Quit beating yourself up buddy. Your name is not Nostradamus, it's Gregory Mannarino.

Last time I checked you've been preaching every day this market is going to keep going up, until it doesn't. That's what happened so how were you wrong?

There was a point where you decided to stop the bleeding and got out. How is that a fuck up? You saved your damn ass. I say Bravo!

Tell the M.F.'s riding you to Kiss Your Ass. Here, I'll help you. Copy and paste this to the assholes... "Kiss My Ass" 😃

Eeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeeeee 🤣🤣😁😃😂😹🤣😀😆😁🤣🤣😁😃😂😃🤣

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Thank you.

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Damn right! People are always envious of winners!

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That's right Brook. 👍😆

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The 9 banks that own the Federal Reserve are listed at 19:50 in this Harry Vox video.


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President-Elect Zio // 1 hr ago

Am Cocoa long now.

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I’m not sure if I made or lost money on your advice - I don’t care. What I do know is I got one hell of an education on how the shock (not a misspell) market works. You really nailed it.

Thank you!

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Bilderberger and banker Andreas Treichl of Austria says we're in bad times economically.


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If the Fed sells assets at a loss, how is it a loss if they didn't pay for them in the first place?

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I guess the question is how much money printing is it going to take to reach an all time high and how much have they already dumped in, since this bear market.

Or how much lower do we have to get to see the gold stocks spike an all time high? Maybe a missile coming from N.Korea? Would that do the trick?

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I guess the question is how much money printing is it going to take to reach an all time high and how much have they already dumped in, since this bear market.

Or how much lower do we have to get to see the gold stocks spike an all time high? Maybe a missile coming from N.Korea? Would that do the trick?

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Cash might be thrash but it looks really good as they keep raising the rates and pretty sure they wont pivot before 2023. Might be a good idea to stockpile some cash and sit on the sidelines till q4 for some opportunities.

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