It’s so sad that they’re bringing down our great country. When did it get so much worse? When I was younger I just remember people having such a high opinion of Greenspan. Now that Gregory has really helped me understand the Fed role i want to look back and see what he did through this new lense i have. Betting it’s similar and I’ll be disappointed, right?

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No worries. When it all crashes our crooked politicians will call for a Fed audit, bail out the big guys and pass legislation so it never happens again.

Not one person will go to prison.

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Thanks Greg, for keeping all your lions ahead of the curve!

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As long as the 🇺🇸 FEDERAL RESERVE 🏦 can print money out of thin air wars will never end until the world is depopulated of the human race.

Inflation will soar as the Federal Reserve 🏦 prints more money 💸 out of thin air.

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The main stream media is a tool of the central planners.

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COVID-19 A Hoax? Gain of Function a myth? Dr. Tom Cowan.


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There is no Virus.

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Nice and compact. Do I smell a new book? The Fed Is The Curve. I like that title :)

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For anyone who would like to read this article and comment! My brain is mush...!


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Sorry but I stopped reading after this sentence: "This Act cleverly strips the Federal Reserve of its authority to create the money". I'd ignore this article.

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One thought. What if it actually DID pass?

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Pure fantasy. We are going back to 1912? Not!

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Armstrong is a smart guy.

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He is!!

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Understand what he is talking about:

NO it’s not an end-run around the Fed with interest rates. It is terminating the Federal Reserve issue of paper money. The Fed will still be able to create electronic money buying in bonds etc as they do now. But they will not be issuing paper money so the question will be the next stage of how to actually cancel what is out there. They will NO LONGER be printing money from here on out once they shove this down the throats of the American people.

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In europe they are preparing exactly the same. >> Digital Currency. >> Cash out for anybody without doing anything. >> Anybody depending on the state >> Total Contro >> Social Scoring.

For Germany: Not vaxxed? No Digital Money. No welfare. No nothing. You will need a lot of Silver for the Black Market to Survive.

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Gold too.

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Yikes! I just read that the new international medical codes include codes for those who are not vaxxed. That will be for all...!

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Basically no more privacy?

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CBDC 2030 or sooner.

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Not to forget: The White House is an Asset of the Central Bank / FED. Read twice.

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Like the English Royalty, the US President serves at the pleasure of the Court Jew, not the other way around, as most historically ignorant individuals and groups believe. We both know this coup was staged on the misinformation of Wellington’s defeat by Napoleon at Waterloo. Of course the opposite was true, but it just goes to show how misinformation is just as powerful as information, maybe more so.

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Why? I did read it but you guys are much smarter than I am.!

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

I'm not sure how to comment without insulting the author of that article. It just doesn't make any sense. The White House would never strip the Fed of the authority to create money. This is why the Fed was created...to create money. But it's not really "money", it's debt which is held on the Fed's balance sheet. It's credit to the government. Unlimited credit that they can spend on whatever they want. Why would they want to stop this? Re-read what Greg has just said above about inflation. Then the article starts talking about how this is ecash and it's like crypto but worse... No wonder your brain was mush. This article is mush. Really, don't read any more of it. I don't know who this person is, but they are just way off base.

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You might compare Armstrong's track record to to someone else..say, maybe yourself...then make such comments.

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You should know who Armstrong is. Do some research. Very Interesting.

THAT ias what he is saying:

NO it’s not an end-run around the Fed with interest rates. It is terminating the Federal Reserve issue of paper money. The Fed will still be able to create electronic money buying in bonds etc as they do now. But they will not be issuing paper money so the question will be the next stage of how to actually cancel what is out there. They will NO LONGER be printing money from here on out once they shove this down the throats of the American people.

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A concise and accurate post of the inflation situation. One of your best. Thank you.

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A very concise and accurate explanation of the inflation issue. One of your best posts. Thank you.

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History repeats, sad humans are human sometimes.

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By the way, this just came out as an addition to that last article. Surely someone who is super smart who follows Greg can comment. I am really curious as to WHAT people think about this ACTUALLY being pushed on all of us. Here is the last article. Thanks!


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Interesting position to consider to be sure, and you may indeed have hit the nail on the head.

Yet, I still think it is more incompetence and ignorance on the part of the Federal Reserve than complicit activity. They have a long history of "acting" as a central bank and as ivory tower elitist dignitaries upon which we all "must" depend. So let them have their grand muppet show and fine tailored posturing - our nation would be better off, if banks, hedge funds, investors and every form of life simply ignored them entirely as an irrelevant discharge of odious gas...

But I appreciate your professional opinion here - and your great service to all of us through your website and writings.

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Thank you, Greg. Does your advice with the stocks you mention on your website still apply or should we abandon stocks now and move on to precious metals?

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Eustace Mullins - SECRETS of the Federal Reserve Bank

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