Its sad how many brainwashed trump cultists there are with no critical thinking skills or any sense of rationalization. They just blindly follow him.

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We all know once Biden is in, cap gains tax gonna skyrocket. I just want low taxes lol. And my guns. I voted libertarian.

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Short-sighted self-serving view. There's more to being and American than taxes and guns. But you do you.

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I will thanks!

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classic old boomer lmfaoo, cant wait till your shit generation dies off. Took America from the greatest countries to one of the worst in one generation. fuck you, low iq, old, self serving boomer.

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Lol! I am 34. I just read Tom woods, Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, Larry elder, Murray Rothbard, Burton Folsom, Peter Schiff, Greg’s work, and others to understand that freedom is paramount and neither party provides it and your hate derogates the substance of this thread. Hate will provide no path forward.

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"MUH FREEDOM" lmfaoo such a cringe shitlib boomer. your a cringe libertarian, that doesn't work, sorry old man. time for you to step aside.

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Lol, what do you know about me? You're just scared to death that your world is changing, and you don't have the wherewithal to adapt and succeed in it. So instead you cling to what you wish was, and try to take the world back to "the good old days" with instead of adapting to the current circumstances and the inevitable future. "Self-serving boomer", lol... I've paid enough into the system to support you for a couple of generstions already. Try using more meaningful words and phrases to communicate instead of relying on your tires old memes. Better yet, just adapt and succeed.

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Lol, what do you know about me? You're just scared to death that your world is changing, and you don't have the wherewithal to adapt and succeed in it. So instead you cling to what you wish was, and try to take the world back to "the good old days" with instead of adapting to the current circumstances and the inevitable future. "Self-serving boomer", lol... I've paid enough into the system to support you for a couple of generstions already. Try using more meaningful words and phrases to communicate instead of relying on your tires old memes. Better yet, just adapt and succeed.

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what the fuck are you talking about retard? i never got a chance to see the "good ol days" because you retarded boomers ruined the country I grew up in? are you like 80 IQ or something??? holy shit your dumb.

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https://twitter.com/NationalistTV/status/1324794647525416968 so true Kevin, not like there is mass amounts of dead people voting for Biden, your so smart Kevin, groundbreaking stuff here Kev, keep it up.

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The sooner we all realize that it's not about "Biden or "Trump" Its about "Divided We Fall", and the world elites are doing a damn good job at dividing us. So stop the name calling and bashing one another and realize what they are doing to us, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, and the WHOLE WORLD IS LOCKED DOWN LIKE EUROPE.

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Project Veritas

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Brainwashed Trump cultists? 70,000000 million people voted for trump. Including the largest percentage of minorities since 1960! I'd say you just insulted a lot of African Americans and Hispanics Keven. If we played by the rules the left wants to implement, you would be shamed down the septic tank of cancel culture. I myself believe in the first amendment, welcome free speech, including sophomoric statements such as yours. Seems to me you're the blind one Kevin.

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Where did I say all of them were? Don’t put words in my mouth, I just said there’s a lot of them, and I’m not wrong. And what makes you think I’m part of the left? Anyone that criticizes trump or his supporters is left according to them. The blind calling me blind lol

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So please clearly Kevin, was it 10, 20 30 or perhaps 50 million cultists? Your quote sure sounds like a blanket statement to me. BTW, you're the one who put a label on Trump voters in the first place. Anyone resorting to personal insults is the first sign they have lost the argument.

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“Seems to me like you’re the blind one Kevin” then says anyone resorting to personal insults lost the argument. The hypocrisy is hilarious. Did I hurt your feelings by labeling trump voters for exactly what they are? Get over it man your dear leader lost

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Wow Kevin, calling someone blind to truth is an insult?

So, you never did answer my question on how many Kevin.

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And calling someone brainwashed is an insult? It is what it is man don’t be so hurt about it. What kind of ridiculous question is that? Why would you expect me to know how many there are? Let me guess if I can’t say the exact amount that means there aren’t any and I was wrong, right? Hahaha you prob think you’re a genius

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not true...you are just making assumptions

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Do you think there is no brainwashed people on another side ? ...

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Greg is basically a conspiracy theorist in the eyes of the mainstream. How in tf are you surprised these folks are here? It's sad that people like you describe exist, sure. But they exist on every side of the political spectrum and all facets in life. Greg started talking about it, so they felt like it was okay to being it up. Normally they dont, because it's not on subject. Just like people dont bring up their religious beliefs.

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Apparently all these Breitbart, FOX News, QANON wackos think that if they post it in here on your website, Gregory, that they are somehow "doing something about it." But all they're doing is regurgitating fake news. There are more productive things to do with one's time.

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They are NOT LIONS

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Greg is the one who brought it up. Wtf are you talking about? Greg also could totally be considered very much in like and kind with these folks. That's why they are here. He is counter to main stream. He is constantly going off about how the big bad bankers and tptb are ripping off the american people. Do you know how many people would call Greg fake news as well?

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https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1324747799641100288?s=20 what is fake news about this story?

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"FLAT EARTH, FLAT EARTH!!!" No where is it stated that any of these dead people submitted a vote, only that their name 'might' be on a voter list. Giuliani is also not a source of reliable information. Your 'facts' are laughably limp.

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I didnt use Giuliani as a source, i used his tweet to an article as a source, the article was the source you brain dead m0ron.

https://t.co/ZSGy1iSmyo another error found in MI, wow it was an error for Biden, imagine my shock !!!!!!!!

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You appear to be replying to a typical non reader. By 'typical' I mean 'chooses to be'.

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thank you, Greg. There is no VOTER FRAUD> there is only COUNTING THE VOTES. this is beyond ridiculous sore loser BS. It has to stop. America has robust voting protection and security. The right has become a buffoonery of conspiracy theorists.

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Couldn't have said it better. There are a lot of things to be suspicious of in this world but this vote is completely scrutinized. Is it 100% perfect, probably not but to organize a 'theft' in 4 or more states many with Republican administrations??? Beyond dumb.

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Confirmed. The ballots contained a blockchain encryption watermark. Sorry Greg but its true. The story is leaking out as of yesterday on alt media and the msm has not reported on it of course as of today. Oh but they will be shortly.

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I hope you are right.

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Dept of Cyber Command Cyberwar and NSA launched this plan as early as 2018. Trump knew the whole time. He left them dig their own hole.

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Please let this be true.

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You are funny GM, first you are talking about FED fraud but you do deny that voting FRAUD could exist ? And asking people to go and TRUST those deep swamp creatures in CIA and FBI... wow... just wow...

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This!!! I mean c'mon man(lol). You tell us how we should be critical of mainstream narratives, even bringing in the pandemic into your cross hairs, but when it is something you have a personal opinion against, something doesn't compute with you.

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you mean PLANdemic ? )

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Yes, actually. Thank you for the correction.

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im just here to make money

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lol local authorities? they are democrats. FBI? must be forgetting the scandal. maybe DOJ? its all a joke. People have been reporting, however I do not believe it will do any good. It's going to court in every disputed state and then supreme court. This isn't up to "peasants" to decide. You very well know this.

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So somehow trump got through in 2016 but didn't in 2020? What are you on

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@Roman Sass Somehow you missed it that the Left has been extremely butthurt ever since Trump's win in 2016 and has been doing everything it can to thwart him at every turn. Massive vote fraud by the Left to prevent Trump from winning this election is no surprise. They were determined to stop Trump this time by any means possible, legal or not.

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yes? they didn't think they needed to cheat as much in 2016 and they were caught red-handed, in 2020 they were prepared. Google and FB said they wouldn't let Trump get reelected. And in 2016 Trump has no problem allowing recounts etc. ??

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Project Veritas

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hold up lib, Didn't Russians install Trump in power in 2016 according to lib logic? remember, you were crying that election was stole? so, now in 2020 no election fraud is possible? where is your logic? what are YOU on?

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Homie I live in Australia don't call me a lib lmao. I found it funny that trump won 2016 and he won fair and square, just like Biden. So there's my logic, both of them won fairly

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but its not "fair and square" there was mass amounts of voter fraud. you live in Australia lol, your country is cucked and gave up their guns and now lockdown, how'd that workout for you guys? lmfao loser.

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Trump supporter vocabulary: lib, cuck, MAGA, prob a few other words but thats about it.

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"I know all the words"

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where did I say any of those words?

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Well we don't have 100,000 Covid cases per day, we have 0. Our children don't die in schools so that's pretty good too.

And you can actually still have guns, a lot of rural people still do.

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And some people are convinced the earth is flat. Just because you 'believe' something doesn't make it real. If you have one shred of real evidence then show it. Otherwise stop with the flat earth conspiracy.

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How is Victoria concentration camps doing ? Oh wait you forgot you rental weapon on the range ...

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Off topic, did you watch the 60 minutes “operation Atlantis?” Hit piece on Peter Schiff. What’s going on over there?

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Mainly the older generation watches 60 minutes so I can't comment. Probably some personal grudge Murdoch has against gold

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i aint yo homie bruh

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So no countering my arguments? Aren't you a conservative with superior logical capabilities? Surely my beta liberal mind will shatter at your next comment.

Or maybe you failed to classify me and now don't have any talking points to fall back on like socialist or communist.

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what do you want me to counter? The fact that I see blatant cheating? Your argument: "I found it funny that trump won 2016 and he won fair and square, just like Biden. So there's my logic, both of them won fairly"

There was a recount of all LEGAL ballots in 2016. Trump won fair and square. and for 4 years, even after a show of investigation and the proof that there was no "collusion" its still pushed as a "stolen" election. It was proven that there was absolutely no fraud in 2016. It was accepted by the conclusion of the investigation. FACT. whether you like it or not.

This election in 2020 we are dealing with ballots counted pass the date timeline, in multiple states with no signatures and postmarks required. There are ballots that are still showing up days later. Media treats this as if Bidet won "fair and square". He did not and this is going to court.

Before you open your mouth asking for a response, make sure you lay down actual arguments in your thesis that I can address. Oh, and I don't need to "classify" you, I couldn't care less of what and who you are, "homie".

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little baby crying awww

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*mass voter fraud** "aww the baby is crying that the election was rigged" what is wrong with you mk ultra victims lmao

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shut up play the game and make some money. if you're so woke are you complaining on a newsletter

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what game? the game where they rig an election and than remove the 1a 2a and open the borders for 3rd wordless? While my community continue to gets destroyed by globalism and opioids? that game??? stfu coastie. your cringe.

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your also a joke

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Project Veritas

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your are joke

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The republicans are going to treat Biden as horribly as they did Trump just wait.

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Even fox is owned by Disney. Draw your conclusions. Conservatives are in losing position every time as far as propaganda

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republicans don’t control the media. It won’t be as brutal as they treated Trump, no way. However, if bidet does pull off I personally will blame every democrat for it which will translate into verbal ridicule while the law is still enforced

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Wait, but Hump said it so it must be true!

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Aciladith12 min









"Between 3:30-4:30AM, they “ found” 140,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin.

Between 3:30-5:00AM, they “ found” 200,000 mail in ballots for Biden in Michigan.

Between 2:00-4:00AM, they “ found” 1,000,000 mail in ballots in Pennsylvania.

All for Biden. None for Trump." -@NickAdamsinUS (tweet suspended by twitter so i cant link)


https://t.co/ZSGy1iSmyo another error found in MI, wow it was an error for Biden, imagine my shock !!!!!!!!

the J**ish MSM told me it cant be true, so that means its not true durr durr durr. i don't know anything, i just listen to the man on the TV. m0r0n.

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Its obvious and statistically impossible for a candidate to get 150k votes over night and not a singe one for his opponent... Are you blind?

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dude, thats not how it works. they uploaded the votes after having counted them but they uploaded in batches. also, the early vote in PA is 70-80 percent for BIden. it is not rocket science. get out of the bubble. we didnt complain when Trump won by a few thousand votes in 3 states. Hillary conceded.

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They cried Russia collusion for years what you mean

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In my opinion (theorizing here), the "scamdemic" is serving multiple purposes as it was "cooked up" by the same globalists. They have been able to halt the money velocity, destroy the middle class / small business, increase the debt, "steal" commercial and other real property from landlords whose tenants aren't paying, pump up the vaccine industrial complex....etc., etc. So why is it out of the realm of possibility that another objective was to flood this election with mail in ballots and chaos?

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Well said! Glad to see another on here who has good critical thinking skills! Kindest regards!

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A true conservative would not be unhappy about Trump losing the election. Trump's brand of conservatism is a disgrace to the Republican Party.

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thanks for pointing this out. I pray we may have true conservatism back again. America needs a conservative party, not a trump cult

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A true conservative does not support Sodomy and Israel like Trump does.

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>Nice last name BURGH, now tell us why you think that MR BURGH lmfao. oi vey! shut it down !! oi vey !!!

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Rrrrright. Trump's conservatism is much worse than the Biden/Harris conservatism we're about to enjoy. We need more Jeb Bush/Romney "conservatives" who can lose more elections but avoid being a "disgrace."

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Oh boy, Greg surely triggered most of you. Most of the comments here come from stupid people that are drugged on politics, when it doesnt matter at all.

Go ahead, leave your wives, ignore your parents and stop talking with your best friends because they hold different opinion about something irrelevant. geez, fucking retards.

They say that the government is always what the people deserve, and you surely deserve a criminal syndicate ahead of it, most of you are not better, cant see think outside your small political box.

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Latter, when it happens to your money, you may get laughed at in a very condescending manner, enjoy it.

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My favorite conspiracy theory is millions of voted cast by illigals. If ur illigally living here the last thing you want to do is vote and get caught. If hundreds of millions of legal Americans arnt voting every year u really think millions of illigals are gonna risk their lives and family for one almost worthless vote

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>Ammar Ali, nice. lol, you prove this country has become a joke.

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With all due respect, because I really respect you Greg, you don’t need proof to start an investigation. You only need suspicion. Proof is usually determined during the investigation. If evidence is found to exist then charges follow. That’s generally how it works. Often times you only need a a complaint to start. I’m retired law enforcement which I why I know this.

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Retired? Then stand aside since you hung up your badge. Innocent until proven guilty, or are you one of those 'special' people who have that gut feeling tell them what the truth is. Lame.

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First of all only a person is innocent until proven guilty. The subject was voter fraud so voter fraud cannot be innocent until proven guilty. Secondly, evidence doesn’t determine if you are guilty, a jury does. I don’t mind explaining these things to you. You seem to need the help. Stay positive!

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I think you may have met someone with arrested development.

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Fraud only matter in tight races inherently. This was the closest race since 2000 and the reaction is similar. Btw they just threw out 6000 votes in Oakland County, MI because of a "glitch" Sure maybe that was unintentional,but how many of those glitches go unnoticed? Voting process should be more transparent. There were poll watchers in Pittsburgh that were straight up lied to. They were told that they were done counting for the night, yet the counting continued early into the morning. Trump and America has been through years of allegations of the Russians influencing our election. Millions and millions spent on that, why can't we verify nothing fishy went on within our borders? I'm not even a Trump fan. How could I be? I just liked that he didnt get us into another war. That was a pretty respectable policy imo.

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Hahahahahahahaaaa! I love trump tears.

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