Government will continue to take more GDP from the private sector. It’s the nature of governments to do this. Our Founders warned us about the inherent evils of government.

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It depends of who is President. Wouldn't it be crazy if Trump won and closed many agencies . I read he wants to close the Department of education. It's a pleasant thought anyways. I hope Trump wins and turns the place upside down. I think he might have learned some lessons from his first term. Vengeance is sweet.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Author

Trump's last tenure debts HYPERBALLOONED. You really think that will change this time? Did you also believe that he would "Lock her Up?" Or that he would end Obamacare as he promised? What he learned from his last term is that people are even more gullible than he thought, and therefore he can say anything, as there will be some who will believe it.

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Maybe he learned something. We are offered two choices and Trump is the obvious better one. I try to live my life like the Government doesn't exist. I prefer the candidate that leaves me alone the most. I'm not sure what you think the answer is. I'm not going to Washington and trying to start another revolution. Maybe everyone refusing to pay taxes is the easier action. The debt eats us alive no matter who is in office. I'm preparing for a societal collapse . Maybe fighting the WEF/NWO is in our future.

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Nothing is "obvious" to me. I see both Trump and Kamala aligning themselves with the enemy, which is the Fed. It is undeniable that the both of them are playing the Fed's game, promising lower rates, which means a weaker currency. Moreover, this mechanism empowers the Fed. IMO, both Trump and Kamala are therefore the enemy.

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Just look at their positions on abortion and gun rights. Then its obvious. They have little say over what the bankers do. You point this out a lot. The choice is clear. But they both suck. The main thing pushed on us is women's rights, basically birth control via abortion. and a bunch of weird things that make no sense. More than two sexes? Open borders. with millions of illegal aliens collecting money without ever putting anything in. I just watched Rand Paul talk about how we spend two trillion a year more than we take in. No budget from either party. I think I handle this all better than you do and I'm money poor so toughen up Greg. I hope you have a paid for place to live and have a garden and at least a shotgun. Tougher times are a coming. Maybe really soon.

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IMO, the grander picture is how We The People, are being forced to survive under this ongoing destructive debt based system, and are being systematically eliminated. To me, this is a MUCH greater issue. Gun control, abortion, yes-important issues, but tell me. How are people going to survive to exercise gun control or abortion rights? We cannot be a free people until we eliminate the root cause of the problem.

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This doesn't change who is the obvious better pick. People need to make better choices about what kind of debt they are willing to live with. I've never owned a home even though I was approved for loans. Bitcoin is my answer to centralized criminals and our debt based system. I like silver also. Maybe our debt based system needs to bottom out like a drug addict,then change will come. Yeah! a centralized CBDC ran by the same bankers! Life is fun. I don't have all the answers.

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Well, he did pull all the teeth out of Obamacare, ensuring we could effectively resist. As far as the "Lock Her Up" thing, I think strongly most of us at the time knew it was a slogan but didn't want to do it--I didn't anyway--because that's banana republic stuff. Unfortunately, this is exactly what the dems have in fact done, and payback is going to be a bitch. In this realm, for sure we are spinning into banana republic territory, like it or not. But it's not "my side" that started it. They set the precedent. We are simply going to follow through.

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He did not promise to "pull the teeth." He said Obamacare was basically an abomination and he would replace it. Here we are, now nearly 9 years later, all he has is a "concept of a plan" to replace it, his words. With locking her up.. MANY people were not only convinced that this would happen, but were extremely disappointed that it didn't. There will be ZERO payback. Remember I said that. All just talk to get more gullible people to fear or hope for something which will never come.

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He did try. I remember old hateful McCain having the deciding vote.

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I love and appreciate you sir, but hope you are wrong on this one. He took the threat out of it. That was movement good.

I like the fact that Mr. Kennedy is now in the mix. That might make a huge difference. He has Mr. Trump's ear on many a question, and The Duran is in his ear. So, there's reason to hope. But God bless and protect you regardless. We here can differ at times on things that in end equation we don't control, even as we strive to do our best. But we can all agree, Asian chicks are hot. Or maybe not. More study is clearly needed on this question, and we deserve a government grant enabling us to study in depth Spanish, Asian, Italian, German, and generally hot chicks from across the globe. Because, we're globalists, see, and want to do the right thing. Just give us your money.

Have a great day, buddy.

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I think I heard we have at least 800,000 non-essential gov. employees, not to mention all the money we send to countries that hate us and all the other stupid research projects, the fraud, etc. It's just horrible what they are doing...we are broke. I also think J6 was a set up, so many unanswered questions. I did hear Trump spent 1 Trillion during his term, Biden much more. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm till voted red all the way down. You say the President doesn't have any power...just look at the border on day 1 of this administration, it is unsustainable. Why would anyone want to ruin their own country?

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... he fucking warp-speeded poison into people's arms and they still want to vote for him. Incredible. MAKE IT UP!

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Funny that he is the better candidate. If his ego could just admit he was misled by experts. But no, he just doubles down.

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Politicians can't own their mistakes because that would make them look bad to the voters. Trump is a salesman who keeps smiling and putting his best foot forward or at least what he thinks is his best foot forward.

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Here's one of the biggest problems with government. They've given themselves legal immunity from consequences for their evil doings. Lord Acton's famous quote is what we're seeing in real life. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."


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The EUA was only allowed because Mr. Trump's attempt to get HCQ to every US household was torpedoed from within. Undermined, that is. Where there is an effective alternative treatment, see, an EUA isn't allowed. More than this, the EUA itself didn't allow for mandates. The Mandates were only allowed with a secondary certification provided by the FDA after those who control Mr. Biden fired two high ranking experts who dared to differ with the timeline. I suggest you read the congressional report on this matter. It's a hell of a lot more complex than you make it out to be.

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That is the stupidest argument out there. Read up dumbass.

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Truth does rattle the walnut huh? "Dictators, Kings, Queens, Monarchs and Presidents" what is it that they don't do?... and Whom does? Go to the back of the room because you are the dumbest.

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Never forget two things. First, the EUA was only possible when they torpedoed HCQ, something Trump tried to get into every American household. Secondly, the mandates were only possible with a secondary approval by the FDA, only made possible after those who control Mr. Biden fired two high level experts at said FDA who dared to object.

An added point is to consider that the DOD had this mRNA thing planned as far back as 2015, perhaps further. They unleashed it, wanting to test it. This appears to be the case. Trump got blindsided, just like most of us.

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Do you ever feel like you're in a war and then come to find-out your government isn't on your side? Damn Cognitive Dissonance To Hell! The American Nobodies lust for the hiddeous and take a positive delight for the ugly. The Father of the Vax (self-proclaimed btw) was, "Born on third base and thought he hit a homerun." [Celente] There is no underestimating the intelligence of the American public... for every problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong." [Mencken] Voterism is a commie plot meant to keep us fighting against each other instead of them.

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Glad to hear you have it all figured out, buddy boy. Vote Harris, then. Do carry on.

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Is your husband voting for Trump as well?

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Oh look, it's a democrat pulling racist or homophobic insults out of his pocket when things don't go his way, because it's OK when they do it. Sort of like Israel and genocide. Surprise! Do get the latest Covid booster shot, buddy boy, I want you to be safe 😁

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... sex trafficing drug rings elect our politicians get real.

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Money will keep flowing as long as the US and other governments stay in business. Government officials are as bad for creating cash as druggies are for drugs. Efficient expenditures go right over their heads.

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I just want to point out that this is communism. When all the activity goes through the government. 1/3 is socialism 2/3 is communism

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... and the money doesn't even go to U.S. administrative statist aristocrats/bureaucrats - it goes to Geneva Uberlords and Blackrock-markets abroad - both Ukrainian and Russians among those at the Albanian auctions. "Elections are just advanced auctions of stolen goods." [H.L. Mencken]

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My grandson and I are @DOOWHATISRIGHT on your YouTube channel. (On your sub stack I am Darren Nelson and that is my Vette). I’ve done some straight line racing but never come close to anything in the 8’s. 10’s yes, 8’s are on a scale out of my pay grade. But I love speed and want to hit 200MPH. 182-183MPH has been the top for me with my current street legal set up. Plus I run out of road at that speed pretty quickly and won’t pass semi truck traffic when I’m going over 120MPH…😎

So I’m a hypocrite because I don’t always DOOWHATISRIGHT. But I try as often as I can and hope The Lord will forgive me on the times I’m pushing it. That is how I stay sane in this crazy world, (with fast cars and investing in global financial markets).

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Greg you need to start saying again, “CAN I GET A DUH!”

GDP as a percentage of government spending is only “Going to balloon”, (another one of your accurate statements said with bulging veins and high blood pressure).

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I can't participate in screwtube surveys because I'm banned from that platform 🤬 and of course government spending will increase. It always does. That rule is like gravity. The impact and value of the money they have to spend, however, is another question.

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What do you think?

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up up up and away..REALLY

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Its a fuck show face it . To ARMS TO ARMS

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Legal Tender Gold & Silver https://upma.org/legal-tender-gold-silver

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Jill Biden gave the Clinton foundation $500 million it’s more better than leaving with a helicopter 🚁 full of cash

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These assholes will use all - others - money ! Kensian theory! Kensian saied, when it ends - it is all over! He did not say for you, not for me! - A jew, as always ! The other diretion : The swiss model - a jew in that too - Dobbeld eageld thinking! If I do not get you one way- choose the other way!

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Increased spend will continue until is doesn't abruptly

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Off like a rocket!

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keep it going

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