Apr 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

If you enjoy poverty, death, and destruction then Congress is doing a fantastic job

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I think you nailed it.

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Did you see the video of them chanting for Ukraine and waving their flag? It’s almost as if they’re trying to throw it in our faces that they don’t work for us and they’ll help anyone before helping Americans

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No protest against these criminals from We the People. Instead, they protest their khunts and cochks of despair.

There will no be revolution for freedom. You can, however, choose the place of your death under this tyrannical government. I'll be on the front porch.

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Do what they did in NZ under Leader Muldoon. They put up a big sign saying, last one to leave, Do not forget to put the lights out. Many off to Australia as did then now, but I not forsee there any better. Not like it once was. Too much following USA rear.

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Apr 21Liked by Gregory Mannarino

with 98 percent diss approval how do these criminals keep getting elected. can you say rigged primaries.

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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

elections have been rigged for decades:

Votescam: The Stealing of America by James M. Collier and Kenneth F. Collier


This book is the culmination of a twenty-five-year investigation into computerized vote fraud in the United States. Journalists James and Kenneth Collier pose the question, “Why can’t we vote the bastards out?” Their answer: “Because we didn’t even vote the bastards in.” Votescam fills in the blanks for anyone who senses that their ballot is worthless, but does not know why. It tracks down, confronts, and calls the names of Establishment thieves who silently steal votes for their own profit. It comes face-to-face with the Supreme Court justice who buried key vote fraud evidence; the most powerful female publisher in America, who refused to permit her newspapers and television stations to expose vote rigging; the Attorney General who jailed Jim Collier to avoid an investigation into vote fraud; and a cast of weak-kneed, corrupt politicians, lawyers, and members of the media entangled in a massive crime, but who have yet to be held accountable. First published in 1992, this groundbreaking exposé has been updated by journalist Victoria Collier, daughter and niece, respectively, of the late James and Kenneth Collier.

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"The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do." - Joseph Stalin

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I used to think there was a difference but today I don’t see the cheating as mattering because both sides lead to the same zionist led destruction of we the people.

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The majority don't participate in primaries, the DNC and RNC spoon feed us their candidates and we eat it up saying the other guy is worse. People need to be active in their local precinct and stop going with the flow.

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Have you ever considered what happens to the word "donors" when you drop the "D" - you get "Oners", or "Owners" if you add a little w. Having functioned within the political arena for over two decades, one of the most telling proofs of this fact was revealed to me at a political fundraising event held at one of the many homes owned by a local, wealthy business owner. A room which once held an Olympic sized swimming pool had been reworked to become a big game trophy room complete with dozens of stuffed big game animals including a 20 foot crocodile, an African elephant and a lion. The owner stood on a flying bridge that overhung the lower level media room constructed in the deep end of the replaced pool and taunted the politicians who he donated large sums of cash to. They barked like hungry puppies at the remarks and happily accepted the promises of campaign contributions. Later in the evening I was able to approach the business owner and comment to him quite frankly that it appeared that HE was in fact the government. He corrected me to say that, "I, am not the government, I am just one of the owners". You understand this, but America needs to wake the F up!

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We haven't had actual elections for a long time. The majority of these people are selected year after year and controlled by money /or blackmail.

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"... if elections made a difference they'd be illegal." [Mark Twain]

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I'm starting to wonder about past election in my state

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My former state of Washington has had mail in voting for decades now. 2004 a Republican won the governors race on the first 2 counts, and then lost a 3rd hand recount.

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When was the last time we had "actual elections"?

Politicians have always been controlled by money or blackmail.

Greed for power is the root of all evil. All paths to it are bloody. Its our blood.

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It is disgusting. There is no representation of the people at all. Borders for other countries but none for America. This must change quick.

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How will you change it?

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Say you can and all is possible. Unite against tyranny is a good start. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

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I talk to many people on a regular basis wherever I go and I have never found anyone that does not come right our and state that our government is a criminal enterprise at every level and that the system is totally broken. There are however many supporters and they are all of the "elected" officials, all of their owners & donors who own them, and pretty much everyone that they have on their payrolls. That is how our corrupt, criminal, sellout government stays in power, they buy their support and there are far too many idiots that have replaced God with money and are so owned as well.

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My only suggestion is to raise the awareness of the public. Admittedly, this is a herculean task yet, in my opinion, it is the only solution. Return to the original intent of the founding fathers.

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"What Are People Saying? Opinion?"

Why does anyone believe the government gives a damn what we think?

Government Dupe - A cruelly brainwashed person who believes tyrannical government is the answer.

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I will never trust them again....

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Who are the 3%? What is wrong with you people?

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We diversified in country and currency 2 decades ago. We already observed and experienced many things we did not agree to but lacked knowledge about the "system" then. However, We still took action and it's paying off. After we read many articles and found Greg's channel in 2021, we realized we did what was best to protect our family's well-being. Thanks to our Guardian Angels!

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They could care less about society

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Let's see... Con-gress supports massive spending, debt, corruption, perpetual wars, lawlessness, a 2 tiered justice system, open border invasion, inflation, etc. Who are they representing?

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This man has already answered that for you. Many times.

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No, across the board

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Not only do they not represent us, they actually resent us.

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congress is a disconnect. they are removed from us.. the middle class.serving themselves in corruption. just look around. we must make some hard decisions in our country's future. we need to sober up. look ourselves in the mirror,quit pointing fingers and start building teamwork, "ask not what your country can do for you...but ask what you can do for your country."

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maybe in 1955

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