I love how people attack Greg for being "wrong" , he is just looking at the same info we are and trying his best to gauge what is possibly going to happen. We are obviously in uncharted territory with a looming reset, digital dollar , people dying suddenly ,critical mass of the uniformed walking around you can pretty much throw all the old playbooks out the window . No matter how this goes its not going to be natural or "just another cycle" My opinion of course .

Every extra day they give us makes more time to prepare but damn that fake market really pisses me off

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if you don’t have time to read all the Twitter files, read these


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The only reason the 10 year went down and stonks soared is because Nick the Pig and other wallstreet shills and jawboners are jawboning the market up like they did a couple of months ago. This is not helpful. The Fed is not going to pivot period. So they run the market up for a few days, the Fed comes out and says we are going to continue to be hawkish, and the martket tanks. I hate Wallstreet with a passion. The 10 year needs to stay high to bring house prices down to earth, among other things.

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They know they are in trouble with the short positions with the options so they have to try and shake people off. They are so used to destroying peoples lives.

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Searched recent Gregory emails and found the word some variation of the word crater 27 times since July. What are we going to call it when everything truly goes to hell? Every day can't be an emergency or is it?

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The USD has got more downside yet into early February then it will pivot to the upside..

Gold looks like it will see $1900 area, in the meantime Silver looks weak on the charts so not much upside left..MMRI will start its real next uptrend from early February, that channel that's been draw is a bit rough 😉

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How come nobody is talking about the 10 year-3 month inversion???


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Here's an excellent video about how CBDC can be easily abused by the government:


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What happens when the ‘non-Big-Insiders’ of the Market also finally figures out The FED is lying about any tightening or tapering… Money Printer go brrrrr & buy up all the debt never stopped (because it can’t).

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The way to over-throw the FED central banks is to play their game using "Public Citizens Banks" They will take back the power back to each state. GREG, the Answer to all this DEBT creation is The "Public Citizens Bank" it will require a significant outcry from the people of each state to get the attention of their legislature. The book "Hidden Lies of Banking" will help people understand what the public citizens banking system will do for them personally.

This type of banking system will save every family with loans or credit cards tens of thousands of dollars, especially on the mortgage costs on their homes. The people need to know this, that means a great many of you in your area will need the book to be able to understand what the bank will do for them...

At this time, the book is not going to be put in the regular bookstores, so everyone that knows about the book should talk it up in their area/state to get the bank off the ground.

Greg, the challenge is...getting the needed attention. Richard Proctor PhD is willing to provide presentations over Skype or Zoom. Let's get some groups of individuals together so he can help them understand exactly what this banking system will do for them.

Here is a sample of the kind of savings the public citizens bank will provide each family with a mortgage. The current interest rate of 6.5% will cost a family with a $250,000 loan on 30 year year mortgage, a monthly payment of $1,580 and $318,861 total interest cost.

The public citizens bank will provide the same loan at 2%, which will have a monthly payment requirement of only $924 and a total interest cost of only $82,651. That is a saving of $236,204 in the cost of the interest.

A secondary benefit, but just as important, is that a family can now afford the home that they actually want, rather than the one they have to settle for. This is the kind of information that will appeal to everybody. Richard Proctor is not new to this set of banking problems. He is the creator of "Public Citizens Banks" SOLUTION and Author of "Hidden Lies of Banking" SEE: https://provisinstitute.com

801-719-6291 to contact Richard

Please lets stop getting wrapped around the wheel we citizens need to ban together constructively to-be-doers, problem solvers not sheep.

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Jan 6, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023

If thats not manipulation I dont know what is . maybe they can hold this thing off until they let trump "win" again in 2024 to sell the mark of the beast cbdc as they used him to sell the depopulation vax . 4 years of biden destruction the sheep will be begging for savior trump to save them again

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You sound like you have a single digit IQ

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On what news? Will rates come down? BAM! POW! FLASH! Gee Batman, sonic fiscal endeavors!

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imagine my surprise:O

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