I just supported your work!!! you should add CASH APP,ZELLE etc, as payment methods. I think you will see an uptick in supporters. It took me 20 minutes to recover my paypal password as not many use it anymore.

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Refuse to use PayPal. Gotta another way other than crypto, and I'll donate.

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Yeh, it’s not that I won’t use it, but I haven’t used it for anything for a long time. I pay my pool guy, barber etc in Zelle. I split tabs with my freinds in cash app. so It’s just a pain to remember my PayPal. I think allot of people are just giving up (I did initially before going through the motions). $5 isn’t allot of money to anyone, the trick is you have to make it super easy to pay it.

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Thanks Greg, and thanks to you and my other Lion friends and gaining knowledge to beat the NWO system that enslaves most people into a massive debt situation they can never survive, WE YOUR LIONS are taking advantage of every opportunity!!!

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Not my best work as I stumbled over words a little bit. Still a video on central banking 101 lender and borrower of last resort, fractional reserve banking. Slavery. https://youtu.be/NM29gM-LiY8

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301,000 jobs lost and the market puts on some nice gains today...but don't worry, the Onion mentioned this in an article too..."over one million new jobs starting next month in the Metaverse. Hundreds of thousands of people are starting to get back on the workforce playing Truck simulator, and Gas Station simulator, and that's just to start. The economy is about to recover like never before. Biden is working with Facebook and Microsoft to create plenty of other simulation games based off of your old job. While compensation is still up for debate, Facebook is working extremely hard to create a new Meta Coin to reward top performers in the labor market to keep capitalism alive. The next major issue will be to create a cyber security simulator to keep people from stealing the Meta Coins, such as Russia and China's Commu-verse that uses Commu-coin (no originality). This will be the boost the economy needs to recover back to pre pandemic levels. Democracy isn't dead, you are."

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Greg, don't forget those who support you by purchasing your eBook A (NOT) So Random Walk on Wall Street.

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You come off as such a sleezeball snake oil salesman. "Give me money or bad things are going to happen to you". I'm glad to hear there aren't many fools giving you money

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I have a much stronger feeling that the Federal Reserve will not be doing anything again, this March, after seeing what the debt market and stock market has done over the last several trading days. I think the FED could intentionally crash the market, so they can put us right back to the phase of 2020, and this will cause Greg's risk indicator to collapse significantly. I have been looking thoroughly at the MMRI and another one that works in aggregate to the MMRI (USOIL/VIX*DXY*TNX). According to both used, side by side, I have observed that the FED has no intention to bring real risk back into this market. By not hiking rates, the market will crater, but so will overall risk, bringing the level of risk back down to the bottom of 2020. However, this will make the FED more determined than ever to finish their game. Their balance sheet will increase far greater than what we have seen, there will be more bailouts and stimulus checks (to help the economy...complete bullshit) but it will be faster than the last time. The FED has no intention to stop this, and yes, Greg is right, we are in deeper shit than we could possibly imagine. If the FED did nothing the last time, i will bet even more that they will never do anything until it benefits them.

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Feb 3, 2022·edited Feb 3, 2022

We are in WWIII Psychological and Biological. Look at history. It's a 'suddenly' that's been building up for a long time. The spirit of Hitler(Rothchild) is running every country. His plan was to take over the world. Now it has reared its head like a zit, and FEAR is the main weapon. It's an advanced gorilla warfare.

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Your just scratching the surface. Hitler was supported and modeled the Nazi party after the Jesuit Order they are the NWO running the show.


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Tomorrow's job report may be in negative territory, reports 'RedState' here:


"The White House has been scurrying to do preemptive damage control in preparation for the coming January 2022 jobs report. As RedState reported on Monday, Jen Psaki gave an incredibly odd and nonsensical commentary during her briefing. In it, she claimed that the jobs numbers were going to be skewed by people calling out sick due to Omicron.

Of course, people taking sick leave from work are not counted as job losses, and the entire thing came across as gaslighting meant to preempt a really terrible report. At the time, I speculated that we’d actually see negative jobs growth.

So what’s this all portend? I think it’s pretty clear that Psaki knows the coming jobs report is going to be in negative territory. That will follow on the heels of a flatlining December report in which the numbers missed by over 50% in a month where seasonal hires should have caused a sharp uptick in employment."

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I'm betting Biden is high-fiving is staff over this news.

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Current conversation as to domestic stocks versus international stocks. I typically would agree

with what you say as to domestic stocks. The question as to the international stocks though

exclude any consequences of capital markets in other parts of the world as there will be no

region or nation state not touched by such a quote unquote eventual crash of any markets.

You then weight in the deglobalization taking place in terms of production of products centers,

supply chains, etc. then throw unfettered nationalism on top of that and you can see where

and how international stocks can be really, really bad investments. This is not even placing

horrible economic domestic situations, possible civil domestic problems and of course you

have the worst "witches brew" you could possibly imagine. Under those circumstances the

longer the supply line to production equals "vulnerabilities" of the retail or wholesale international stocks attempting to conduct their businesses like everything is like it was before

when in fact nothing is like it use to be. This is why your seeing the rise of nationalism and

nationalistic movements domestically as people in each nation and/or region start understanding painfully that the former global system has failed them miserably and so

as historically proven, they will march and take to the streets. Even after WWI, when we

refused to give them their promised pensions after the war, they marched and parked

themselves right there in Washington to the point where the US Military shot at and beat

their own ex military folks.

So, I'm sure in the old historical globalization model of business, those living in that inverse

reality will unfortunately find themselves in regional and domestic situations that preclude

their former global models and goals. They will then have to fend through the domestic

craziness of people losing everything so they lose it and they are out in the streets raising

hell. That's also probably why the uber wealthy have 5-6 passports and citizenships in

those 5-6 nations and underground bunker type hide aways to park their asses when shtf.

Under those circumstances, domestic producers of everything will become tantamount to

nation state survival as well as regional business production centers offering their part in this

much more localized production and service model. So, your producers that legitimately

US based or regionally based will end up winning the day in terms of standing and so

profit in this new decoupled world economic environment. Now, the central banks and

their owners will attempt to keep us within the global model and supply and production

basis, "but" regional and domestic conditions will preclude that global model succeeding

any length of time. They will push the end of the globalization out as far as they can as well

as create "contingencies" that will inflame and force people focus on those areas "but"

in the final results it will fail to maintain the globalization process which they initiated

decades and decades ago.

So, look to your ex-ceo's of production in the US get them to advise as to how to re energize

the production of things in the US or any other nation out there for that matter. The dilution

of production centers not only dilutes concentration of productions and so power, but provides

national and regional economic strengthening that is much more deliberative and democratic

in the delivery of part of the profits to each nation and region. In this way, possibly the whole

world will have created "less" concentration of production so power thereby reducing tensions

over time across the world unless more authoritarianism pervades those same nations.

As far as crypto's being regulated by any Government, I think that would be a good thing in the

sense it would provide average consumers much more confidence in the backing and soundness

of any considered crypto being offered up for sale. If you have little or no regulation, then it is

only the latest version of the Wild Wild West except the guys setting up the cryptos are the carnival barkers telling you to load up on the next speculative bubble that hasn't yet burst.

I think also currencies will have to be reset at some point, not to punish the citizens of any Nation but more so to excise the currency systems back into the hands of the people of each

nation rather than a sorted few owners. When people control their destinies and currencies

it means they have truly "skin in the game" and they will not do kamikazi of their own currencies

as that's what's in their bank accounts and earning some interest or profit that they would not

want to have harmed by unscrupulous con men. Weighted currencies in silver, and even

sanctioned crypto or other commodities could be backing any currencies.

But, you know the owners are now working diligently to keep their positions and hedges

against the schmucks like you and me so I'm anticipating them at some point when the

haven't achieved their global outcomes to try to scuttle everything. Because if they can't

"have it" than "no one can have it". So, get our chin straps on, this next 18-26 months

is going to end up really, really nasty folks.

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Hey Greg... get aload of BB... unbelievable... your message at he end ... sells me everything I need to to know about you... like I said before ... you are among the most honorable of financial personalities on the net... !

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