The Fed Reserve and CB are intentionally and deliberately lying about the all aspects of our Economy because this a controlled demolition by them so the can take over and own everything and usher in their cashless system. This will all boomerang on them by GOD and GOD never looses and a Quantum Financial System backed by gold and silver will replace what we currently have and the Fed and CB will be no more.

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Honest question do you not think the "QFS" is just CBDC with lipstick on it? Unless you can walk in to what ever they will use as a bank and turn in your new qfs currency for metals out the door I know its a trap. Are the people even worthy of Gods saving them they still are acting like rabid animals thinking politics is their salvation!

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First Brian, let me make it clear, There is Only One GOD, YHWH, and the CBDC by the Fed Reserve and CBs would have No Gold or Silver backing it, same type of System we now have, an illusion and Ponzi Scam, with one big exception, there would be no more Printed money or printed Fiat currencies and they the Elites and Globalists would have total control over every aspect of your and everyone's lives. In a CBDC your Gold and Silver would be meaningless, unlike a QFS were Gold and Silver is behind it. Know GOD is Absolutely Good and what we are in is a War between Good and Evil, GOD and Satan.

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I respect your opinion I just dont think there was anytime in the Bible where God saved a wretched group of people who never repented , still worship their fake $$ , Politicians like trump and abortion . QFS seems like satans perfect headfake .

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Hi Brian, nice to hear from you again and your opinion is important. First, you are right that GOD requires us to repent from our Heart, for we are all sinners, no doubt. Understand GOD is all merciful and HE was willing to show even Sodom and the other twin city, mercy and no destruction if there were only a handful of righteous people, which there weren't any so they were both destroyed. The point is, GOD was willing to save these 2 cities even though the vast majority were living in mortal sin and would not repent. So that brings us to the U.S., and the difference is that GOD granted to our forefathers their request to be another Covenant Nation like Israel, which GOD made the 1st Covenant Nation. GOD will save America and you will see this all come to pass this year and GOD's Glory will fill this Nation and many Nations of the earth. Know that Gold and Silver are GOD's money, not Satan's, and GOD gives us all Free Will and Choice, were Satan wants to Steal, Kill and Destroy us all, so the Quantum Financial System, backed by Gold and Silver will be under GOD and the CBDC is what Satan wants for the destruction and control of mankind. I am with you about abortion, and Trump may as well be too, we do not know what is in any man's heart nor what it is like to be in someone else's shoes, but running for President may compromise his real thinking for a short time about the Abortion issue. He was the only President to attend and speak at the yearly Pro Life Rally. Children are the most precious Gift from GOD and life must be protected at all cost. Always know Satan is the biggest liar and thief and GOD is Truth and Pure and Perfect Love.

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May 4·edited May 4

Think are misleading us to catch people by surprise and not prepared. Think they have looked at every angle of demolition plan.

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They are stinking liars. End of story.

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The propaganda the Fed and govt pushes out is designed to support whatever "policy" the Fed wants to enact. Numbers from BLS are always revised quietly weeks later. The Fed has to launch their CBDC per the BIS by June 2025.. so they will do what they need to enact "policies" which get us to that end game. And CBDC is an end game- financially and enslavement worse than anything unleashed on humanity. Even if you earn a lot of CBDC, you won't necessarily be allowed to spend it on what you want or need. It will no longer be enough to "be wealthy" since CBDC is ultimately a ration system, regardless of wealth.

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The majority are, and will continue to be, broke and desperate. This means the endgame will be fulfilled and the new system deployed. IF Trump wins, he will cheerlead it as a good thing, just as he did with the bioweapon 'vaccine'. Nobody fights the Fed and lives to tell about it.

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Does a bear poop in the woods? The FED is intentionally and deliberately lying out of their pie holes. They think we(the people) are stupid enough to believe the crap they put out.

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Have NO trust in ANYONE in the government

May have mentioned this before, VERY FEW in government have a legit, notarized and filed with county, city, state, fed records, 'Oath of Office'!....therefore CANNMOT be held Accountable for ANY actions they take!

Communist Manifesto read into Congressional Record 1963, plank 13 (13?, go figure), No One in public office or service shall take any oath or make any swearing to the state!


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... Service Corporation Municipal Franchise Governments all DC Subsidiaries - every last one... yep - it's like waking up and finding-out your friends have all been strangers who really never gave a shit about you... like a Federal Reserve note on loan.

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Check out https://www.shadowstats.com if you want to see the real numbers

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They told the truth at least once when Ben Bernanke apologized for the Fed's role in causing the Great Depression in 1929.

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I like Luongo's explanation about what is going on with the Fed. Makes sense...

They are, in his opinion, attempting to drain all of the offshore dollars.. it's the EU that is MAJORLY hurting... more than us at this point and time..

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Greg your sister could add NormoBaric Oxygen Therapy or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

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Class dismissed. That was a pop quiz so Greg could see who was paying attention.

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See Greg the Fed has the perfect alibi and one that 99.999% of people will believe every time.

When asked directly why the Fed got something wrong all they have to say in response is "Well folks you know we're just stupid" and everyone believes them

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Is the Pope Catholic? How stupid do they think we are?

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They are almost out of tricks. The CBDC will replace the dying dollar. the debt?

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Who are you going to believe the fed

Or your lying eyes!

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