May 1, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Good morning Silver...


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And the corrupt Aholes monkey hammered gold and silver, silver was up 80 cents and now down 17 cents.....They are in a panic....

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we will never see it break out until the system implodes , like lynette zang says a rising metals price indicates a failing currency , the illusion must be continued

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Hey Greg did you see that prank interview with Powell with those guys pretending to be Zelensky?

Powell did say they would do two more hikes, but that was in January. If he sticks to that, he will not be hiking this week since they hiked February and March

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now was that real or was that AI generated? these days you dont know!

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Yeah Goggle ex resigned saying same thing

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No Surprise to me.

That's why I change fiat currency to silver and gold.

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Greg-Pacific Daylight Time!!

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Isn't it nice that we have the ability to work for Federal Reserve Debt Notes?

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Not surprised one bit. They manage the Electronic Benefits Transfer..

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