Silver is pushing its way to $32.00!

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Sleeping Like A Baby!

My three largest Canadian mining stock holdings this year 2024

BTO - 6%

CXB + 60%

AGI + 31%

GOLD IS KING.....Thank You

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I am all in the market. Just bought more Bitcoin. Thanks Greg for keeping us on track!

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I am sleeping like a baby, I am 70% cash and 30% gold and silver Canadian mining stocks....

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BB, does the significant erosion of your cash (currency)

buying power not concern you? What is the plan to employ the cash?


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I just purchased a home for my daughter as a wedding present...

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Zzzzzzz - that's fer sure. Mining stocks? Did you take the Franken-shot little buddy? Supranational Bolshevik bankers will nationalize mines before you can say Slavelandia.

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And a typical response from a dumbed down brainwashed clown.

You have been saying and thinking this same shit now for over 20 years and this is why you have no money.....Sad

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.... has it become increasingly difficult to remain in your cloaked form?

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... has it become increasingly difficult for you to accept the truth?....Yes

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I think I see the Ranger Boo Boo Bear.... he's asking the snakes if they can say Kinninigan and Bears if they can say Picnic Baskets.

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And a typical response from a dumbed down brainwashed American clown.....Sad

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Thx Greg. I have listened to you for a very long time, getting an idea of the general financial market.i have some commodity funds. My fear is they will go all digital and lock up all money. All thst work i put into the stock market will be locked up if can't use cash system.

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Bough TQQQ recently after selling SQQQ… fundamentals? We don’t need I stinkin’ fundamentals.

(Eventually yes, but current Klown World ignores them)

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Going long on commodities g.m buying the dips crypto is in the circle back loop just like commodities a couple of years ago I think

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Thanks for your updates. What is the trigger and your plan when the end comes as it relates to your physical precious metals holdings? Hold them? Consolidate to gold, real estate, none of the above, etc.? G

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Greg I don’t think the crash will happen after rates spike. The last three crashes (2001, 2008, 2020) actually happened after the Fed started cutting rates. Personally I’m gonna start shorting after the 2nd or 3rd rate cut

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Greg. (06Jul20240 Hmmm... you are ASSUMING that the Fed systems and Central Banking will exist AFTER the great crash along with a Stock Market. WHAT IF... all of it goes away, because the U.S. Corporation is already DISSOLVED? People are going to 'lose everything' without Recourse or Remedy... DEFINE: System gone. DEFINE: Destroy the Enemy. Reporting. R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./sciences

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Thx Greg. I have been listening to you for overall decisions. Have not been very much in stocks, only a few commodity funds. But think I need to take my 401 money sitting and get in, think no choice at this time. My worry is if to go to digital money system and ban cash my money will be locked in and unable to get out. So lose anyway. Any comment on that.

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Where do you reccomend buying gold and silver safely and not receiving something fraudulent after we write a big check? This is the key question most average citizens ask and wrestle with. Too many scams out there today. Once receiving the precious metal, do you test it and how to confirm it’s legitimacy?

I appreciate you Greg for all your financial advice and good hearted well intentioned advice. But reality and common sense tell me, in a real world financial meltdown all bets will be off. We all will be in uncharted territory, it’s pretty safe to assume that the 95 percent who have been screwed over, these people are going to go pretty crazy and lose it.

Hoarders of gold, be careful what you wish for. I don’t think the overwhelming majority people realize what will take place in a dollar apocalypse scenario.

Fiat currency is needed in a civilized society. Protecting one’s currency should be the top priority of the US government and federal reserve. Fiat currency is needed for a middle class and their ability to buy homes/mortgages.

Riddle me this….

So let me guess in a mad max world scenario where the SHTF and 95 percent of the people are wiped out of their dollars and wealth. Those very few who own piles of gold will now sell that gold to companies who use that gold to make products. Companies who will then attempt to sell these products to people who have no money/wealth to buy these products. And to boot these penniless saps aka most of the US citizens who don’t have any purchasing power whatsoever, these very people who can’t even afford to buy food are going to want to buy extravagant and non essential items such as musical instruments and artwork at this point in time?

And I didn’t even present the great scenario possibility of massive riots and anarchy within the streets which will most likely occur. I don’t relish standing guard, protecting my gold and silver at this time with angry people roaming the streets who have absolutely nothing to lose.

The people in power have no idea what they are unleashing and what they are going to face if and when the SHTF, neither do those people who exist in this financial world Wall Street bubble who own stacks of wealth/gold and who exist within gated communities. These people think the majority of people will remain calm in this apocalyptic scenario and the people who just got screwed over royally are just going to accept all which has happened in a calm fashion. I don’t think so, I live in the real world where common sense and logic tell me otherwise.

The responsible person who played by the rules their whole life and who denied themselves material things and saved their money in the bank have been getting screwed over by this elite cabal for decades. Especially in the last twenty years with the artificially generated low interest rates.

It’s really sad what this country and world prioritize these days. Nobody will win in a doomsday financial scenario. Maybe silver is the best option to barter in this doomsday scenario, but the question remains where do people buy it safely and with peace of mind waiting for it to arrive in the mail. Just a rambling by a middle class sap, me.

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