Unfortunately the majority are in denial.

They actually think they are in for ‘a soft landing’…if in fact they are even remotely aware of what it is coming.

You were one of the very few who spoke out very early on..and even before the Pandemic.

That heads up has allowed some of us to prepare ‘as best we can’.

Thank you.

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.... the people have been asleep so long they just can't wake up and face any of it.... monetary policy is boring until you discover you've been ripped off - and that's what wakes people's asses up. Face their f-------g fear - avoid the traps - ask the questions nobody wants to answer. then you'll know ....the FED doesn't give about you - neither do your elected puppets - see it for what it is -a legislative supported debt instrument of slavery/servitude - with yelllow stains of liquid.

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Japan Dumps US Treasuries.https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6674b005165d8845bff7acaa

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Janet says that we can substantially pay interest on debt

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You're spot-on Greg, the momentum is building. As so many awake commentators say, it’s little by little, then 💥 BOOM. I just prey that 💥 BOOM isn't NUCLEAR. As seen from New Zealand

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Greg, I am so confident that the MMRI will be well in Extreme territory sometime between now and October. If I'm wrong, I'll do something yucky like eat a barnacle or a snake or Janet Yellen.

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The Number of the Beasts

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