I do not know if the economy is collapsing but I know consumers are not. Went to a cool cafe to do some work on my laptop. It's full. Not place to sit anywhere. wtf

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In today's world, he himself could be fake lol Nothing I mean NOTHING should be trusted

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BUT toilet paper shortages are real. Everyone is so full of shit even after going to the toilet multiple times a day.

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banks weak. am short in german DAX. It's risky, I know.

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No risk, no reward. You gotta have a good risk tolerance in this game. Take risks, get your money! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa! 😃

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Gold's up $25 Looks like it finally dawned on people that the FED is a paper Tiger and will absolutely nothing to stem the inflation. Now the scramble to get into Gold

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In that case maybe I'll go take a peek at my SLV calls to see if they have risen from the dead. Haven't checked on them in weeks. Too busy trading more profitable crypto holdings. YES! 😃 😂

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Calls on anything gold and silver are very dangerous. Most of the time when the chart looks the most bullish we buy calls and just the next day JPM & Sons & Brothers come out to sell. Look at the chart for the last 1 year. Every time gold crosses 50 DMA or 200 DMA , it falls off the cliff. hmmmmmm Also note the pattern of sharp spike up before the steep fall.

I would buy calls when we feel like buying PUTS and want to bet the farm on gold crashing. That's the only time to do the opposite and buy calls. Gold is special. In fact bitcoin also shows some similarity.

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With this strategy I have had some luck trading gold. Trading gold is 100% different than trading normal stocks

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I think Greg is again over the target with his assessment that it's not just the US Economy,

the World Economy is slipping and a dipping. As the US and it's allies and China and Russia

decouple you'll see more and more down grades across the world. The US now has a Naval

Port In Vietnam! You ask why? Because manufacturing is moving away and out of China and

our old enemy is now our business partners?!! So, global decoupling, Brexit out of the EU

another version of decoupling equals chaos and mayhem across the board. Do you see the

shortages and reports from Brits themselves of food shortages, gas shortages, now the EU

is experiencing some energy situations as the winter comes upon the Continent. Brits in

Spain and the EU have no visas so have to go home even as Boris Johnson vacations in

Spain at a rich sponsors mansion???!!! Talk about any of our Presidents and compare them

to this dumbledorf clown! Unreal!

So, do the equations, US and Allies decoupling from Russian and China Block, which equals

larger and larger supply challenges and less and less direct or indirect trade between these

blocks, Brexit, and another wild card in this mix the emergence of the former Japanese Empire

rises as per their imperial flag shown during the Olympics as well as their first flat top out to

sea and Japan demanding their Kuril Islands back from Russia!!?? Meanwhile, China demands

Taiwan is part of China and they will "take them back" as well as China pronouncing the China

Sea is owned by China?!! All distinct markers of Empires starting to go bad as their fortunes

tail off into the sunset. You then have the little news bite of the US's Cyber Warfare Head

quitting saying the Chinese have won the cyber war and people carry on merrily on their daily

lives in the US and other Western Nations? I'm sorry folks, if my head cyber warfare head

quits and no one is demanding answers how screwed are you and me under those circumstances. Putin meanwhile is extending the natural gas olive branch to Germany and

the EU via Nordstream 2 to capture EU cash to rebuild more Russian Military Strength and

you ask did the Germans, the Poles, etc. forget about what happened in Eastern Europe under

Russian annexation and the answer is "yes" they have full blown dementia and amnesia as they

tell Americans we're as stupid as hell even though we came to their aid during WWI and WWII

as well as extending the Lend Lease Program and the Marshall Plan in aiding them during and

after war time to recover.

Whether you think the US is over stretched militarily and has too many bases or not enough,

the fact remains the US whether we like it or not "has" to be the "arsenal for democracy" and

that's also why Americans have guns and expect the US Government to protect those rights

as well without allowing idiots walking on the streets shouldering rifles and weapons everywhere.

We have to get back to the abc's in number one, insuring our future is the one we wish for and

pray for with maximum liberty and freedom to do and say what we wish in open and cordial

dialogue amongst ourselves. If we have no positive dialogue within the American People, how

the hell do we go forward in any thing as well as defend our Nation internationally and domestically within a reasonable fashion? That is only logical and reasonable which seems

to have gone out the window in American vernacular and political debates when in fact

it is essential for our futures.

In my own estimation, the international order is trying to conflagrate a war between the US

and it's Allies versus China and Russia with the US "losing" that war. This is exactly why I always

ask all US Citizens to stick together because you don't want foreign troops under international

orders to be over any Americans or any part of the United States of America nor Russia and

China mistakenly interpreting American change of policy like in Afghanistan to mean the US

is withdrawing from the international arena where there are tensions. It's more of a balance of

power and strength the US needs to maintain not just for ourselves but more so for the larger

world and business transactions and as much freedom that we can provide again within reasonable contexts. If you all remember your historical perspectives, this same economic

collapse occurred just prior to WWII and so nations went to war only to figure out too late

that war is "HELL" and terror for everyone on the planet as well as total destruction. I believe

Isaac Asimov as well as Albert Einstein all advised if there is ever a WWIII it will be nuclear

and then men thereafter will be fighting with sticks and stones if they are still alive!

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It's looking a little dark in your mom's basement today, Greg. Maybe she'll let you bring a lamp downstairs?

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