Pipe dream. Trump is a bankster. Prove me wrong.

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Please do not forget this 2 minute video how the WEF has plans for the masses to "own nothing and be happy" by 2030:


President Trump in his first week in office announced a $500 billion investment in the 'Stargate' AI project with Larry Ellison in this 3 minute video:


3 minute video of Larry Ellison who is part of team Trump's "Stargate" explaining his vision for a surveillance state in America:


"Stargate" actually is "Operation Warp Speed 2.0" that will lead to mass depopulation, data mining, and the building out of an all digital financial system as this 6 minute video proves:


This 23 minute video shows how they are running nonstop media coverage of all the wasteful bureaucratic institutions keeping the patriots pleasantly entertained but not telling them how all that money is being funneled into the AI infrastructure that will create the surveillance state China has lived under for years!:


This 1 hour 11 minute documentary put out at the end of 2023 by David Webb is a MUST watch if you want to understand how the globalists have set up the economic structure to begin to collapse as early as the spring 2025 so by it's end the masses will own nothing:


For those who want a 13 minute summary of that documentary by David Webb please watch this link:


This is a must watch 5 minute video about how Trump appointed white house crypto czar David Sachs is creating a "Sovereign wealth fund" and capitalizing it with crypto currency. That wealth fund will then be used to swap our entire country's real estate as an "opportunity zone" with the American public for digits on a screen:


This 24 minute video gives us a glimpse into the "World Government Summit" that is meeting this week to discuss how the world will all connect as one with IA:


They are all globalists playing their part in dividing the masses while they get behind closed doors divvying up our countries into the NWO 10 kingdoms as this UN document dated July 4th, 2025 suggests!:


Please remember how president Trump is pushing Canada and Greenland to become part of America!

He is orchestrating this map from the "Club of Rome" where the globalists planned on countries such as Iran, Gaza and Syria being a part of kingdom #7, Ukraine with the Baltics being a part of kingdom #5, Canada with Greenland becoming a part of kingdom #1, and Taiwan with China becoming a part of kingdom #10 since the 1970s which is when this map was drawn up of the 10 kingdoms talked about in Daniel and Revelations!:


Here are hundreds of verses that clearly prove America is the harlot riding her UN~beast described in the book of Revelations:


We just entered the 4th year of this timeline in October of last year so get ready for "great tribulation to commence in the spring of 2025!:


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Thank you for all this info with links.

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You are welcome bro!

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Rob, have you seen the patent by Microsoft W020200060606, Cryptocurrency using body activity data from the nano-technology from the SHOT? What are your thoughts on that, please?

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Yes I have! That is how they plan on tracking a person's work so they can then be paid with crypto directly to their smart phones! My job as a Christian is to warn fellow Christians to come out of the system once they collapse the current cash system so that only crypto is left and they require one's digital ID to access the internet to buy and sell with the coming digital currency.

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Yes, that’s what I feel Christian’s should be spreading as well. I don’t think that the vast and very devastating effects we are going to have Globally and here economically is understood by as many that need to know, or accept.

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I just read the article. Our CAC cards in the Military are Digital I.D.’s as well. They were implemented many years ago.

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Yep they often use the military to run beta tests on how to better stream line their agenda before pushing it on the masses to enter their NWO!:


Please listen to this central bankster tell us in 38 second video embedded in this link that to enter the NWO everyone will be required to have a smart phone, bank account , and upload their digital ID:


Please do NOT upload your digital ID as that is you giving your mark to the beast to buy and sell:


We have just entered the 4th year on this timeline folks so get ready for “great tribulation” by the summer of 2025!:


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Seems to me it’s gonna be by House insurance and property taxes

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They are planning on doing away with all cash and putting the masses under a digital currency which will require a "digital ID" to access their NWO!

Please listen to this central bankster tell us in 38 second video embedded in this link that to enter the NWO everyone will be required to have a smart phone, bank account , and upload their digital ID:


Please do NOT upload your digital ID as that is you giving your mark to the beast to buy and sell:


We have just entered the 4th year on this timeline folks so get ready for “great tribulation” by the summer of 2025!:


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I’m not so certain that the Mark of the Beast was not the C*VID shot. NKJV: Revelation 13:17 “and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The SHOT contains a bio-luminescence ingredient titled Luciferace (SM-102). It doesn’t seem (to me) a digital I.D. correlates to the Biblical depiction of the Mark. There is nothing in HIS word stating that immediately upon receipt of the Mark you will not be able to buy or sell. The Rothschild’s Khazarian Mafia knows the scripture, as we do - many may have already been deceived. Just my thoughts, blessings to all.

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Did you get my last message to you?

Please read this link as I have lots of scripture to back up my thesis!:


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Well. They are bringing in huge amounts of gold right now into U.S. vaults and yet no one seems to be able to put it together that the U.S. government is buying all the gold it can get its hands on. Print more money, buy more gold. While they promote cryptocurrency to everyone else.

Eventually, people will figure it out. Some will prosper, some will lose. Pick your premise carefully. Your financial health depends on it.

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I have no idea what they will do.

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So Crypto and XRP is not gonna do nothing? I swear I have bought everything you and think of except a lucky 🍀 rabbits 🐇 foot. Which would make the rabbit very unlucky

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For a second I thought this was clickbait LOL.

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You have a better chance of seeing God.

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Had a visit by Jesus Christ in 2011.

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How about a Go Fund Me Campaign to fund a constitutional lawyer?

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Garbage, and the USA does not have the gold reserves it claims.

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Remember everyone please.. they are the great deceivers the lawless ones and the taking head actors on the tell lie vision programs sells it...They live,1984, hunger games

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You’re late Greg!

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Surely an excellent idea, would that it be true.

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Why isn’t this being challenged by Constitutional Lawyers?

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Probably because the courts are so very corrupt.

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I'm Praying for this to be Reality... Jp

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I sent an email to President Trump using your info.


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Greg bring it on?

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They're actually talking about $142K+ per ounce of gold.

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