apple.

Block, chains web nets cell 5g pentagram Hollywood Pharma Kia It’s real people just wake up ever since we had these jail cell phones, and this in the net in the web, everything is purely evil at the highest levels ever and it’s only gonna get much much worse. These jail cell towers are really doing total humanity control in this country. I’m telling you their mind control weapons

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... self-assembling nanobots - experimental bio-weapons masquerading as vaccines - geo-engineered sky - then total loss of self-identity and zombification of all humanity where 13-of-14 probably won't survive. What me worry?

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Woah. 😳

Jail cell phone.

Really funny if it wasn’t so true, and so detrimental to young minds. :(

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If anybody still believes that they live in a ''democracy'', look back in time and see if anone you voted for in the past has ever changed anything to YOUR advantage...

YOU were never part of the con game that is being played, they never thaught you the real rules of the game, even if you graduated from university.

They never explained to you how to become financially independent, and, how to protect your wealth from parasitical governments.

They did show you how to live on credit & enslave yourself all through your lifetime.

Now, ask yourself, can it be just a coincidence? Is it just bad luck? Or, were you played because you didn't want to face the reality of having to take responsibility for your wellbeing, instead of always asking your government to wipe your ass, even when you became an adult?

They say that you reap what you sow...by the looks of it, get ready for a biblical famine!

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Like CONVID people are duped. What happens when trust is broken 💔. No amount of fairy tales will break bitter aftertaste.

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The talking heads on the local propaganda channel are pushing the everything is fine narrative on the economy. I’m at the point that I don’t even believe the weather forecast anymore.

The local Washington commissar rep was touting that it is climate change that’s causing the rise in rent and groceries.

You can’t make this shit up.

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The problem is people still believe this shit people no longer have the ability of critical thinking

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All true Greg. I'm 66 and it took me a lifetime to realize the lies. When I tell my friends they need to start buying commodities they look at me like I should be put away in Happy Acres. They.dont believe the world we Boomers grew up in is almost gone. They are in complete denial.

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Always great information but it would help so much if at least occasionally you would define your terms in plain English - such as "become your own central bank" and "lenders and buyers of last resort".

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Everything going on today around the globe is all by design. The wars, the debt, the virus and civil unrest is all the plan. Remember the Klaus Schwab quote? " You'll own nothing and like it"

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Trickle-down economics is Not an economic theory. It was just a made up term to slander republican capitalist ideas about cutting government spending and encouraging small business growth. The great scholar Thomas Sowell has explained this quite clearly and Dan Bongino has played his youtube clip like dozens of times.

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Essentially that's true. The "trickle-down" idea is more a hopeful idea than an economic reality though. Sowell is a very sharp & thoughtful man--probably not well understood or appreciated by unintelligent people.

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Oh?? Where to look for Thomas Rowell explanation? He is a true master and scholar. What a GREAT Human Being.

Could you Post link to Dan bongino?

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Here you go:


Thomas Sowell - "Trickle Down" Theory

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Times such as these will test men's souls & their nerve. Their Courage. Their Values. Their Faith. I would say: Fear not. Be resolute in your Values that have stood the test of time. Make sure your Faith is well founded. Live and invest accordingly.

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Greg another great article thank you. I think I am going to start printing them out and putting them in a 3 ring binder and then place that binder on the break room table for the employees to take a gander. Thank you Greg have a fun Sunday, see you in the morning

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I agree. We agree. By design.

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Hi Greg, I think you should have a link to your YouTube channel for easier access from your Newsletter. Maybe at the bottom of it? -John

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New system coming. Make it seem worse than it is so people will happily accept it.

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.. commie-Kool-Aid for sale!

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Its no longer a matter of just waking up, today one can wake up to a reality that completely overwhelms you to the point that you rightly decide its better to go back to sleep!!!

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Okay, I agree with your post, but what are your recommendations for all of us? How does one not just survive, but thrive, when you have such a well-planned and organized break down of all of the western world, given there are not too many books out there on this...

Buy long-term storage food that lasts 25 years so we can eat without ingesting mRNA vaccines and nanorobots building a platform in our blood that we need to constantly detox from?

Spread our 401(k) and IRA money between cash, credit unions, banks, gold, silver (and bury some of it around our yard in the event we do get robbed), and money in digital wallets, so if one thing collapses, we have others to draw on? Let's be honest, in the event desperate people do break in and hold a gun to your kid's head asking for the password to your safe, you are probably going to give them everything in the safe (This tactic may be easier to resist if it is your spouse being held hostage, depending on how many years you have been married...).

Move to a farm and grow our own fruits and vegetables, and raise cows, chickens, and the like?

Build a fully-stocked bunker in the backyard so when Putin sends in the bombs we at least have a few days before we die to make peace with the Lord?

Put a picture of Jesus on the front door to pause Christian Venezualians but keep a burqa hidden in the closet upstairs that we can throw on in the event it's Muslims who break in? And maybe also have a Buddha shrine in the hallway, just to cover all our bases?

Just wondering what your recommendations are, all kidding aside!


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It’s the neofeudal casino gulag plantation economy

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As every empire ends, there is a dark age. When Rome fell, there was a dark age and the Catholic Church was the new government. Today, the new government will be supported by the Central Banks and the powerful will be the creators of AI and the masses will be serving them.

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