When will people wake up, this movie was ahead of its time. Voting will not change anything. This has to happen!!

“Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government...”

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Sorry, but a new government will do nothing, as corporate owners, including global bankers are centrally networked and far more powerful than any individual government. In fact, "the Cabal," as Winston Churchill labeled them, own and control all governments (including the militaries), major media, agencies, NGOs, and, even, most educational systems, today -- worldwide.

Therefore, as the U.S. founding fathers, including John Adams, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson, et. al., knew and wrote about: Until people themselves, individually, are moral, empathetic, generous, forgiving, not divisive, compassionate toward others equally to themselves and their own families, and continue to try to develop ethical wisdom in thought and actions, no government can work well for any people for long.

The core, networked, powerful, Cabal, quite apparently, will continue to act against humanity -- with evil intent, and they will have their way in this world, conquering and killing all life forms (for whatever rationalizations they make to themselves), unless every individual acts within their own better selves, in free will -- for others.

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Today's Cabal has the initials WEF.

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You really do know, don't you, that the people, who are cultivated and appear, at the World Economic Forum's conferences are the minions, and not part of the innermost rings of the circle of world power. The innermost rings are composed of the networked Cabal, who have owned the world, for generations, and pass their untaxed, unearned, untold, riches, down to their offspring to continue their "Great Work" -- of conquering the world, and cosmos, with total and complete control -- eliminating all competition and much else, arguably, all that's good will be gone...

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George Soros is a great example. Alexander Soros will continue the crimes of the Open Society. Along with Bill Gates and the other Davos Boys like Newsom and Trudeau. www.maloneinstitute.org

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Actually, Soros and Gates are not part of the inner rings either, but, are very privileged working minions for those who are part of the rings. Soros and Gates are mere billionaires, not the, beyond counting, super trillionaires, who have all the valuable jewels, resources, land, ownership, etc., passed down for generations -- without tax or publication. However, both Soros and Gates have accepted the challenge, and, apparently, relish their present, privileged, roles in bringing about "the Great Work."

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Well there is not enough govt people to make us go to work to run transportation and whatever else they need. Got to start somewhere. They bank on us not to do it

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Agree most people are so morally bankrupt and dependent on the system , many couldn't truly live in liberation / freedom as the founders intended .

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My response had nothing at all to do with people "dependent on the system," since everyone, in reality, is dependent, visibly or not, from birth. However, no government or corporation can be uncorrupt unless their leaders, and the majority of the people in society, are moral, compassionate, empathetic, generous, and caring for others -- even more than themselves and their own families. All governments, corporations, agencies, communities, and NGOs -- and even families will fail, if there are a majority of sociopaths/psychopaths/immoral people, living selfishly and uncaringly, divisily, and materialistically, among other vulnerable human beings.

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Government is for those who cannot govern themselves...

...which unfortunately is the multitude...

... but it is because the knowledge to do so was stolen from them

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excellent timing

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Too bad the brainwashing has been successful since Network aired. Would be interesting to see if in a city like NY or Chicago people would yell out their windows I'm mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. The scamdemic unfortunately proved the vast majority are morons.

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They knew they had it in the bag when 90% of the public cowered in fear and put the diapers on

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I prefer to call them uniformed and unquestioning

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Now show the Chinese howling from their apartment building in China during their lockdowns, doors welded shut.

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Does he live in Vegas Greg?? Hmmmm I wonder?

All that was missing was a duh..Duh..DUHHHHHH !!

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germanDAX : very soon Buying Opportunity @ 12,800 !

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The Time is NOW!

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(Maybe) one more littel low, than UP.

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🥰👍👆 its a perfect cry call

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How appropriate. More people need to take a look at this clip. It aptly describe what is happening today. Thank you, Greg, for the timely video clip from Network.

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Great movie was on Turner Classic Movies two weeks ago!

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Spot on! I am in my backyard grilling yelling right along!

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Felt that way nonstop since 2001.

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Exactly Right!!

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Perfect! Amen, Amen, Amen.

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That was great to see again. Thanks.

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