Americans dont care as long as they see their "wealth" in digits on a screen and that pension check arrives each month . Too many vacations and football games to attend to worry about a silly conspiracy theory . Mad max scenario when the rug gets pulled and of course they will look to the system to save them

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Cows and Sheep think the farmer is there to save them.

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It’s the NWO, harlot, agenda. Babylonian money magic and bread and circuses to entertain/distract the masses.

This is just the start with the dark forces (WEF, UN, Biden’s, Medical Cov Hoax) being put in plain sight for the unassuming general public being shown the path of passivity to a one world government with UBI.

When things get even worse a false light (the devil masquerades as an angel of light) will arise to take down the harlot, but when this Beast reveals it’s true self the events that unfold will be horrific beyond imagination.

Stay strong and faithful. You know the there’s only one, the way, the truth and the life - faith in Christ.

Buckle up buttercup this is only the beginning.

God bless.

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The USA is indeed Babylon.

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Maybe, maybe not. The Harlot who rides the Beast could possibly be Isr…. as it controls practically all finance, media, governments, pharmaceutical, etc. around the world.

The Beast that destroys the Harlot and gives kings of 10 Nations (UN) power for an hour could be any person/country, possibly the US.

Only the Father knows.

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Clearly Washington D.C. IS the Whore of Babylon, Scripturally and geographically it is. The Monument (phallus ) and the petagram ( pentagon) and the Pentacle it is laid out in

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Correct, only the father knows.

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Come on "christians" and tell me how "blessed" America is while everything is falling apart at the seams. Hahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣😁

10yr Yield Going To The Moon 🌛🚀:


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Follow the 10 commandments and you will be blessed too. Would you want God to bless all the evil people in the USA? Of course not, as we sow what we reap.

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Being herded into a UBI-CBDC 15 Minute City utopia where you will own nothing, live in the pod, eat the bugs, and be jabbed regularly with mRNA juice.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Well, seeing how the majority of people have less than $1000 saved, this is another non-statement from the Fed. I bought another 100oz of silver 2 days ago...

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You have chosen.... wisely.

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Credit card rates 22% and rising

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Yeah that’s the rate I started with before Fed rate hikes

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this isn't good

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As long as boats are driving on the highway there will be no uproar but it’s coming poverty got to work its way up

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"Trickle Up" economics.

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In my day, we had trickle down economy. You knew when it was working because it made the back of your neck warm and wet.

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I may not be ultra wealthy but my father's persistence on saving for a rainy day is definitely paying off. If the American Sheeple didn't want so much this would be a much greater nation.

Keep it going Greg, eventually the sheep will awake, albeit too late.

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Yuri Bezmenov was correct in his assessment of brainwashed sheeple.

"You can show them hard, irrefutable facts and they will ignore it. Only when the military boot comes crashing down on their neck then they will understand but not sooner."

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You are 100% Correct. I have shown the Yuri Bezmenov seminar video to a Secret Service Agent and he said "That isn't taking place in our country. " and we wonder why we are failing... SHEEPLE BLIND SHEEPLE !

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LOL, your SS friend is partially right.

The subversion ALREADY HAPPENED almost 40 years ago!

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So Sad

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The masses care more about Tiktok and fighting with each other.

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The FED has to create a study before they will admit what they really did. The study will shield them as intellectuals instead of an organization that inflates away the wealth of the citizens.

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Greg. (17Aug2023)

First, thanks for this info.

Second, the answer to your question is... American men are protecting their guns, and that is why you do not see action. (There is no legal recourse to the financial demise of this nation..)

FACT: If men start to physically take on their political class of criminals, then the U.N. Treaties will be invoked by those criminals to seize their weapons.

FACT: If men do NOT physically rise up, then China is already burning them to the ground.

Captured and Contained... oh yeah.

WAIT, there is more ... Here is NEWS about Maui for you as a U.S. Naval Officer... 2 excerpted articles:


Hawaii's Hell" / Iran / Peru Aliens / Mike From Around World / Paul Begley


HOST: Pastor Paul Begley

GUEST: Mike from Around the World… U.S. Military Insider (Deep State)

August 10, 2023 Thursday

VIDEO: 2.45 hours

+++++REPORTER NOTES: (rough transcript; go to the link for details and accuracy)


(1.17 hours)

MFATW: By the way, that island is a ‘Military Asset’, so for a fire like that to happen, it was a ‘NO-NO”.


Kim Goguen UPDATE (Office of the Guardian)

August 16 2023 Wednesday

This link is accessible from: 6:10 pm EST to 7:30 pm EST today, 08/16/23 and 6:00 am EST to 7:30 am EST on Thursday, 08/17/23


VIDEO: 1:17 hours

+++++REPORTER NOTES: (rough transcript; go to the ink for details and accuracy)

(40.22 minutes)

GOGUEN: Now, let’s talk about Maui.

There is a lot of chatter on the internet talking about DEW (directed energy weapons)… and about a lot of other things that started the fires.

There was discussion today about the Governor in Hawaii putting a Moratorium on the Sale of properties in Maui.

The reason for that is because there are people coming in droves wanting to own the Prime Property.

The Chinese had some other ideas, and they did have some dealings there, as well.

FACT: There is an underground base in Maui. It had been there since World War Two. It was run primarily by the Hirasaki Military for the longest time.

The Hirasaki still work there to this day, creating problems with the portal in Maui.

As we told you (09Aug2023)…. It was actually the Jesuits and The Jades that started the fires… that is TRUE.

+++++REVIEW: August 9 2023 Wednesday

GOGUEN: China thought it was a good idea to put out a lot of orders… Apparently the Takers in the game at the moment are the Order of the Jesuits and a Chinese assassination group called ‘The Jades’. That is pretty much all they do. They are highly trained in Black Magic and all kinds of different stuff.

So their current orders are to: BURN THE COUNTRY TO THE GROUND… or anything they deem necessary.

(39.90 minutes)

HOST: Okay, by burning the country down, are you talking about the United States?



GOGUEN: Come to find out there was a Plasma Energy Weapon UNDERNEATH the island in that facility. On the surface, it appeared to be coming from the sky.

FACT: We have ZERO indications that there was anything in the sky, such as a Lockheed DEW plane carrying a DEW weapon.

FACT: What we do see is that the personnel shot it from the ground up…. Underground in that particular area.

The interesting facts as they started to unfold is that there are TWO Royal Families of Hawaii. continues)

REPORTING from South Carolina.

R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences

Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996

1996-2000 Front Page Reporter – The Edgefield Advertiser, South Carolina

24 years - Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)

9 years-(DOE/SRS) Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector

1992 - Certificate of Completion for "Teaching Nuclear Topics"

Author: American and Russian ALLIANCE of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)

1998 - GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education

2000 - GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor

2004 - Libertarian candidate for SC US Senate


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Greg, the main problem isn't that there won't be an uproar. Its that the people doing the uproar aren't being listened to, and a good amount of people who should be in an uproar have been indoctrinated to blame someone else. They are disunited. As for the people in charge they are so insulated to the point where they are no longer dependent on their electors, and no longer actually represent those they claim, and the rule of law has been so corrupted that not everyone is equal under the law. History says there is only one thing this leads to, and its something no one wants.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Wait, you had a Dodge Hellcat and a 1960's or 1970's Dodge Challenger or Doge Charger and now you have a New Camaro and a 1960's Camero? I guess anything is possible. If you had told me I buy a year 2000 Honda S2000, I would have said, when pigs fly.

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We're in the 4th cycle of pain and awareness. When the people of the late 1920's realized after the market crashed, it was a different World out there, again massive amounts of paper value went up in smoke. People jumped from buildings. because of deflation the dollar still gained in value. But in other parts of the World Gold rose against other currencies. In my opinion I think we are going through the same scenario. Gold and Silver will be the leading assets of choice if there still available. Get them now while there still relatively priced. Or kick yourself in the butt, if there not. Ed

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