trump voter terrorist Douglas Jensen 41yrs old, was ARRESTED by the FBI and JAILED after breaking an order to stay off the internet. He was involved in the January 6th, 2021 insurrection on the capitol grounds in Washington, D.C. I am LOVING watching "The American War on trump Voters" play out! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheeeeeeee👍 💯 😍 I need more popcorn. 🍿

LOCK THEM UP! Heeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheeeeeeee! 😃 🤣 🤣 🤣


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Under The Radar...they are now going for your right to banking privacy. Heeeeeeehehehehee! 😃

Banks will alert IRS of any transaction over $600 instead of $10,000 as it is now.


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People are loaded with cash. That plumber, or landscaping latino guy who can't speak a word of English is loaded with cash to his eyeball and getting free medical also. This will be a solid rip roaring Christmas. Everything will be sold out. YouTubers will keep chanting "economy is bad" . Dollar will go up irrespective of FED's balance sheet growth.

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Also seniors have so much money they don't know what to do with it. They are sending thousands of dollars to sugar babies for their videos and photos. It's insane.

Seniors + King dollar + King bonds and stocks + King Real Estate + Subservient Asians, Europeans = Utopia

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