Thanks Greg, Good Morning LIONS, and this should be an interesting day!!! Here we GO!!!

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Hello Greg,

Listen if these so called Wall Street kind of guys proceed to make markets go down because

of Donald Trump not wanting to understand the normal election process less the "Proud Boys"

and other White Supremacist Group/ Army running to the polls to intimidate voters whether

voting for Biden or another alternative candidate "is" the embarrassment. I was waiting for

Guenther and Heinrich to come on each side of Trump and say, "Yeah! He said it so whaaat?!!!!

Trump can't accept responsibility for anything he causes unless it makes him feel good and

is a photo opt for his own promotion. When did you have a sitting President cut off the other

candidate almost every single response time even knowing the debate rules. This President has

"no" rules but what he wants and if it ain't happening he just decides to burn the whole thing

down regardless if it destroys the whole country, our people and standing with other nations.

The embarrassment is Donald Trump but also and more importantly the Republican Party for not standing on their traditional values and stances toward the Constitution of the United States and just doing the jelly fish behind Trump. Now if you are a value voter and the Republicans have no values but that of power and corruption, why and how can you vote for them especially when they have proven over the last four years they spend like drunken sailors "as" long as it goes to their corporate donors class and they give tax breaks to those very same donors and donor class.

While stating brashly their final objective is to cut all actual benefits to the bulk of the American

Citizens whether retired or "not" veterans, etc.? They then tell me that Donald Trump is a non interventionist and non use of military kind of President even though he's double tapping, bombing, in Syria without any international law or legal argument for being there ,also in Iraq after having assassinated Iran's General Soleimani, who contrary to Trump and Pompeo was cleaning out and eradicating Isis, Al Qaeda, Daesh and other similar "sunni islamic terrorists" off the Middle East Map. Now if you're arming and supporting Isis terrorist fighters you would naturally assassinate the biggest person, Soleimani, because he was doing too good of a job on those forces you are supporting so you have to take him out. Where do the Sunni Jihadist Wahabist Isis terrorist predominantly come from? Of course folks, predominantly Saudi Arabia. So, who is our supposed "ally" in the Middle East even after 9-11? The Saudis of course. Who would have thunk it the US would have such an intelligent Middle East Policy and so allies??????

Now Greg dam well knows and so do his LIONS there ain't no V Recovery only further and further collapse of our economic base in the US "even" before Covid-19 and yet we have

Donald Trump and Larry Kudlow "inventing" a V Shape Recovery Myth even as unemployment

numbers rise, GDP declines and our Trade Deficit bulges larger and larger which is the exact

opposite of what would be happening if the US Industrial Base and Economy were being

made Great Again and we were producing actual American/US produced items to sell to the

larger world markets. But that's not happening either.

Then you have this debacle of Donald Trump attempting to invalidate our votes in the US

by stating phony absentee ballots and yet Mr. Trump himself as well as many Republicans

vote absenti ballots all the time in every state especially since Covid-19 but now it's supposedly

to quote unquote "steal the elections" but the real question is by whom? Most criminals always

accuse others of what they actually are doing themselves through voter suppression, throwing

hundreds of thousands of people off the voting roles in those controlled states as well as

using "poll taxes" arguments against ex felons getting their voting rights back in Florida

for any fees they may owe??? This is the new Republican Party with "no platform" and so

no values or policies on display. The Freak Show will only get worse as these folks start seeing

their power being lost so they will have to cheat and do illegal things to try to win. That's there

schtick now. The Democrats are not that far behind although seemingly always kowtowing

to the Republicans every time they pull this stuff every election cycle and Presidency.

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