I hope you're ready to attend "THE GREAT AMERICAN BOND SELLOFF" because it's coming to a town near YOU!

Eeeeeeeheheheheheeee 😁😃🥳🍿🥤🤣😂



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As I listened to this I thought to myself the tangible effects of this debt based monetary system is far worse than ever before. Last week walking near Queens blvd and seeing the homeless (while not new in nyc,) is much more profound than ever before. It's these reasons why I sincerely hope the current debtor's monetary system one day tanks sooner than later.

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Aug 1, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023

All aboard! 🗣️ 📢 🙋👩‍✈️ All aboard the Bitcoin Express 🚂 with a final destination at 10k. There will be stops at 25k, and 18k along the way. Ladies and gentlemen.... have a pleasant trip. 😃

Bitcoin Daily Chart:


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MMRI 255 Let babylon fall and be done with this cancer on humanity

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Bond yields getting out of control. Fake "good" data not helping. That oil price increasing means another inflation spike incoming and the markets know.

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We will see the DOW over 40,000 within a year.

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I love it. The illusion of the market. I continue to see the Fed, attempting to condition the market and the public to accept a 10yr treas. at around 39- 40. I imagine they would like to see it nudging 42 occasionally. They want to make this seem normal. They probably need to keep it high, as they are required to print additional billions monthly, to keep it where it is now. As you report:

US Government Debt Spikes by $1.2 trillion since Debt Ceiling, to $32.7 Trillion. Treasury to Add $1.5 Trillion in Debt by Year-End. The debt ceiling was, maybe a month and a half ago? Some things are holding up the CBDC release as well, based on news reports last year of an expected beginning rollout for early this year in Europe. This may be requiring them to print more money over a longer period of time to slow the timeline for inevitable market collapse.

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