Apr 25, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thanks for the trade idea Greg. Glad you’re back providing us trade ideas. I was highly profitable with your advice in the past and I provided you a portion of my profits as gratitude. Keep it up! Let’s see how this SPY short works out for us. God bless you always my friend.

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I like it. Also, in the 3 years of trading, If I have learned anything it's that when I feel the most tired from trading, severely down on my positions, and feeling defeated, instead of getting out and giving up, I push through and go hard, and/or let things play out. Capitulation baby!

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Or simply I get short when everyone thinks everything is going to the moon😂

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True but right now everyone thinks it’s all going to hell. The boat is severely lopsided to the down side.

I’m going to hold my powder, if I miss the short opportunity I will just do a little cost averaging on the upside.

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I know you’re not but everyone on the msm channels say it’s getting dicey, one even said s&p to plummet to 3000 maybe even 2000.

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In my opinion it will correct to maybe 3700-3800. It's all speciation anyways. I have learned to be wrong, heck I learn that every day in the markets, but I am just looking to extract some money out of this market. If I just sit on the sidelines like I used to, the outcome will be worse.

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I'm not saying everything is going to hell. I am saying the charts are telling us the market is overbought and correction is coming. Reward vs risk right now is in our favor. Hard to time the market, so caution is advised, as usual. For me that means I only use about 10-15% of my powder, but I am sure not letting any opportunity pass me, otherwise I will just get blinded out by inflation.

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It's a CASINO!

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Yep... but that does not mean that we cannot make it work for us.

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Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver......

Yes I am a gold bull and I am loaded up with Gold and Silver stocks, but when is Gold and Silver going to sky rocket? I am in my 60s and all I hear every day all day for the past many years from Greg that Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver, Gold and Silver will sky rocket, will it ever happen in my life time????????

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It's all about timing ...

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I’m done playing the short game. Much easier to just buy dips in hard assets and not lose sleep at night. The dollar and financial system can go belly up any day so I don’t really want any financial assets (long or short)

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