When are they going to send in the rest of the circus cast and give us all free snow cones!?... Fucking aye Greg... this is a mess!

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If you don't have honest money, how can you have a normal functioning society with stable prices?

You can't.

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So I go in to the locals’ grocery store last night for a few things, Market Basket if you know it you know it “Mahkit Baskit, Moah fah yah dollah” right. Sure I ain’t been to that store tryin to buy angus tenderloin steak in maybe a month or more since can get more at Costco anyhow but I’m looking at the steaks they’re selling for $20.99/lb. They stopped selling the $26.99/lb steaks since the last time I been there.

Never seen anything like it in my life, had to rifle through all the steak packages to find three that were over .4lb in a sea of .25lb packages. The older guy next to me says “they cut the steaks too thin these days.”

Literally steak portions that cost between $5 and $6 all I could think of is maybe this is what’s selling these days? People ain’t dropping $15-$20 on tenderloin in that store but they’ll drop $5? $5! Like what does that look like on a plate after it’s cooked? 6/8 beans and rice, 1/8 meat and 1/8 expensive produce if people can buy meat and produce? Is this where we are these days. Just didn’t used to see that, but it surely is a sign of the times for real.

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tenderloin steak?? 🤣 are you poor

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🤣 well, they wasn’t selling king 🦀

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US Treasuries are now sub prime.

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Great commentary Greg. I received this analysis today in my email and they echo your sentiments. https://www.vantagepointsoftware.com/blog/bear-market-flashbacks/ Just wanted to share something that echoes your sentiments.

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This video brought to mind a video I saw on the banks that compromise the federal reserve. Leader of Chase bank and who leads them all with none other than: Jaime Diamon. He's truly the head of enemy #1 and the federal reserve in my opinion.

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Everything is a Crisis! Thats what happens when all you do is stare at the tips of your skis, then you ski off the cliff face...

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Great Day people

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Here's what i'd like to know, all this massive borrowing from the FED, make a guess 5 to 20 trillion in off the books, does it show up anywhere. Greg how does it play out, Is it part of the derivatives, if it is then even those have to have climbed into the ionosphere.. we have now have probably hit a quintrillion in derivatives Ha, Ha, ponder this 1,000,000,000,000,000.000. now we're talking the universe numbers. talk about gambling with our wealth the sky's the limit, I mean can we be serious. Go Figure. Ed K

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Fake markets fake metals prices fake representation liars thieves murderers peds trash evil scum Dump central banks and their crap

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Exponential Excrement

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The FICO Psychos continue to warn that i'm not using enough of my available credit! What should i do?

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