Thank you for lifting us all up Greg.

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My little baby. YAY! 😃

Buy Shiba Inu while you still can. 😃 👍

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May 21·edited May 21

I am watching your pre-market show now 😊 Thanks Greg! I appreciate your guidance.

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When does the Premarket show stream? I'm in Mountain time.

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I don’t know the conversion to your timezone. Let’s hope it’s a suitable time.

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Still buying S n’ G

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... soon to be Unobtainium.

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I believe uranium should be included in your commodities coverage

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Agree! I read AI, BTC mining, etc requires a lot of energy to operate/function. An alternative clean & cheap Nuclear energy will be needed. Uranium fuels nuclear reactors.

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why? inquiring minds need to know.

Most of the stupid nations in the world have decommissioned their reactors, so that demand is falling. no plans to build new ones (even though WE SHOULD ALL be on Nuke energy (soooo CHeap).

Please enlighten us as to why you think U should be purchased (not actually, held, that would be bad) ;-)

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Doug Casey seems to think so.

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Thank you. We have stacked and are holding firm. Can’t say that I’m not nervous for our country but we are thankful we have followed your advice and have invested in commodities. We appreciate you.

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I’m thinking the Fed is going to step in soon.

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WW3 means you die. At the very least, you'll wish you were dead. How does the "freak show" market matter except to kill or enslave us all? In this current circumstance, participating in the system seems like suicide. The Central Banks only get stronger with our tacit blessing, even when we bet against it.

General Smedley says war is a racket. We be all in.

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'they' want us dead (especially us old people). they believe there are TOO MANY of us now. so WAR is a great way to CULL the population (along with abortion, Injections, fake drugs, and other tools to KILL people).

and at the same time, 'they' make LOTS OF $$ (killing).


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.... they'll even convince you - being that Humans are a plague on Earth - the moral thing to do is to just kill yourself... for Gaia's greater good.

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Yes, the all important GAIA (the new god of the stupid).

I heard that all first year medical students (at UCLA) were FORCED to get on their knees and

pray to GAIA. Unbelievable.!!

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.... well ya fooled me - I thought all Docs worship Mollach and the Succubus Snake Godess.

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Within a period of 60 years the USA has gone from good to sinister.

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Actually, it started before that. During President Lincoln (war between the states, not a CIVIL WAR)) which should NEVER have occurred. Lincoln violated the Constitution, when he ordered Federal troops to fire on Ft Sumter. that was a violation of State Sovereignty.

THE STATES are supposed to CONTROL the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (not the other way around). and WE (THE PEOPLE) are supposed to CONTROL THE STATES (WHICH WE LIVE IN).

it's all backward now.

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It all started with the 60s drugs and soft communism. But the empire grew about 60 years before this time and quietly got to an imposing position.

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"Imposing" - the fucking tyrants want our annihilation - depopulation - a little more extinction rebellion - less oomp pa pa... you got this. You're either in the fight or you die.

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There are two things I'm concerned about. The First is China increasing their oil storage, they are up to something very soon, like I predicted. Also did you see Zelenskyy's latest remarks that other countries should get more involved in the Ukraine situation with neighboring "NATO" countries shooting down Russian missiles and drones. That should worry us.

I'm waiting for a comment from China to say that they and Russia share similar beliefs in protecting their way of living. Those two countries share a giant continent.

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.... Slovak PM and Iranian Presidents deaded. Nuland advocating attacking Russian cities/bases. Fruit of The Loom is on sale at JCPenney's... it's liquid!

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Slovakian is recovering

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.... my point was this is a typical example of dissinformation/censorship/lying to build-up more frenzy in favor of complete funding for the war machine something Americans haven't quite figured-out yet - because there's a sale at Penney's. GOTTA GO!!!

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Greg, please check your substack inbox message

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