Watch the sheep roll up their sleeves 💉

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If vaxtards want to kill themselves, who am I to tell them no.

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Using that Fear Tactic Greg. Bird Flu Disease X whatever. I knew another plandemic would come sounds like it’s playing out. Didn’t take any jab last time and definitely won’t be taking one this time.

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If Plandemic 2.0 doesn't work, they will use a "Climate Emergency" or a "Solar Flare" or a "Cyber Attack" or a "Grid Down Event" or a "Financial Crash"etc. The minds of these wicked bastards know no bounds in an atempt to decieve ,frighten, kill, or disable, the American people. Keep your seat belt on until January. Its goona be a wild ride.

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The Bible speaks of a coming delusion that will fool even the elect. From what I have gathered over the years what I believe is this delusion will include so called "aliens" and in fact they will claim to be our creators.

Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

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Yes. I left "Alien Invasions/Contact".off my list. That would be a fraud. Because I figure any advanced, space faring race that happened to drop by would not be hostile. No more than we are hostile while watching a squad of monkeys hooting through the jungle, grabbing each others tails, and tossing turds at one another.

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What most have not considered surrounding the UFO phenomenon it is possible these objects/life forms may be from another dimension as opposed to another planet. See Genesis 6 in the Bible.

I tend to lean towards the dimension theory when the anthropic principle is considered. This means that the number of attributes our earth has were finely tuned by the Creator to support life.

Expressed as a numerical value many of these attributes, even if changed by a small percentage would render life on earth impossible. Some of these attributes include gravity, albedo or reflectivity, axis tilt , etc.

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I agree. Interdemensionality is certainly a possibility and I have listened into online discussions about that as being an explaination for the UFO phenomena, and perhaps other unexplained observed phenomena. I just don't think we have articulated the physics to express or explain it yet or properly provide a framework for a LOT of things that simply 'are". I do believe the Universe is clearly a "Construct" and that some "Force" or "Intellect" was behind its making--and all things in the Universe sprang from that and the Universe or "Multiverse" is stll evolving because that Force or Intellect is still present.

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While we can't measure other than our 4 dimensions we can use the known physics laws of those dimensions to label any violation as something outside those four dimensions.

A Message of Extraterrestrial Origin. We are in possession of this collection of 66 books we call The Bible, written by more than 40 authors over several thousands of years, yet we now discover it is an integrated message from outside our time domain. It repeatedly authenticates this uniqueness by describing history before it happens.

Dr Chuck Missler RIP

The authenticity of the Holy Bible has been attacked at regular intervals by athiests and theologians alike but none have explained away the mathematical seal beneath its surface.

It would seem the divine hand has moved to prevent counterfeiting in the pages of the Bible in a similar manner to the line that runs through paper money. Bible numerics appears to be God's watermark of authenticity.


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Our household didn't take the death jab back then and we won't during another 2.0!

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🤣 got you beat I didn’t take swine flu shot

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I agree but the only thing this gets off is if Trump gets selected to put the pacifier in the controlled opposition base like the last time as the base will be led to comply with medical tyranny they oppose it for now but will get suckered in again.

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Good question--But with 500,000 people Dead from the last jab, Ain't no pacifying again if they try this.

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Latest figures from Ed Dowd are 1M dead in the US, 4M disabled & 30M injured.

Unfortunately, these numbers continue to go up.

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I know. Thats just in the US. I'm absolutely dumbfounded. Nobody is doing a thing about it here. No wonder they want to start a war. These people that pushed this are trying to save thier necks by creating the ultimate diversion.

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And they will increase over next several years.. the cancers are just starting. These are injections of tiny payload release time bombs that go off at different times with different diseases made to look natural. The unnatural natural death

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I think you may be correct. Just heard Professor on talk with John Campbell UK You Tube to say his research and theory is Cancer source is viruses. Stemming over years unless body goes in remission.

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Right however the trump base who I despise as they make excuses for his role in convid the precedents cdc eviction moritorium under his administration to the transportation diaper mandate under bidens cdc lockdowns the emergency order I could go on and on. They will believe anything he says and they’ll be followed to their own slaughter again by being misdirected with gain of function instead of the pcr tests etc etc. Now we know the economy is in the crapper just like pre convid https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_recession#:~:text=2019%20global%20economic%20slowdown,-During%202019%2C%20the&text=The%20IMF%20blamed%20'heightened%20trade,other%20economists%20blamed%20liquidity%20issues. read the section on 2019 slowdown this if it goes full live is the excuse to cover up when the plug is fully pulled

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Last time was overnight repo program launched Sept-November 2019 that was going upside down so the scam was launched. Likely this time it will be launched when Fed lowers rate and yield curve "uninverts" We always 100% have a 35-55% crash once the yield curve normalizes.

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When Trump was president the cabal took the power away ( the who is run by the cabal) when they declared an emergency pandemic. Trump took that power away from the world health organization. Jit biden gave it back to them as soon as it got in.

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stick it in there ass

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I did not comply the first time, I am certain that this trend will continue.

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"Bird Flu" aka "Election variant v.2" Hopefully will not lead people to "Vax v.2" aka "Culling the human herd v.2".. Please don't fall for it! Thank you Greg! God Bless

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If you’re stupid enough to get it, go ahead

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that's one 'silver lining', for those stupid enough, they will suffer the conclusion.

that will leave MORE OF US, in the surviving population. (I wonder if the elites

thought of that??)

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Hell bent on killing more people. Look at all the dummies that jabbed up and now screwed up until they die.

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I'll KEEP SAYING IT.........


This IS the one thing that I'd learned, during the fake PLANNEDemic. I KNEW that the whole...."The SKY IS FALLING!.....THE SKY IS FALLING......DEADLY VIRUS!", was all BULLSHIT, from Day 1. 'Their' PsyOps are really easy to spot.

Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and many other REAL Doctors, will educate people on the 'NO SUCH THING as 'VIRUSES' thing'.

I didn't play along last time, and I surely won't this time, either!!

THERE IS NO 'BIRD FLU'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Correct. It's only hearsay until you see a virus.

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The only shot I want is Vodka

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Amen bother - Grey Goose rocks or up🤩

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Rocks … screwdrivers work for me cos it’s healthy

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Have a drink on me AC/DC

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Ur on it I’ll take a shot o’ the goose

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😂Two shots or one big martini- 🍸- refreshing- A toast to Greg 💪

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I’m in California btw .. hiding in the redwoods

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Greg has drag racing as a vent looks like a few of us like a cocktail …

I like Stella Artois or any kinda brew as a back up

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Tiquila--3 Shots please and 3 more for the Booster :-D

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Vodka, Tequila, Whiskey,, wtf M8 anything that gets us thru this fiasco

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based on the comments here, looks like ALL have been RED PILLED!! yeah. :-)

Not me, never, no way. I WILL NOT COMPLY!!

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I never got the first propaganda lie Vax and I won't get this one! Yes 5% of the people that had cvid died from it but the others died from other reasons and even the vax!! The ones that really died from cvid were MURDERED PERIOD!

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The kill shot has just been RE-BRANDED!


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don't take ANY SHOT, al of them will KILL. all is a farce. Big Pharma is out to kill us all (or enslave those who survive).

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Only the dummies at this point.

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Here's my version of Bird Flu:

[[ 🖕 ]]

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hi folks be aware theres a petition at citizengo.org..your last chance to stop the uns pandemic treaty-the 3 million petition..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely from any country in the world including yours..if you do sign it? be sure to reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same the idea is to get it continualy signed and reshared widely worldwide.. all platforms and alternative outlets can be used but be very wary of GESTAPO BOOK....it currently has over 2,218000 signatures and YOU can help to get it many more.....for much more info on the treaty check out both the steve kirsch substack/the james roguski substack

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I'd sign it but I'm not a slave citizen/district of columbia slave.

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Will congress be exempt again…lol.

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