I think Dogelon Mars might be pumping. It went up 30% in the last two days. Hahahahahahahaa! I LOVE making FREE MONEY! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheeheheheheheee! 😍 😍 🤣 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲 💲

Dogelon Mars (ELON) Daily Chart:


Looks like Shiba Inu might be pumping also. It's up 23% in the last two days. I want to see Bitcoin come out of the range it's in before I commit 100% and going all in. I have added to my positions though. Why? Because I LOVE FREE MONEY! Hahahahahahahahaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤑 💵 💵 💰 💰

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Daily Chart:


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Spot on Commentary.

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We’ve all said it.

I’ve said it for years……..

This morning hearing Gregory Mannarino say “overvalued” caused my brain to seize up for a moment.

Upon reboot, I had an epiphany.

Is the market “overvalued”??????

Are we extracting gains from overvalued stocks or are we doing “something else”?

I think we are actually doing “something else”.

Here is my logic…..

-What value do zombies corps have? I say none.

-What “rights” does our “government” afford us? I say none.

-Is our government providing “checks and balances” anywhere, at all, to protect its citizens? I say no. Never.

-What are central banks doing w their monopoly on money flows and money velocity, unchecked by congress?

They are Feasting on the corpse of America. That’s what.

Congress is too.

-What are we doing buying this “zombie market”?

We are Feasting on the corpse of America. That’s what………. Because, ITS OUR ONLY OPTION!!!!!!!!

Duh duh duh duh duh!!!

Please know……..

-America is dead.

-Your politicians are con men and criminals, not patriots or leaders.

-Your military are OPEC mercenaries.

Therefore, We MUST, you MUST do the following;

-Extract WHATEVER you can from this shit hole of a financial system/ fake government/ zombie market.

Use what you gain to form communities of good people who can provide for our own energy and our own security.

No one else will.

Form like Voltron lions.

Fight this evil everywhere, everyday.

-Be smart. Be Bold. Be Sneaky. Be righteous.

Thank you Greg, for being a voice for good. For being our voice.

The founding fathers of our once great Republic would’ve been happy to break bread w you any day sir as they too fought the same evil.

Bless you and bless all the lions who stand by your side. We have your back!

Merry Christmas to all your families lions. Farewell.


“What’s the number one rule in a fight???


-Clint Smith, Thunder Ranch

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I actually enjoyed that piece. Why? Because it had some truth in it. Nice! 😃

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One of the most impressive things about you Greg is that you have the ability to see through the bs. You have no idea how impressive that is!

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And thank you for showing us where money has the best chance of multiplying in due season!

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I’m taking daily steps!!!

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The system gets enough people saying the same BS, most people believe it. Its difficult to hear the same opinion from 20+ people & be convinced that your right & everyone else is wrong

Im gonna stumble on this, but its some psychological phenomenon; we are meant to listen to swarm intelligences to make better decisions. However in this case its not actually a swarm, its one entity paying different sources to parrot them, giving the illusion of a consensus.

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The systematic demolition of the human psyche


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Thanks Greg, don't let the FREAK PUPPET SHOW get to you!!! Its already planned out exactly the way the NWO and Central Banks want it to play out, so Thanks for keeping your LIONS on the right side of these markets!!!

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. For those that like Gold & Silver especially Rare Collectable Gold & Silver check out my online W. S. Blackwell Rare Collectable Coin Store and from tonight thru Christmas Day I will offer 10% off across the board for any purchase from my Coin Store for Greg Mannarino's Lions and Wallstreetsilver members!!! PROMO CODE : LIONS entered at checkout. Link to W. S. Blackwell Rare Collectable Coin Store www.usacoinbook.com/members/wsblackwell/

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Here is a trump-voter at 7:42 that actually speaks the truth. One of the few trump-voters on planet Earth that I actually respect. Watch the whole video though also.



Here is something freaky for you-People are registering as Blue Tooth devices


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Unfortunately the girl in the car is absolutely right.

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Dec 24, 2021·edited Dec 24, 2021

I'd DEFINITELY be spending time in the Bible seeking out God's Sabbaths/Feasts in Leviticus and start observing them. He's going to destroy every Rebel who refuses to obey His Laws. Is there a world leader today in ANY country who imposes no laws on their people so there can be order? What president let's his people run around in a lawless manner? None! Then why do people think God is running a lawless universe? Hahahahahahahaaaa! We need to discover what those laws are and obey them so we can be live in peace.

All the Feasts

Leviticus Chapter 23

The Covenant:

Deuteronomy Chapter 28

America is modern day "Babylon the Great" and is coming down:


Read Revelation chapter 16. It says over and over again that no matter what death and hell God poured out on the wicked, they did not repent. You know, like today. It's like nobody wants to obey God's commandments so.....they are slated for destruction!


It's time for ALL OF US to obey God's commandments so we can live in health, peace, happiness, joy and wealth.

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interdasting. still trying to understand this bluetooth stuff.

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Turn your Bluetooth on, it's right in your face. Did YOU always have 10 Bluetooth "Misc" addresses pop up before? That's what my phone shows, about 6 new bluetooth "Misc." addresses that were never there before until after The Jab came out. They change as the day goes by reflecting the people near me coming and going. The Jabbed are being TRACKED and give off a bluetooth signal to be picked up by the grid.

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The whole system locks up when the masses of debt slaves can't get credit increases on their Amex/Visa/Master cards, then what? Maybe the fed will start giving out -0- interest rate loans to everybody?

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