The Banks, the Central Banks, the CIA, the military industrial complex, the biological weapons industrial complex, the UN, NATO, WHO, WEF are all the same. Parasitic elites feeding on the blood of the poor.

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And what group controls them all?

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i do not know what kenites are but will research it--my thinking it is the joos,always the damn joos--ok close enough --old hebrew tribe in Israhell---there will be massive payback when 20,000 missiles hit Israhell soon---but doubt the rest of the kenites will care just like moses did not when he turned his army on his own people killing 6,000 while trashing the ten commandments to the ground which one of them said do not kill--moses was a kenite,burning in hell as we speak

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Moses was a man of God and not of the kenites. He did not break the tablets out of disagreement with them but out of anger and frustration with the people who rejected them.

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Read The Bible Unearthed. by Israel Finkelstgein, chief archaeologist at Tel Aviv University and read CHRIST in EGYPT. by D.M Murdock.

The story they tell about "Moses" is actually the story about the birth of Sargon the Great. who was placed in a basket and sailed down the River TIGRIS - and his basket came to rest in the reeds at the bottom of the garden of the Palace - and the baby Sargon was rescued and brought up in the Palace and grew up to become Sargon the 1st.

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Yes, indeed, authors (((Silberman))) and (((Finkelstein))) from the very tribe that Jesus addressed in John 8:44.

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if only - then we'd have someone at the helm.

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Amen the real enemy is the central banks. We all are going to be put through the death spiral unless ur in the top 5% you will become richer. The middle class as me will die. I don’t depend on banks iam my own bank backed by mounds of silver and no debt. I hope people understand whats coming and prepare themselves. Thanks Greg love the updates

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Actually the Federal Reserve Bank created in 1913 on Jekyll island by the bankers is and has become the great SATAN which now controls probably the whole damn economy!!! Ed

P.S. They will fail and collapse at some point.

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Bernie Madoff was a walk in the park next to these global criminals.

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It is about time! If we cut off debt, the world moves slower.


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Thanks Greg. TPTB already have a plan to collapse the world monetary system, they are just waiting for a war or terror event to trigger it so that can usher in their final solution to control the world. If they don't have cover, the masses will revolt, so they have to wait until people to beg them to do it with a war triggered financial and food supply chain collapse.

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Actually, it the globalist masters who CONTROL the Central Banks and using the Central Banks AND the brokerage firms such as Blackrock - who are using their total control over money to control the entire world as they believe they have not only a right but DUTY to do according to their religion.

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The government banks attacked us with a bioweapon and poisonous jab cure. People are still dying. And yet, all I see is people who protest the "right" to scrape their uterus, cut off their genitals, and be trans human.

There will be no revolution in America. Obviously, the vast majority of people have been cruelly brainwashed and fed poisons in the food.

This is the result.

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Meanwhile homelessness and poverty increase, life expectancy goes down, and we create millions of people who hate us for killing foreigners in their own countries. Only the warmongers benefit. It is time to concentrate on helping our own citizens instead of fighting foreigners for profits. We need real money, gold and/or Bitcoin, that cannot be created and debased to fight war.

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Americans in general are also addicted to debt as personal debt reaches 19 trillion. Credt card debt surpasses 1 trillion recently.

This personal debt creates slaves to the lender thus Americans cannot mount any sort of non violent “noncompliance” as they have too much to loose.

The mortgage in my humble opinion is the most enslaving of all debt. One can afford to loose their car, boat RV and other luxury items but when it comes to their home, there the line is drawn.

Like our federal government Americans in general live way above their means.

This enslavement strategy began back when we converted to a debt based economy and credit became available to everyone.

Americans fell for the ambush and are now enslaved to the lender thus employers and a tyrannical government who puts pressure on businesses to comply with their “mandates”.

We just have look back at the scamdemic and the amount of employees who had no choice but to comply. Unable to afford the risk of loosing their jobs and income they had no choice but to take the jab.

Meanwhile spending goes on unabated both from our federal government and our citizens. A train wreck right around the corner.

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I agree with you 100%. Americans have been fat, dumb and happy for far too long.

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Yes! Americans have been fat, dumb and happy for far too long, and lazy and brainwashed...

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"the amount of employees who had no choice but to comply. Unable to afford the risk of loosing their jobs and income they had no choice but to take the jab."

BS. They chose to kneel instead of stand. Now, they are dying.

We all had to make the choice to lose it all or get the jab. We chose to stand. We survived without them and their jab. Fuck you DJT and your warp speed death shot.

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Americans cannot mount any sort of violent noncompliance, either, at least not on a massive scale, and that's the only kind that will do any good. Just look at Europe where there have been massive peaceful protests, esp. by farmers. Nothing has changed. The cabal keeps right on advancing its evil agenda. Anything short of all out war "für blut und boden" will prove to be ineffective.

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Thanks, Greg. Great article but it brings me sadness.

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Me took Profit in Gold / + 204 %

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The real world war should be the people of the world against the central banks and globalists.

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I rarely talk to anybody about this. People don't want to hear it. Eat drink and be merry.

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Right on, only about 20% will have a conversation in regard to politics and the economy.

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GET PREPARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Greg would you consider making a small pamphlet about options trading how to do it and where to do it

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