I’d rather have my freedoms, law and order, and non socialist govt. I don’t care what the market does when it comes to the values I want my kids to grow up enjoying. Trump all the way!

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Well, unfortunately, isn't you or I who can decide !

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Biden has stage 4 dementia. His BLM Handlers and. Black female VP will be calling the shots for what they view as an old cracker. 😐😐😐

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I would have to disagree with Greg about a Biden Presidency or Electoral Victory. What will

happen in that event is the Republicans will then have a dog to chew and chew on and then

"demand" budget cuts out of "no" not the military industrial complex they all feed off but off

the social services and benefits that they call "entitlements"to the actual American People. Do you notice they never call corporate helicopter money saving corporate debt and stocks from tumbling due to their

miserable corporate policy failures, only that "terrible" $600 a month for unemployed, to people who lost their homes the last merry go round in 2007-2009 all caused by the same banksters "leveraging" the whole system but

who paid then and who will they attempt to thump once again? Certainly not the uber wealthy

but more so the most vulnerable of the American People as well as the poor and the lower

middle class. They will continue to try to provide "fat and furious" for the upper middle class

because "who" can hold their champagne glasses and caviar but the upper middle fatts. These

are called the house boys and girls, because they know where their bread is buttered so they

will bend like a willow tree even without wind. And that's also why I continue to be like a bell

ringing trying to wake you folks up to the fact that if this stuff goes down then who do we have

to pick up the splinters and make a new home but ourselves. You wish to be Patriots get your

powder and keep it dry. No not gun powder, wealth so that if this place and the whole world

burns down, we can build it back up. That may take some time "but" with God's help it can be

so! I also think this requires a tremendous amount of patience and brotherhood because

without those essentials you end up in disarray and Mad Max Scenarios which is not good

for any one.

No, it's the perfect wrecking crew as Biden, the senile, has been set up to replace the bragadocious senile incompetent currently holding that circus position as his show is getting worse and worse ratings so even he knows his/this schtick is up after the elections. Oh, I'm

sure he'll try to make some outrageous pronouncements to attempt to gin up hatred and

loathing toward sectors of his own American People "but" I think this gig is up in terms of average peoples perceptions and understanding that we're going in the wrong direction currently and no one but the guys with all the stuff that are running each and everything but adversely "into the ground" which is not in "anyone's" interest both here domestically or abroad.

So what does the Don say about the explosion in Lebanon yesterday resembling an

atom bomb going off. Oh, it was an "old Russian Bomb"???!!! Please. The old Russian

ughh is enemy that we can point at to rile up the public or some other nation is the enemy

is going into ludicrous speed per the Space Balls Movie. The only enemies are ourselves

and ourselves only. What's inside you is what you now struggle with no matter who you

are. That is the battle within that makes the quality and greatness of the person/character

without. shine or be blemished. Be the best you can be and promote the success of the

general welfare and better lives for all or as many people possible.

Be good to each other and fight for others as they would do for you!

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Yes Sir, I have been preparing for years for this to happen, and you could see it heading in this direction, but it is still disheartening to see it actually happening right before our eyes. Whatever and whoever is left to survive and maintain what is left will be ok, and maybe its a good thing I like camping, hunting and fishing because we are almost there now, as I cannot even go into public and participate in society, or even go into a store or public building without a MASK??? A COUNTRY BOY CAN SURVIVE!!!

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I got shotgun rifle and a four wheel drive!

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Spiritual Battle it's a WAR right now going on for everyone,Im glad to see you say that Mr.Mannarino I felt that way too didn't know anyone else was feeling it as strong but oh man yes sir.

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Biden is senile. Trump isn't, whether you like him or not.

By the way, love this Biden-Video:


Wanna make some money? Bet on Trump. Quote 7/4, it's a 75 % profit. See here:


Depending on Beirut found that:



Am still Silver long.

Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass Karthago zerstört werden muss.

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Lol.. you still don't get it? OK.. it does not matter if a farm animal were President.. The banks make the rules..

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Agree. But Biden is senile and Trump is not. And I bet he will win. It's 75 %. Years ago, I made a bet that I would survive the USD. My odds aren't so bad.

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I think market isn't as stupid. Forget Biden, zero chance.

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Forget both of them when it comes down to the market.

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What I mean is right now. This is crazy man no way this keeps up without something Big happening. Trump or Biden. Maybe im just a doom guy but I just dont see how we keep giving $ but no one is working in a large scale. Man what a generation to come up in.

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Whoever, Whatever, Whenever. It matters not. NWO in control and their plan now in full force; set in motion November 1910 (Jekyll Island). Gold $10k and Silver $250 oz by 2025.

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No, I don't think anything of the kind, they are the red fist and the blue fist nothing else.

The American People are the mustard seeds they pound each election cycle for their

Grey Poupon!

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I agree Greg, because I voted for Trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and I'll be DAMNED if I have lost more AMERICAN FREEDOMS under a Trump Presidency than I could ever imagine that would be TAKEN AWAY from me in A FREE AMERICA!!! I voted for Trump because I didn't want the COMMUNIST and SOCIALIST to take over America and for ever change our Freedoms and our CAPITALIST way of life!!! So, YES you are very right to say IT DOES NOT MATTER because look what the HELL we are having to live through at this very minute??? TOTAL SOCIALISM and FASCISM!!! No end in sight and NOT ONE SHOT FIRED YET??? Everyone lining up to get their next COMMUNIST ORDERS???

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Capitalism would mean in a simplified way that supply and demand determine the price. The price of money is interest. And the interest rate is determined by the Federal Reserve. Has nothing to do with a free market. This is pan-economics and socialism at the heart of the supposed capitalism. Since years. Maybe centuries.

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