Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022


How long can the DXY continue to go up?

The DXY is composed of 6 currencies: euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, Swedish krona and Swiss franc.

Because the DXY shows relative strength to those other currencies, could it continue going way up for a long time?

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Only game in town in this crap 💩 show

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Too high drama. You are beginning to become like these drama freaks on Utube. We know the seriousness but saying millions will die is a bit far fetched.

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Gregory: I just sent you an email validating what I wrote on your newsletter yesterday relative to the newest shocking debt courtesy “Ian.” Sleep tight, remember, those that carry themselves from the position of moral courage earn sound, restorative sleep.—Kat, retired holistic medical intuitive, private trends researcher nearly 46 years

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Hey Greg, I just want to say thank you once again. Im begging to understand whats going on here, since I started watching you, it all started to make sense. Im following the 10Y and stocks and crypto closely, and you can see the money moving and allocating from bonds to stocks and crypto( NAS100US, SP500,DOW and DOLLAR index). you can clearly see it, but it doesn't make sense!! who's is buying it? as you said, CENTRAL BANKS! dollar rises, stocks fall, crypto fall and bond yields rise, the other way, dollar falls, stocks and crypto rises, and yields fall , and the 3rd, everything falls and yields also fall, showing all the money moving into bonds, in other words, cash is moving, and whoever is playing this market has to be so big and so much cash has to move that is crazy just trying to comprehend. Today was the most clear and I saw it happen live!

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