You are right Greg. trump-voters are some USEFUL IDIOTS! Hahahahahahahahahaaaa! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeee! 🤣 🤣 🤣 😆 😆

Those trump-DUMMIES stormed the capitol and some of them thought it was the White House. Aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 😂 😂 😂 Those trump-IDIOTS thought CONGRESS actually RUNS AMERICA! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa! Woo-Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Eeeheheheheheheheheeeeee! 🤣 😅 😂

America-- a nation of trump-IDIOTS!

trump is pro God, pro gun and pro life.


President Joe Biden LAUGHS at trump as trump gets kicked out of the White House.


trump's popularity




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Re-entry in DAX-Call @ 15696 (Nov21/15700)

Re-entry in Dow-Call @ 34810 (Dec21/34600)

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Steve Van Metre , a YouTube economist, is constantly spewing out theories that QE is deflationary, buying bonds is the way to go, markets will soon crash and so on.

There are thousands of YouTube economists from various diverse backgrounds. They are "confidently wrong" . They are leading the sheep towards the cliff.

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Yes, he's not the only one on the deflation side. And he knows his stuff abound bonds very well. He also makes reviews of recent economical data in the world on a regular basis.

George Gammon makes very good explanatory videos on YT that explain the phenomenon very well.

Jim Rickards is also on the "temporary inflation" side (for the moment, saying it could change but not right now). He makes the point that YOY comparisons of prices have to go up strongly because of th big drop one year ago. When the comparison comes to newly risen rices of Q3/2020, the rise in prices would be less important.

The Money GPS YT channel is also a good source about economic data.

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They have one thing in common - they are all wrong.

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I really recommend to look at one of those videos before saying they're wrong. They really have a point. I think one must look at both sides.

Well, time will tell....

I'm here watching and wondering what will be. No-one can tell the future.

1 trillion USD parked overnight in reverse repo, that's a lot of cash not participating in currency units chasing the same amount of goods and services.

Also, due to banks not lending anymore, money creation actually slows down.

The M2 money supply is decreasing. So what about inflation ?!

For inflation to rise, there has to be increase in money velocity.

The recent sharp rise in inflation (YOY) is in majority caused by rise in energy price, rentals and ... prices of used cars and trucks.

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They make money by getting YouTube clicks and not by being right on economy or stocks. More sensational they can make it, more clicks they get. So they create headlines " QE is deflationary"

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Of course there's people out there that do this for clicks and money. That's not the case here.

I'm not talking about the headlines. I'm talking about profound content.

Unless you get your head wrapped about the arguments, no one can give a real appréciation of what it's worth.

These guys don't need money from YT clicks.

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"QE is deflationary" is that a profound content?

I am staying away from that bs.

>These guys don't need money from YT clicks.

oh man oh man... Everyone every single one on YouTube is for money ONLY.

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Does covid have people meth’d up or is it something else ?!

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"CRATERS"? really ? A whopping 1% rise in silver.

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A German proverb says: Gold one has or would have liked to have.

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Good thing about gold and silver is that you can always buy them cheaper. Currently:

Fed raises rates: Sell gold

Fed lowers rates: Sell gold

Inflation flares up: Sell gold

Deflation: Sell gold

Economy is good: Sell gold

Economy is bad: sell gold

Any news: Sell gold

No news: Sell gold

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Let's take a look at the Dow to Gold Ratio - 100 Year Historical Chart


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What a pathetic investment gold and silver are. Of course better than crypto but it's worse than GE to some other dog sh*t

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It is definitely true, IF you are talking about the >>> 30-Year T-Bond Yield <<<


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Consumer Price Index - 1945-Present looks a bit different


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There are lots of opportunities to sell gold.

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As Blackrock CEO Larry Fink announced on CNBC early this morning, he does not believe that inflation is only temporarily elevated. Never before has there been more cash on the sidelines than at present, he said. Blackrock clients want to know how to invest it properly.

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Take your cash and buy houses and NFTs.

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Give it to me @ Blackrock Clients. I do not take management fee, only 50% on profits.

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South Africa does not seem to be settling down despite the deployment of the military. According to the Consumer Goods Council of South Africa, 600 goods centers, malls, foreign stores and meat producers have been looted since the unrest began. Pictures have been circulating on the Internet since yesterday of residents and workers organizing their own defense of their businesses and districts. Across the country, there are shortages of gasoline, food and ammunition. Highways are blocked and in some cases no longer passable. More than 70 people have reportedly already lost their lives.

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White people will be blamed.

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thats how it is.

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Fed Powell: "Staplecoins need regulatory oversight."

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Fed Powell: "It is not appropriate monetary policy to respond to temporary inflation."

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