The Fed reminds me of the NFL Clown Refs who throw a flag on both teams. “Offsetting penalties” are what they call it.

Replay down. Meaningless waste of time geared to run out the clock.

That’s what the Fed policy is.

Replay the bullshit and run out the clock on America’s Middle Class.

Thanks Greg. Don’t forget to give Mrs. M. a big Valentine!

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Please don’t ever stop smiling and being you... Nice video. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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I read that the Fed must raise rates several times this year in order to have the tools back in place for the next time rates need lowered. The game.

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"Boy George" lol. Epic man

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The United States is offering Ukraine a loan of up to $1 billion to support the country's economy under pressure from Russia's military buildup. "This offer will strengthen Ukraine's ability to provide economic stability, growth and prosperity for its people in the face of Russia's destabilizing behavior," says Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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You are so right about that last part, and the rest of it so far, for that matter. People are so easily misled that once you are aware of it, it frustrates the heck out of you.

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Desperation is setting in among 99% of the nations on earth as USA strengthens it's hold on every semiconductor plant, expertise, engineers and scientists..

Other nations will be like land inhabited by monkeys compared to USA

Anyone who thinks USA will become a country of destitute is smoking certain weeds. Other nations are at the mercy of USA. Absolutely unbelievable and mind boggling advances in technology.

Finally we will have one power ruling the earth and with absolute authority. Gap is widening. In fact there is no number 2.

In the mean time camel drivers looking at Sharia laws in some 1600 year old book. They can all be wiped out by a swarm of robot insects in minutes

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Thank you Greg 😎

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