LIVE MMRI numbers always FREE and available here: https://traderschoice.net/about-traders-choice/

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I have started to advertise the MMRI in the comment sections of YT channels as a way to help people and also help Greg grow his community, which is already rather substantial in size as you know. 💜

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You will never get the truth about the stock market on the TV channel. These people are controlled. They are paid actors. It’s all scripted. They only have people on there. They feel safe are going to say the right things. There is an agreed-upon narrative and they’re going to stick with that. They told us for three years day after day night after night Donald Trump colluded with Russians, to steal the election from Hillary Clinton. They told us at lie for three years and then one day they just stop talking about that. They’ve been telling us a lie about what’s going on in Ukraine for 600 days, and all of a sudden now they’re not even talking about Ukraine because now they’re talking about the new war over in Israel, and all the possibilities that could happen from that war they may blow up the refineries of Iran, Iran might block the waters of the strait of Hormuz, blah blah blah blah blah. Best thing for you to do is not watch the news at all.

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Agree 100%. The MSM is all about mind control. They are an evil arm of the Government. Even the old Soviet Union propaganda is better than what we have now.

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Soviets had plenty of money.

They just had nothing to spend it on!

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Indeed MSM pretty much 24/7 BS to keep people divided and arguing while they mock and screw the masses up the ***.*. All planned and contrived for the sake of agendas. These cabal are clever psychopaths with access to ancient knowledge and advanced technology. Too bad most people are fine staying on the dark while these evil aholes are the illuminated ones pulling the strings.

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Death to the stocks market and 401Ks. More USA Ponzi's.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Mornin’ G .... the Fiasco continues.

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Choo-Choo! ALL ABOARD! 🗣️📣 🚂🚃

Next stop for the 10yr yield is 5.0%


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Btw G … love the Newsletter and the early am crew … love reading the comments ….

It’s usually around 5am here in the Redwoods of NorCal when my blood starts to boil’ lol

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Infinite inflation, infinite WARS, infinite profits for the War Machine & Banksters….

Abort your local Taxman…and you will be HAPPY!!!

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Well we are just about back to the risk level before the war so all that debt buying lasted less than 2 weeks , stay alert friends I dont think they have a handle on this like Greg says max saturation and they need more crisis now !

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Getting a pan sell off, 10 year yield spiking.

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MMRI 300 is definitely the new floor.

318 with a 10YT of almost 4.9% as of 9am ET.

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Who would have thought we would be at a point where the 10yr jumps 10-20 points in either direction in a day and consider that now "normal" LOL

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Damned Bond Bandits!

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The new price stability 👏

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Inflation sucks grocery prices suck fuel prices suck and the Federal Reserve sucks!

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Everyone should read the Creature from Jekyll Island. Then they may understand better.

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the structure of global control in one image:


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Greg, the $64,000 thousand dollar question is, drum roll, How long before the the final curtain comes down. Greater inflation by the day, at some point it has to end, Your guess, 1 month, 2 months 3 months. 6 months,. I hope they don't drop a nuke. God forbid , that will be the END!!! ed

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

My guess is Israel & Hamas made a deal to create the terrorist attacks. Israel gets to then genocide Gaza, and take the land for themselves. Hamas wants a global Islamic state, so what they get is for Iran to get into the war, bomb the shit out of Israel, and block the The Strait of Hormuz to stop oil tankers from leaving the area, thus massively increasing the price of oil and creating extreme inflation. This then moves into WW3, which is what the Globalists want. Then we experience maximum debt saturation (as Greg has talked about) followed by collapse, and the issuance of CBDC's.

Only the Globalist's know when they will be ready to pull the plug. I pray that there will be enough push back to slow down or stop them...

I hope I am wrong.

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Well if your scenario comes to fruition and they bomb the shit out of Israel. Israel will probably NUKE them. And then all bets are off, you ,me and a lot of other people will be ashes. So pray that does not happen. On the other hand if many other countries March against Israel we might be a part of the end times. As the second coming of Jesus is predicted. Only trouble is whooo's the Anti-Christ. Probably won't happen.!! Thank God a pun!!! Ed K

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Maybe they (China/Iran) knew mossad and the US couldn't resist a f.f./standdown. When israel let their defences down for 7 hours, they plan on retaliating and attacking all of Gaza.this seems to be Irans bigger trap. Too many moving pieces and beliefs here. Bottom line is that predators are predating.

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Those that have any kind of debt are the next to be in homeless camps

Boots on the ground plus the next draft incoming ---- thankfully the draft is banned in the UK

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They'll just change the rules like they always do.

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Amen to that

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Agreed. If you don't have any debt these days you can be considered as well-off.

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In which case i feel extremely fortunate that I made enough mistakes with my finances 30 years ago that I got black listed from having debt of any sort - cash all the way for me.

I live rough and love the freedom - if you know what you're doing then you won't / need to go near zombiefied people

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Q: Feed?

A: No, #FistFeed

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Ok so we all know they are screwing us all over and killing people all over the world. So what is the solution? I think we should sell land on the moon. You could buy it for pennies on the dollar and the proceeds go toward the national debt to all the countries of the world. Your moon shares are yours supported buy the same courts and property laws of each country.

That's my solution to the debt problem. What is yours?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

Greg, I am expecting the MMRI to tag and slightly surpass the early October highs, somewhere between 325-330 this week or next, before quickly retreating to 290-300, and then support at 267!

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