Greg, I couldn’t withdraw 20k today from Chase bank!!! Only 10k. They didn’t have enough $ on hand!!!

Let everyone know

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The empire of death and debt marches on.

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so true, but one day we will be taught a painful lesson. i hope i will be around to witness that day

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Would someone on this blog tell me another government that is as or more corrupt than this pathetic excuse for a government?

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Canada, great Britain, Ukraine....sorry, maybe it was a rhetorical question....

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ancient rome, ancient greece, mesopotmia. we are in a cycle that repeats itself across the ages. but that is not an excuse

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China, NotKor, Argentina, South Africa......

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No they are all the same but usa started the rot before the others I believe and influences every walk of life. Every war they have entered they didn't have to. Old men making money out of young mens blood.

All reading from the same script, and ozland gets its orders from usa. Evil uniting nothing & imf - I only put my trust in the Lord - God Bless Israel - He will defeat the enemies in the 11th hour. USA as usual playing both sides, give money to hamas and iran & then say they are giving money to Israel. They aren't they are giving credits to israel.

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India looks great compared to the USA

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Commodities, commodities, commodities. It's ww3

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Why are we trying to police the world while we can't even police ourselves? Isn't 35 countries bombed since WW2 enough?

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The only business of the US is wrecking other countries. They can't focus on their own fucked up disaster.

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starting a war or getting involved in a war is tantamount to kicking the can down the road on a millennial scale. why try to break the cycle when it is profitable to keep it going? that is the rationale i suppose

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While we know their playbook (thanks to Greg) it still feels awful that lives will be lost.

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Thanks for keeping us informed. I have friends in Syria and for twelve years they've had to put up with all this deadly empire-building shite. Enough is enough! And the only difference between our government and some corrupt foreign government is that when American lawmakers wanna do something totally corrupt, they first pass a law to make it legal.

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We need a new Sons of Liberty resistance movement! 🔴⚪️🐍🔴⚪️

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

It's coming... News going on about Iranian backed terrorists shot down a US military aircraft. We're gonna be at war soon, and it doesn't make 1 lick of a difference what the American people want. Get ready to bend over and take your democracy good & hard.

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History books will rhyme the fall of Rome, as America burnt, the club fiddled.

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They're dropping bombs like they're dropping yields.

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Iran told us what they are going to do if this happened... Take Greg's advice and get silver..

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No silver, no advanced weaponry. Soak up all the world’s silver for peace!

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US is in foreign countries self defending themselves? hmm something is off

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Greg .. unlike most .. I’ve been in Israel and Egypt and Gaza ... this fuck fest has no good resolution

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The British found that out

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Funny u should say that SM .. I’m a Londoner … now a Californian thank fuck

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The 2/yr and 10/yr is widening again!

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Hi Greg….. how’s the new house ?

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