The only way I think something could change is to get out of their system. Do like the Amish people. Build our own society, without their money, without their technology, without their insitutions. That is the only realistic way.

But with that said. Miracles can happen, prayers can open doors. So if you feel within your heart that this is the way for you to go, then go with faith and don't hezitate!

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When it comes to demonstrating 4th of July, I will not join since I am in a different country. But I think, although the thought is good, I think it could me more powerful instead to have a livestream once per week, where you gather as many who wanna join for a livestream in silence, meditation or prayer, with a vision of a world without a criminal banking system would be a more productive idea. The power of prayers and intentions are powerful. If x amount of people is sitting every week meditation or pray for a world without a criminal, slavery banking system - not with intention of revenge and death for those governing us, but the intention of pure freedom and love for mankind.

I think that can be powerful thing to do.

So, Greg, when you are ready for gathering your lions for a Sunday livestream of an hour of mediation and/or prayers, let us know. God and his angels will join that livestream, that is one thing for sure.

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Imagine a world where we are not slaves to a financial system, where our leaders are one of us and are actually good people who want our best. Can you feel that joy within from that thought?

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The Amish people have the right idea !!! Seriously, and they all take care of each other!! Why cant we do that as well? It has to catch fire, and spread like wildfire!! AMEN

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Cynthia, I agree.

Why don't we go there, to the Amish, and ask if they mind a bigger society and more inhabitants :)

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Going local means being self-sufficient. It's a good trait, being independent of their rules & needs. You see it happening everywhere (worldwide). A side-effect is that we are staying small (just local groups) and not connecting to the world full of like minded people. While "they" are expanding their mondial governance grid. It is a worldwide event. We, the people, need eachother on a grand scale to defeat the system which is thrown upon is. 💛 💪

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I feel bad for all the people trapped in the cities, that s the worst place to be. To get off the grid . In Pa where I live its the only state that will turn off you electric if you protest against the smart meter put on your home. TYRANNY!

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Greg, I'm sure you're aware but I would guess that many people are like me, aprehensive to sign in to youtube on a regular basis, so your thumbs up or feedback probably suffer from that so unfortunately. I sometimes sign in just so I can thumbs up your post even though I do not do that for any other reason but to support your good work. Regarding taking on the Fed, besides witnessing to turn on others to Jesus, I can't think of a better way to take it to our enemies than this fight you have picked. I will contribute what I can when you crowdfund. Best to you and thanks!

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Pray without ceasing...God first Gregory said so lets put God first, and pray and ask God to tell us what is God s way , ask and you shall recieve. You have not because you ask not.. right? We must turn our faces to our almighty Yaweh, who loves us so much, all we have to do is ask . Amen

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President Kamala Harris is leading citizen trump by 5% now. 👍😃

Eeeeeheheheheeeee! 🤣👍💯🎉🥳

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I do not believe anything they say. Its all fakery. Politricks.

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I support your idea, even if only for drawing the attention of those still asleep. I am not from the US so I don't know how I could participate.

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So much negativity here.. You only started talking about this a few days ago. How can people expect you to have a completely worked out plan with everything accounted for at this stage?

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what is the plan for any unused funds?

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hahahaha there you go!

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I'm sorry, but I don't support this endeavor (of seeking justice through a corrupt legal/justice system) because I believe it will be a huge waste of precious resources -- and I'm not talking about wasted time & money, in general. I'm referring to a waste of the rare **attention, time & energy** of those who understand what is happening in the world from a financial standpoint. We need to direct our attention, time & energy towards fruitful pursuits -- those that will give us a positive return on our investments because these resources are severely limited. There are only so many hours in a day and so many days between now and whatever circumstances outside of our control come to pass. We must be wise in how we spend/invest them.

As I've said before, the US Constitution is no longer valued in the eyes of the law & those seated in positions to effectively make lasting positive change. So, to expect anyone is going to be able to make the Constitution great again in their eyes is foolhardy, in my opinion.

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There's something more with this besides seeking justice in a thoroughly corrupt system. That is the educational value it has in reaching more people to make them aware of the problem.

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I'm agreeable to raising awareness, but unless a viable solution is proposed and actually implemented, then it's all for naught. Sure, let's make as many people we can aware of the problem, but then what? If there's no practical solution already in play, then when the people figure out the reality of the situation, they are likely going to resort to whatever they've all been conditioned to do, which is violent revolution. <-- We don't want that. (I know, I don't want that.)

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If enough people gain awareness and become determined to bring about changes for the better, they will make it happen.

War is so terrible that no one wants a violent revolution. Our enemies are not going to give up their evil system by any peaceful means. Therefore, it's either violent revolution, foreign takeover, or collapse into the Third World unless I've missed something.

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Our enemies don't have to "give up" their evil system. Their evil system is going to ultimately fail because it stands in opposition to the natural design & order of how the world-at-large was made & works. It's just a matter of time.

Personally, I'd rather see it fail sooner than later, and I believe that can happen when enough people *withdraw their consent* from being governed and controlled by the Powers That Shouldn't Be and dedicate themselves to making wiser choices every day going forward in the governance of their own affairs and in the associations & interactions in which they choose to engage.

As for your last statement, I see another option: *a concentrated effort to build an alternate way of life outside the System*.

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I agree that the evil system will eventually self-destruct and the sooner the better.

As for any alternatives that are better, it will take a critical mass of people to make any of those work. Alternative communities inside the larger society are vulnerable to attacks from government as we've seen with Waco, FLDS, and others. Presently, the best alternative for any individual is to emigrate to a better country if at all possible. Things are going to get much worse in the US for a long time before they have any probability of getting better.

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I would agree that large, centralized communities are vulnerable to attacks. That is why I suggest decentralized community networks are the way to go. The best alternative for any individual is to find a network of people who are tied to living off the land and cooperate with them somehow. This is what I propose: https://wiggleculture.com/support-your-local-off-grid-homesteader/

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The internet is our enemy. They can call upon all those illegal criminals to take us all over , and there will be civil unrest. They are demonic.

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The Internet is simply a tool/venue, which can be used for either good or harm. Naturally, we all need to exercise wisdom in how we use it, if we use it at all.

As for concerns of civil unrest, it stands to reason that we should probably not be in the midst of heavily populated areas. And we should also know how to take care of & protect ourselves to some degree while being a part of a network of trusted households, who know how to do the same, and who are willing & committed to working, supporting and helping each other, if/when needed.

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They can stop our cars with a push of a button , explode our homes with that smart meter, and our devices, we have been infiltrated by the enemy.

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We are not powerless, unless we choose to be.

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No matter how much our investments give us ...it will all be pointless if we let our country fail with out at least trying to save her....yes, it's the fourth down with just seconds on the clock...this is a "Hale Mary" pass....but it's all we got.

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I disagree -- this "Hail Mary" pass is not "all we got".

Our current form of government (which is essentially what I think you mean by "our country") has already failed. A "constitutional republic" only works when (a) the Constitution is adhered to and (b) the body politic is moral, sound & well-informed. We, the people, are just as much of a mess as those who claim to govern us.

The better way is for people who get it to *stop playing their game* and determine to pursue & develop an alternate way of life that doesn't rely on the Powers That Shouldn't Be, but rather relies on people of sound mind and moral convictions getting their own houses in order and working cooperatively with one another to operate outside the System.

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This pass year we have seen Government intrusion into the a Amish community (in PA?) So, if some of us were able to develop our own, self sufficient community what would stop government intrusion? And, wouldn't we just end up being prisoners locked in that community?

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There are people all over the country who are self-sufficient to varying degrees. What's needed is for folks to become as self-sufficient as they can reasonably be and *network* with one another in their local areas. Decentralization is the key.

I think we all need to function with community in mind, where folks support & cooperate with one another, but do so in a network fashion without any overly centralized hub.

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We need a militia.


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We need people who have their heads screwed on straight and their hearts intact to be wise.

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The constitution will be valued a whole lot less than it is today if Harris gets elected. She will be nothing more than a figurhead for imposing communism with a smiley face. They were getting derailed by Trump. He can do it again if he overcomes the cheat. That is a far larger and contemporaneous issue than some delusional march on the Fed.

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What difference does it make *how much* the Constitution is valued if not *everyone* values it? But it's not just a matter of the value of a written document.

People need to (a) be moral, (b) be willing to take personal responsibility for their own life, (c) figure out how to live outside the System, (d) figure out how to live with other people without harming each other and then (e) do so, come hell or highwater.

The only "political" solution lies in **the people who are willing to do what most people are unwilling to do (which is what I listed above) and commit themselves to doing it**.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

(1) How can you sue an entity that is a territory beyond the USA's legal system's reach? You have no legal framework for this. (2) You did not work out the financial system that will replace the FED. What will you implement instead? (3) It's the same kind of idea as 'Defund the police'... (4) The issue is not the FED. The issue is that they are paid interest and dividends on the 'gold' they do not use anymore to back the buck since 1971. And their ability to create bucks out of thin air due to no longer being tied to Gold backing. (5) Your concept is not well defined and articulated.

Conclusion: I'm out.

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Keep it simple - hold the Treasury/Mint accountable to their charters - pro se the chiefs and congressmen... let their clay chips fall where they may.

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Yes, this corrupt system is too far widespread in my opinion. The corruption is everywhere and goes through all layers.

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You do not have standing. Too bad you will have to learn this the hard way.

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The poll was linked to an email sign in otherwise would contemplate it or perhaps if funding abd issue coild use pro Bono services though perhaps you think a high price firm better? It is often said that way the free public defenders are less good. Though if you want ore people coild try Alex Berendon who already has a case going. The other option as an anti malware based pro Bono software program based on malware bytes anti malware or ad aware anti virus. Designation of The Federal Reserve as malware could present option to delete or erase from internet inflationary numbers on a screen backed by DOJ Warrant Soft ware presented by a Nvidia A.I. Sheriff. Or ACLU coild make a software program class action anti malware program and combine with existing cases. A.I. UNODOC and UNOPOL U.N.charter based options. A.I. F.B.I. Fraud Squad. There are a lot of out of work computer programmers and anti virus subscription services. Though it us difficult to implement the ideas a team might be successful.

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Greg said … I don’t belong to this ‘family’ of Lions .. I’m cool with that

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I’m sick of highly educated people that believe in God

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United we stand divided we will fail! Talk to Col MacGregor at OurCountryOurChoice and bounce off some ideas with him. I support his work as well as yours and I believe you both are on the same page or should I say belief system. Strength in numbers in people of action. I have 9 grandchildren and I am doing what I can for their future. I have lived a pretty good life with the opportunities this once great country afforded me and would like to see my grandchildren and their children have the same. God Bless

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Please consider combining forces with George Gammon "Rebel Capitalist" and Robert Barnes (the Covington Kid lawyer). They have already started the process of suing the fed and have put a considerable amount of money into it. This is going to take an army and massive collaboration.

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After the FED we march on 4501 Basel, Switzerland. It’s one of the most dangerous heads on the 7-headed dragon.

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I would be willing to donate what I can.

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